• be lost;disappear;forget
  • 同“逸”。

  • 放荡:淫~。~游。

  • 美:~女。

  • 姓。

  • 古同“迭”,轮流,更替。

  1. 他的著作散佚殆尽。

    His writings are practically all scattered and lost .

  2. 扬雄著作存佚考及系年研究

    On the Textual Research and Chronology of Yang Xiong 's Works

  3. 日本内阁文库收藏的中国散佚古医籍

    Lost Ancient Chinese Medical Books Collected at the Library of Japanese Cabinet

  4. 通过辑佚,探讨苏林音注的特点,这将为今后进一步深入开展相关研究提供一定的帮助。

    All of these will provide certain help for the further research .

  5. 20世纪辑佚学研究(1950&1998)

    The Gathering of Scattered Writings in The 20th Century ( 1950-1998 )

  6. 但是有佚闻报告显示所有的状况正在向正确的方向发展。

    But anecdotal reports show things are moving in the right direction .

  7. 惜其书已佚,今不见存。

    It is pity that the book was lost .

  8. 辽韩佚墓出土越窑青瓷

    Celadon of the Yue Kiln Unearthed from Liao Tomb

  9. 中国档案文献近代散佚述论

    On iosses of muniment literature in chinese modern times

  10. 六朝及唐五代文言小说辑佚的回顾与前瞻

    On Retrospect and Prospect of Lost Story in the Six and Tang Dynasties

  11. 《成都记》与《成都古今记》:辑佚与研究

    Chengdu Ji Chengdu Gujin Ji : Collection and Research

  12. 新出土简帛佚籍与中国教育史研究

    Newly Excavated Bamboo Slips and Silk Books and Study of Chinese Education History

  13. 第四,有现代化的辑佚手段。

    Fourth , there are modern methods to compile .

  14. 中国古代体育文献十分丰富,可惜大多已散佚不存。

    There is abundant gym literature in ancient China .

  15. 关于新发现的戴震佚诗二首

    A New Discovery of Two Poems By Dai Zhen

  16. 中国古代历史文献数量浩大,其积聚与散佚始终并存,相互作用。

    The number of the ancient historical documents of China is great and large .

  17. 你知道和考试有关的有趣故事和佚闻吗?

    Do you know any funny or interesting stories or anecdotes related to exams ?

  18. 对于他的族属久有争议,《元诗选》所收诗作亦颇有阙佚。

    There has been debate on his ethnic background in academic circles in China .

  19. 中国古代科技文献散佚原因分析

    Analysis on the Causes of the Scattering and Losing of Chinese Ancient Sci - tech Literatures

  20. 邵晋涵在历史文献学上的成就贯穿于他的所有学术活动中,主要表现在辑佚、训诂、目录、校勘等方面。

    His achievement primarily exhibited in scattered material compilation , exegetical studies , bibliography and collation .

  21. 因为原文已经散佚,唯有通过现存辑文记录的内容对这本人物传记进行深入研究。

    Because the original is lost , we get further study from the existing text records .

  22. 在清代,考据学者倡导重建古代佚散文献的计划。

    During the Ch'ing dynasty k'ao-cheng scholars advocated a program to reconstruct missing sources from antiquity .

  23. 在这项工作当中,辑佚《会稽郡故书杂集》是一个最为显著的例子。

    In this work ," Guiji County Old book Miscellanea " is the most remarkable example .

  24. 辑佚上,他沿用清儒的辑佚方法,并颇有心得。

    He followed the methods of scholars in Qing Dynasty for compiling and made some achievements .

  25. 明代宦官的文学作为&以诗文创作与作品存佚为研究中心

    Studies of Eunuch 's Literary Activities in Ming Dynasty & A Research Concentrated on Recovered Poetic Works

  26. 下面的诗歌系现今已经佚忘的曲牌,它们代表了那一时期的大众文学的范本。

    The following poems set to now-forgotten tunes are examples of the popular literature of that period .

  27. 同时,关于杨守敬在专科目录以及唐代以前图书流传存佚书目的编制成果,本文进行了详细介绍和分析。

    The thesis has a detailed description and analysis on the special list and editing results before Tang Dynasty .

  28. 两佚札和佚文对研究袁枚生平、著述、交友诸方面颇有价值。

    The letters are of great value for the research of Yuan Mei 's life , writings and associations .

  29. 一首音韵和谐的诗歌有放佚的表现;我们身体上的动作也可以有放佚的表现。

    There can be a luxury in our bodily movements , as in the movement of a symphonic poem .

  30. 自清代以来,依据它从事辑佚校勘的著作文章也屡见不鲜。

    It is common occurrence too that the composing and articles has pursued emendation and collection according it since Qing dynasty .
