
  1. 武警部队是国家处置公共突发事件、维护社会稳定的骨干和突击力量。

    The PAPF is the state 's backbone and shock force in handling public emergencies and maintaining social stability .

  2. 讨论了作为地面部队主要突击力量的坦克的目标特性及其同激光的相互作用。

    Target characteristics of combat tanks as main attack force of ground forces and their interaction with laser are discussed .

  3. 我们要成为建设社会主义的劳动战线上一支值得人民信任的突击力量。

    They should become a shock brigade on the labour front of socialist construction , one worthy of the people 's trust .

  4. 中国武装力量始终是抢险救灾的突击力量,承担最紧急、最艰难、最危险的救援任务。

    The armed forces of China have always acted as the shock force in emergency rescue and disaster relief , and always undertaken the most urgent , arduous and hazardous rescue tasks .

  5. 现代战争中,装甲车辆作为陆军地面武器的主要突击和防御力量,发挥着不可估计的作用。

    Armored vehicle , which is the main shock and defence force of land army , plays an important role in the contemporary war .

  6. 作为陆军地面武器的主要突击和防御力量,在过去和未来的战场上有着不可替代的作用。

    It is non-replaceable in the battlefield from past to future for the sake of its sally and defence as a main weapon in the earth .

  7. 炮兵是陆军火力突击的骨干力量,如何在现有装备条件下提高火力反应速度和命中精度是长期以来牵引炮兵研究的主要课题。

    Artillery plays a major role in fire assault of land force . How to improve fire reaction speed and hitting accuracy on the condition available has been the main researching subject of towed artillery for a long time .