
zhī zú
  • subfamily
  1. 北方的十个支族拥立了他们自己的国王叫做耶罗波安王。

    The other Ten tribes rebelled and got themselves another king .

  2. 他们家族的一个支族进入了商界。

    One branch of their family went into business .

  3. 汉语支瑶族的分布及族源初探

    An initial exploration of the distribution and origin of the chinese-branch Yao nationality

  4. 禄劝彝族家支的族称是区别彝族血缘关系的称谓,他由原始社会演变而来。

    The name of Luquan Yi clan is an appellation to distinguish the blood relationship of Yi nationality .

  5. 希特勒希望这些聪明的生物能够学习跟党卫军首领交流——他甚至建立了一支犬族学校去专门教它们说话。

    Hitler hoped the clever creatures would learn to communicate with their SS masters - and he even had a special dog school set up to teach them to talk .

  6. 一九四○年,英国皇家空军是一支多国族军队,有捷克人、波兰人、美国人等和英国飞行员合力,可惜一般民众并不知道。

    In1940 the RAF was a multinational unit , with Czechs , Poles and Americans adding their skills to the British flyers . Unfortunately , the general public was unaware of this .