
  • 网络knesset
  1. 布什总统将于星期四在以色列议会发表讲话,然后参加为庆祝以色列建国60周年举行的招待会。

    Thursday , the president addresses the Israeli Knesset , followed by a reception in honor of Israel's60-year anniversary .

  2. 以色列议会否决了针对由奥尔默热特总理领导的联合政府的三项不信任案。信任[不信任]

    The Israeli Knesset has rejected three non-confidence motions against the coalition government led by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert .

  3. RabbiEliezerWaldman曾是以色列议会成员,也是KiryatArba定居点的早期居民之一。

    Rabbi Eliezer Waldman is a former member of the Israeli parliament and one of Kiryat Arba 's earliest residents .

  4. 佩雷斯在以色列议会开始冬季会期时发表讲话。

    Peres spoke at the opening of the winter session of the Knesset , Israel 's parliament .

  5. 以色列议会曾出台过一份使犹太人更易前往该圣地的法案。

    There was also a bill in the Israeli parliament that sought to give Jews more access .

  6. 沙龙躺在包裹国旗的棺材中最后一次进入以色列议会。

    In a flag-draped casket Ariel Sharon enters the Israeli Knesset , the parliament for the very last time .

  7. 以色列议会投票决定罢免本雅明·内塔尼亚胡,此前内塔尼亚胡担任以色列总理的时间达到创记录的12年。

    The Israeli Parliament has voted to oust Benjamin Netanyahu after a record 12-year rule as the country 's prime minister .

  8. 以色列议会唯一的贝都因人塔勒布·奥萨那警告如果计划者坚持,就可能面对贝都因人的起义。

    The sole Bedou in Israel 's parliament , Taleb al-Sana , warns of a Bedouin intifada if the planners persist .

  9. 研究人员调查了当地三家新闻台对以色列议会所有成员的报道情况。

    The researchers surveyed how much TV news coverage was given to every member of the Israeli Knesset on three local channels .

  10. 以色列议会批准了由总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡及其前竞争对手本尼·甘茨领导的联合政府。

    Israel 's parliament has approved a new unity government led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former rival Benny Gantz .

  11. 停火协议达成后,沙龙退役,转向政坛,1977年在以色列议会中赢得了一个席位。

    Mr. Sharon retired after a cease-fire was negotiated , and turned to politics , winning a seat in the Knesset in 1977 .

  12. 3月12日,以色列议会决定逐步废除极端正统派犹太男子的免服兵役特权。

    Am 12 . M ä rz beschlie ß t das israelische Parlament die schrittweise Einf ü hrung der Wehrpflicht f ü r ultraorthodoxe M ä nner .

  13. 一旦以色列议会正式批准竞选计划,选举可能会定在2009年初举行,比计划提前1年多。

    Once the Knesset formally approves plans for the poll , the election will likely be scheduled for early 2009 - more than a year ahead of schedule .

  14. 当地媒体周日报道,沙龙的遗体将被安放在以色列议会大厦,以供民众凭吊。

    Local media reported on Sunday that his casket will be stationed in the Knesset ( parliament ) in order to allow the public to pay their last respect .

  15. 布什总统在以色列议会强烈反对与被认为是美国敌人的外国领导人和激进份子举行谈判。

    Speaking to Israel 's parliament Thursday , President Bush strongly rejected the idea of negotiating with foreign leaders or radicals that are considered enemies of the United States .

  16. 在以色列议会的17次委员会中,此次议会的后排议员寥寥可数,根本无法在票数上取得优势,因为太多的联合政府成员身居部长或副部长要职。

    With so many coalition members serving as ministers and deputy ministers , there will be too few backbenchers to give the government majorities in all of the Knesset's17 committees .

  17. 他在以色列议会启动竞选,他保证未来与巴勒斯坦人的任何协定不会包括交出西岸和戈兰高地的部分地区。

    He launched his campaign at the Knesset , promising that any future agreement with the Palestinians will not include handing over parts of the West Bank and the Golan Heights .

  18. 2009年以色列面临议会选举,即便是最温和的政治家,至今也不愿满足巴勒斯坦人在边境和东耶路撒冷等问题上提出最低要求。

    Israel is facing an election this year and even its most dovish politicians have been reluctant to pay the minimum price the Palestinians require , on borders and Arab East Jerusalem .

  19. 周一,以色列开始举行议会选举,这是该国一年内举行的第三次大选。中央选举委员会表示,将近650万以色列公民有投票资格。

    Israelis began casting ballots on Monday in parliamentary elections for the third time in less than a year .

  20. 以色列国防部长巴拉克星期一在以色列议会的特别会议上说,以色列正在和哈马斯开展全面的战争。

    Speaking before a special session of the Israeli parliament Monday , Defense Minister Ehud Barak said Israel faces an " all-out war " against Hamas .