
tū rán xìnɡ
  • elements of surprise
  1. 天王星代表突然性的改变和反叛。

    Uranus represents sudden change and rebellion .

  2. 但数据中心中大多运行的是Web应用程序,其具有负载动态变化、易产生短暂峰值及突然性的堵塞的特点。

    Moreover , most of the data center running the Web application , which has properties of dynamic load , easy to bring transient spikes and flash crowds .

  3. 但是这两种材料均有其局限性,FRP是一种脆性材料,其破坏具有突然性,钢板很容易发生锈蚀。

    However , either of the two materials has its limit : FRP is a kind of brittle material , which makes its destruction unexpected ; steel plates rust easily .

  4. 癫痫(Epilepsy)是由多种病因引起的慢性脑功能障碍综合症,以大脑神经细胞群反复超同步放电引起的发作性、突然性、短暂性脑功能紊乱为特征。

    Epilepsy is a chronic brain dysfunction syndrome caused by many other diseases . Paroxysmal , abrupt and transient brain disorder caused by neural cells ' over synchronous discharge through and through is a characteristic of epilepsy .

  5. 在国防工业中,突然性的裁员和临时解雇是常有的事。

    In the defence industries sudden cutbacks and layoffs are common .

  6. 总统之最后决定的突然性令人吃惊。

    The president 's final decision came with stunning suddenness .

  7. 如果发现突然性的秃发,请去找皮肤科医生。

    If the detection is suddenly sexual bald-headed , please seek dermatologist .

  8. 处于浅埋顺层围岩条件下的隧道,围岩的变形往往带有突然性;

    The deformation of the tunnel bedding wall rock often has some abruptness ;

  9. 改革工作的突然性和其野心实际上阻碍了它的成功。

    The suddenness and ambitiousness of the reform effort actually hindered its success .

  10. 它怎会突然性成熟?

    How can he be an adult already ?

  11. 动作上的夸张处理一般用来强调动作的突然性。

    Exaggeration is used to accent an action .

  12. 5世纪英国经济崩溃最让人感到意外的特点是其突然性和庞大的规模。

    The most startling features of the fifth-century crash are its suddenness and its scale .

  13. 加强传接球的突然性和隐蔽性练习,学会做假动作。

    4 , strengthen the sudden and covert practice , learn to do bogus action .

  14. 突然性的地方雷暴风雨和水喷口时常轮番对飞行员和水手招致灾祸。

    Sudden local thunder storms and water spouts often spell disaster for pilots and mariners .

  15. 导致伤害或者破坏;特别是突然性的暴力、瘟疫或者崩溃。

    Causing injury or blight ; especially affecting with sudden violence or plague or ruin .

  16. 现代战争具有战线模糊,纵深大,突然性强的特点,机动性和活动范围也随之增大。

    Front vague , large depth and strong sudden are the character of the modern war .

  17. 一向以来,中美军事关在谨慎地往前发展,其间还会出现停滞和突然性的中断。

    These ties have a history of cautious steps forward intermingled with stalling and shock disruptions .

  18. 在工程中,结构性土地基往往会在缺乏预兆情况下,产生突然性破坏。

    Soil of structure cy , in works , usually destroy suddenly , and has no forebode .

  19. 船只的螺旋桨旋转引起的突然性的低压气泡破裂。

    The sudden formation and collapse of low-pressure bubbles resulting from rotation of the ship 's propeller .

  20. 如果你要攻击敌军,重要的是保持突然性。

    If you want to attack the enemy , it 's important to retain an element of surprise .

  21. 突发事件的发生具有突然性,影响范围具有公共性,危害结果具有不确定性。

    An emergency incident takes place by accident , and has wide area of influence and uncertain harmful consequences .

  22. 而更可能得了一种颞叶癫痫症,造成了他这种突然性的创作力,

    that he might have had temporal lobe seizures , and that might have caused his spurt of creativity ,

  23. 基于切负荷突然性差异,分别提出了可靠性和概率动态安全性指标;

    The reliability and probability dynamic security indices are presented based on the differences when switching off the loads suddenly .

  24. 发球迷惑性和突然性很强,线路落点变化多端,尤以下旋急长球威胁最大。

    Serve confusing and sudden strong , line placement varied , especially in the second long ball spin anxious greatest threat .

  25. 从这样一个被称为东南亚奇迹到发生亚洲金融危机的戏剧性和突然性转变。

    Known as the " Southeast Asian miracle " from such a dramatic and sudden shift to the Asian financial crisis .

  26. 远射能力的提高取决于射门的准确性、突然性和射门力量。

    The improvement of the shooting ability depends on not only the accuracy and suddenness of the shot , but the shooting strength .

  27. 本文着重分析了意外的非本意性、突然性、外来性三个构成要件。

    This paper analyzes that the accident injury is composed of three elements : unintended ( include the nature ), external and the sudden .

  28. 老采空区上方地表变形是一个具有复杂性、突然性和长期性等显著特点的非线性过程。

    Deformation of ground surface above old mine goaf is a complex nonlinear process , which has complex , sudden , and long-term features .

  29. 灾难的发生具有突然性和不可预测性,如何有效的进行灾区应急通信成为救援的首要问题。

    How to carry out effective disaster relief emergency communications had become the primary problem due to the unpredictability and sudden of the disaster .

  30. 国有企业基层单位的突发性问题具有暴发的突然性、内容的多样性、后果的严重性三个基本特征。

    Generally , the abrupt issues happening in the basic units of state enterprises are of three basic characteristics : abruption , diversity and severity .