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tū rán
  • suddenly;sudden;abruptly;abrupt;pop;unexpected;cold;unexpectedly;all at once;out of the blue;overnight
突然 [tū rán]
  • [suddenly;unexpectedly;out of the blue;abruptly] 表示发生得很急促;忽然;猝然

  • 突然停止

突然[tū rán]
  1. 她胸部突然感到一阵剧痛。

    She felt a sudden stab of pain in the chest .

  2. 他突然心血来潮,想站起来歌唱。

    He had a sudden impulse to stand up and sing .

  3. 我正准备告诉你,你突然把话打断了。

    I was just going to tell you when you interrupted .

  4. 她突然大笑起来——她控制不住自己。

    She burst out laughing ─ she couldn 't help herself .

  5. 他头上突然被猛击了一下。

    He was struck with a smart crack on the head .

  6. 她心里早已湮灭的疑团突然又浮现出来。

    Doubts that had been submerged in her mind suddenly resurfaced .

  7. 突然,难以相信的事情发生了,他拔出了手枪。

    Suddenly the unthinkable happened and he drew out a gun .

  8. 他突然惊慌得动弹不得。

    Panic took hold of him and he couldn 't move .

  9. 公共汽车突然驶入了逆行道。

    The bus veered onto the wrong side of the road .

  10. 她突然意识到自己的话很奇怪,脸一下子红了。

    She suddenly realized the oddity of her remark and blushed .

  11. 她当时踩的树枝一定是突然折断了。

    The branch she was standing on must have snapped off .

  12. 他正在路边散步,突然遭到袭击。

    He was walking along the road when he was attacked .

  13. 那次讲座被突然鸣响的火警中断了。

    The lecture was curtailed by the fire alarm going off .

  14. 我每次断网,计算机都会突然死机。

    My computer crashes every time I disconnect from the Internet .

  15. 老师突然进来使孩子们感到意外。

    The children were surprised by the sudden entry of their teacher .

  16. 马特突然咯咯笑起来,然后挂断了电话。

    Matt collapsed into giggles and hung up the phone .

  17. 他们突然出击,轰炸了敌军的基地。

    They carried out a bombing raid on enemy bases .

  18. 他突然一笑,露出一口雪白的牙齿。

    He smiled suddenly , exposing a set of amazingly white teeth .

  19. 半夜里一辆汽车的警报器突然响了起来。

    A car alarm went off in the middle of the night .

  20. 她突然感到一阵内疚。

    She was seized by a sudden pang of conscience .

  21. 天花板突然塌落在他们身上。

    The ceiling suddenly caved in on top of them .

  22. 他突然改变话题,使她茫然不知所措。

    His abrupt change of subject left her floundering helplessly .

  23. 她突然两腿发软踉跄了一下。

    The sudden weakness in her legs made her stumble .

  24. 他们突然意识到有些人在瞧着他们。

    They suddenly became aware of people looking at them .

  25. 黑暗中突然发出一片枪声。

    A flurry of shots rang out in the darkness .

  26. 这篇短文的语体风格突然从正式转为非正式。

    The essay suddenly switches from a formal to an informal register .

  27. 那姑娘突然小步跑了起来,拐过街角不见了。

    The girl broke into a trot and disappeared around the corner .

  28. 我突然明白了他在做什么。

    I suddenly cottoned on to what he was doing .

  29. 系船的绳子突然绷断了。

    The rope holding the boat suddenly tightened and broke .

  30. 在远处,我们突然第一次看到了太平洋。

    In the distance we spied the Pacific for the first time .