
yínɡ yǎnɡ shī tiáo
  • nutritional disorder;nutritive disturbance;trophic disturbance;deficiency disorder
  1. 营养失调也普遍存在于示范围中,其中主要元素缺Ca、P吸收障碍及微量元素B、Cu的过量尤为普遍;

    The phenomenon of nutritional disorder appeared commonly in the orchards , of which the deficiency of Ca , and the retardation of P absorption , and the overabsorption of microelements B and Cu were particularly common .

  2. 5.malnutritionn.营养失调,营养不良他的病是营养不良引起的。

    His illness arose from malnutrition .

  3. 艾滋病病人营养失调的原因分析及护理

    Causative Analysis on Nutrition Imbalance in Patients With AIDs and Their Nursing Care

  4. 红壤柑桔园硼铜镁营养失调的诊断

    Diagnosis of Boron , Copper and Magnesium Disturbance in Citrus Orchards with Red Soil

  5. 4例营养失调:低于机体需要量危重病人的饮食护理

    Nursing Care of 4 Serious Patients With Malnutrition

  6. 无家可归的孩子很容易营养失调,遭受暴力,被人利用。

    Children living on the streets are vulnerable to malnutrition , violence and exploitation .

  7. 营养失调表现为人类成长过程中生长速度的降低。

    Nutritional stunting manifests itself in a reduction of growth rate in human development .

  8. 流行性出血热并发营养失调综合症32例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 32 cases with epidemic hemorrhagic fever complicated by syndrome of nutritional maladjustment

  9. 由于细胞生长是基本生物学过程,该研究将对流产、肌营养失调等各个领域产生影响。

    Since cell growth is a fundamental biological process , the research may shed light on everything from miscarriages to muscular dystrophy .

  10. 腹泻除了直接引起健康的损伤外,还引起人体营养失调,生长速度减缓,智力发育等问题。

    Diarrhea not only directly caused health damage , but also leaded to human nutrition disorders , slowed growth , mental development and other issues .

  11. 在2008年,发生于许多世界地方的营养失调及饥饿不仅仅是增加中,而且是达到灾难的高峰。

    In2008 , malnutrition and starvation in many parts of the world are not only increasing but are set to reach new peaks of suffering .

  12. 高接后初结果树脐橙次生果黄化落果率高,与钙营养失调密切相关。

    High , rate of the yellowing secondary fruit falling of the first bearing fruit tree after grafting is closely concerned with Ca nutrition disturbance .

  13. 除了帮助抵御肌肉营养失调等肌萎缩疾病的影响外,这些药物还能预防肥胖和新陈代谢紊乱。

    The drugs could offer protection against obesity and metabolic disorders , in addition to helping counter the effects of muscle-wasting diseases such as muscular dystrophy .

  14. 幼树初投产脐橙次生果黄化的高发生率与树体钙营养失调密切相关。

    For the first bearing fruit tree , high rate of generation of xanthochroism of secondary fruit of the navel orange is closely concerned with nutrition disorder of Ca in the tree .

  15. 另人无法接受的是:即使在饥饿与营养失调的恐怖环境里,每年屠杀了将近六百万儿童,却仍然有巨大比例的有效农作物拿去喂养畜牧场里的动物。

    It is not acceptable that even in a grim situation with hunger and malnutrition killing nearly six million children each year , huge percentages of available crops are still being fed to farm animals .

  16. 50~59岁年龄组糖代谢失调病人明显增多。结论:外科医师要善于在术前发现营养失调的病人;

    The percentage of abnormal metabolism of saccharide was increased in age group of 50 ~ 59.The surgeons should find the patients who were in maladjusted nutrition , and nutrition service should direct the patients through regular diet investigation .

  17. 结果表明,春施氮肥,开花时茎叶中氮素含量偏高,新梢旺长,树体内碳氮营养比例失调,落花落果严重;

    The results obtained showed that application of N fertilizer in spring would lead to nitrogen contents in stems and leaves on the high side while blooming , fast growth of new branch tips , disproportion of carbon nitrogen nutritive ratio , wide spread of flower falling and fruit falling .

  18. 高烧后、照射X光、药物、营养不良、内分泌失调等都可能会造成暂时性脱发。

    Temporary hair loss may follow high fever or come from X rays , drugs , malnutrition , or endocrine disorders .