
  • 网络checking;Checking Account;CHEQUING ACCOUNT;chequeing account
  1. 例如,一个银行客户有一个支票帐户(checkingaccount)和一个储蓄帐户(savingaccount)。

    For example , a bank customer has a checking account and a savings account .

  2. 我们将使用该算式计算出我们想要从支票帐户取出的超额(overage)的数目。

    We 'll use this calculation to figure out how much extra ( the overage ) we are trying to pull out from checking account .

  3. 你的叔叔从他的TNB银行支票帐户开具100元支票,用来偿还他在第十国家银行的贷款。

    Your uncle repays a $ 100 loan from Tenth National Bank by writing a $ 100 check from his TNB checking account .

  4. 但是不要把钱存入支票帐户;

    But don 't leave the cash in your checking account ;

  5. 银行报告银行通常维护所有支票帐户交易纪录。

    Bank StatementBanks usually maintain a record of all checking account transactions .

  6. 支票帐户能付帐。

    A checking account can help to pay my bill .

  7. 开个支票帐户最低存款要求是多少?

    What 's the minimun deposit for a checking account ?

  8. 这使用户可以访问支票帐户信息。

    This allows users to access checking account information .

  9. 我需开个支票帐户,这样就能付帐。

    I need a checking account so that I can pay my bill .

  10. 往来帐户或支票帐户就是为了经常和频繁的存款和取款而设的。

    Current , or checking , accounts are designed for regular and frequent transactions .

  11. 支票帐户(或银行货币)

    Checking account ( or bank money )

  12. 对了,还注销了他所有的支票帐户。

    Closed his checking account , yeah .

  13. 我想我需要开一个支票帐户,这样我可以付账。

    I thought I need a checking account so that I can pay my bill .

  14. 我需要开一个支票帐户。

    I need a checking account .

  15. 在我们的例子中,不允许有人拥有的支票帐户余额为负数。

    In our case , we do not allow someone to have a negative checking account balance .

  16. 你知道吗,开支票帐户银行会收取费用。

    Did you know that your bank charges you a fee just to have a checking account ?

  17. 除了支票帐户以外,我们还有按月计息和按日计息的户头。

    Besides the checking account , we have a monthly savings account and a daily interest account .

  18. 在这张表中,我们将存入客户的支票帐户和储蓄帐户的余额等信息。

    In it , we 'll house information about a customer 's checking account and savings account balances .

  19. 职员:那么您还是开立一个支票帐户的好。

    Clerk : So , it will be a good idea for you to open a checking account .

  20. 你如果在我行开立支票帐户,就可以用支票转钱。

    If you open a demand account with our bank , you may transfer funds by issuing a check .

  21. 用户可以申请多个银行帐户,可以选择是支票帐户类型或者是储蓄帐户类型。

    The user can apply for multiple bank accounts , choosing from either a checking or savings account type .

  22. 我想知道开一个支票帐户200元存款是否够。

    I 'd like to know whether a 200 yuan deposit will be enough for opening a checking account .

  23. 我们的业务规则是支票帐户的余额必须低于0才能激活该触发器。

    Our business rule states that a checking balance must fall below zero for the trigger to be invoked .

  24. 这样,联邦储备系统就要增加美国财政部在联邦储备银行的支票帐户上的存款数。

    In return , the Federal Reserve may increase the Treasury 's checking account at a Federal Reserve Bank .

  25. 但是,我们一般称个人帐户为个人支票帐户,这仅仅是帐户名称不同而已。

    But we normally call individual accounts personal checking accounts . That 's just a different name for them .

  26. 您应该注意到,存户的支票帐户余额在银行的纪录是责任。

    You should note that a depositor 's checking account balance in the bank 's records is a liability .

  27. 银行对支票帐户支付的利息极低,或根本不付利息,因此,支票余额和货币相似。

    Banks usually pay little or no interest on checking accounts , and so check balances are similar to currency .

  28. 但这笔钱借给通常是作为一笔,而不是作为预付款,通过不断收费一卡或支票帐户。

    But the money lent is usually given as a lump sum , not as advances through continuous charges to a card or checking account .

  29. 具体的说,不管是储蓄帐户还是支票帐户,联邦储蓄保险公司为每一银行每一存款人普通账户最高保险额为十万美元。

    The federal government created the FDIC , the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation , in1933 to backstop banks and prevent Americans from losing their money .

  30. 原子性使得这两个操作从储蓄帐户减钱和向支票帐户加钱被当作单个事务进行处理。

    Atomicity enables the two operations the subtraction from the savings account and the addition to the checking account to be treated as a single transaction .