
tū jī duì
  • commando units;shock brigade
突击队 [tū jī duì]
  • (1) [assault force;shock brigade;commands;snatch squad]∶指担任突击任务的部队,亦指防御时担任反击任务的部队

  • (2) [a rush job brigade]∶临时组成的突击完成某任务的劳动队伍

  1. 青年们组成了突击队。

    The young people formed themselves into a shock brigade .

  2. 我怎样才能成为突击队队员?

    How can I go on the shock brigade ?

  3. 在突击队的突袭行动中,人质获释。

    The hostages were freed in the commando raid .

  4. “第三突击队已到这里,长官。”——“很好。”

    ' Strike Force Three are here , sir . ' — ' Good . '

  5. 拉米雷斯上尉率领的突击队从他们的右翼开火。

    The assault element , led by Captain Ramirez , opened up from their right flank .

  6. 海豹突击队狐狸五队X特遣队

    SEAL . Team Six ? Fox Force Five ? Suicide Squad ?

  7. 玩家控制达尔文,G力组长,监察突击队央求家蝇。

    Players control Darwin , the G-Force team leader , and housefly surveillance commando Mooch .

  8. 他们将加入突击队。ChristianContos军士将领导新的团队。

    Sgt. Christian Contos will lead the new squad .

  9. 遭袭后,印度政府承诺每座大城市都将配备一个突击队目前只有一支中央部队:国家安全集团(nationalsecuritygroup)。

    After the attacks , the government promised a commando unit for every major city presently there is only one centralised force , the national security group .

  10. 海豹突击队vs三角洲军团:谁更强

    Title : Navy SEALs vs. Delta Force : Who 's Really Tougher ?

  11. 在孟买,市民们观看了孟买警察突击队,快速反应小组,国家预备役警察力量和该市精英部队ForceOne展示了新的武器和海上巡逻装备。

    Back in Mumbai , citizens watched as Mumbai 's Police Commandos , Quick Response Team ( QRT ) , State Reserve Police Force ( SRPF ) and the city 's elite-unit Force One showcased new weaponry and sea-patrol vehicles .

  12. 美国海军海豹突击队,简称海豹突击队(NavySeals),其中Seals是“Sea、Air、Land”即“海、空、陆”的简称,是美国海军最主要的一支特种部队。

    The United States Navy SEa , Air and Land ( SEAL ) Teams , commonly known as Navy SEALs , are the U.S.Navy 's principal special operations force .

  13. 据美国官员称,海军海豹突击队从现场获取了文件、DVD和硬盘。

    According to US officials , the Navy SEALs Team took papers , DVDs and hard drives away from the scene .

  14. 如果是吉米卡特(jimmycarter)尝试这种高难度动作,海豹突击队很有可能打偏了海盗,射死了菲利普。

    If Jimmy Carter had tried a stunt like that , the seals would have hit Capt Phillips and missed the pirates .

  15. 当以色列人后撤重新集结时,叙利亚突击队发动了攻击,用RPG弹幕吞没了以色列纵队。

    As the Israelis pulled back to re-group the Syrian commandos attacked , engulfing the column in a barrage of RPGs .

  16. 2.deactivatevt.失活,使无效,使不活动突击队将会降落在月球上并,把防护罩摧毁掉。

    A strike team will land on the moon and deactivate the shield generator .

  17. 自从奥萨马•本•拉登被击毙以来,全世界对海豹突击队(NavySEALs)的兴趣与日俱增。我承认,我自己对他们也非常着迷。

    There has been a surge in interest with the world of the Navy SEALs since the Osama bin Laden action , and I confess to being caught up in it myself .

  18. 所以,中情局长告诉海豹突击队(NavySeals),“去到那里,抓住本•拉登。如果他不在,则立即撤退。”

    So the CIA chief told the Navy Seal team " Go in there , get Bin Laden , and if Bin Laden isn 't there , get the hell out . "

  19. 她是在与英国外交大臣戴维·米利班德(DavidMiliband)会晤后发表上述讲话的。此前,巴基斯坦陆军突击队经过一场惊心动魄的拂晓前突袭,已重新获得了该基地的控制权。

    Her comments , after a meeting with UK foreign secretary David Miliband , came as army commandoes regained control of the base in a dramatic pre-dawn raid .

  20. 从海豹突击队退役后,布兰登先后加入了哈佛商学院(HBS)和麦肯锡咨询公司(McKinsey),之后与他人共同创办了自己的对冲基金,丰富的阅历让他的观点不但有趣,而且具有多面性。

    Brendan went on to HBS and McKinsey after the seals and then co-founded his own hedge fund , so he had an interesting , multi-faceted perspective .

  21. 与此同时,以ōishi为首的正面突击队闯入大厅,与ōishi的十名士兵对抗。

    Meanwhile , the frontal assault team led by ō ishi broke into the main hall where it was greeted by ten of Kira 's soldiers .

  22. 1995年,乌代建立暴力准军事组织萨达姆突击队(FedayeenSaddam),向父亲呈献突击队头盔的样品,它是模仿达思·韦德(DarthVader)的头盔制作的。

    In 1995 , Uday formed the Fedayeen Saddam , a violent paramilitary organization , and presented his father with a prototype for its helmet , modeled on that of Darth Vader .

  23. 但分析人士警告说,shayetet13突击队的袭击很可能会付出极大政治代价。

    But analysts warned that the assault by the shayetet 13 commando unit was likely to carry a significant political price .

  24. SPELLMAN:突击队将集中于这样的房子,解决社区中其他警察难以解决的问题。

    SPELLMAN : Its houses like this the impact team will focus on , recurring issues out in neighborhoods that can be hard for police to deal with .

  25. RupertColville:“最初,大部分虐待都是由支持前总统巴博的力量实施的。但是最近,另外一方的报复性袭击增加,其中包括一个叫做‘隐形突击队’的神秘团体,这个团体主要从事反对巴博的活动。”

    RUPERT COLVILLE : " , most of the abuses , if not all the abuses , were by the forces Laurent Gbagbo , former president . But recently there 's been an increase of attacks by people on the other side , including a mysterious group called the Invisible Commandos who 've been operating against Gbagbo . "

  26. 那他怎么能当上突击队队员?

    Yeah , how did he get to be a ranger ?

  27. 他18岁入伍去了突击队学校。

    He joined the army at18 , went to Ranger school .

  28. 这就是为什么海豹突击队不收女的。

    That 's why women aren 't allowed in the seals .

  29. 看到这里,你还不相信它比海豹突击队更强悍吗?

    Not convinced this is ' better ' than the SEALs ?

  30. 所有的海军两栖突击队都会在今天回来,凯特。

    The whole marine amphibious strike group returns today , kate .