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yínɡ yǎnɡ bǔ chōnɡ jì
  • Nutritional supplements;dietary supplement
  1. 目的了解北京市各类人群营养补充剂的使用现况及相关因素。

    Objective To assess prevalence of dietary supplement use among Beijing population .

  2. 目的了解北京市居民营养补充剂的使用情况。

    Objective To study the pattern of dietary supplement consumption of users in Beijing .

  3. 给患者提供对抗炎症的营养补充剂是否有助于缓解他们的症状。

    if giving a patient nutrient supplements that fight inflammation could help ease their symptoms .

  4. 二十二碳六烯酸单细胞油(DHASCO)&婴幼儿及孕产妇的DHA营养补充剂

    DHA single cell oil : DHA supplement for infant , pregnant and lactation woman

  5. 结束保护药物的专利,禁止电视广告,起诉正在进行犯罪行为的FDA,结束营养补充剂的审查制度。

    End the patent protecting for medicines , ban television ads , prosecute the criminals running the FDA and end the censorship of nutritional supplements .

  6. 德克萨斯州奥斯汀的SkinShift公司也经营这样的业务。它把自己的99美元DNA测试外包了出去,然后根据测试结果确定你皮肤最缺乏的元素,从已有的四种血清和五种营养补充剂中选出对应的元素进行组合。

    SkinShift in Austin , Tex. , outsources its $ 99 DNA test , then suggests , based on what it determines is the highest priority for your skin , some combination drawn from an available pool of four serums and five nutritional supplements .

  7. 在临床试验中,每天服用两片烟酰胺作为营养补充剂(一种维生素B3)的人比服用安慰剂药片者发生非黑素性皮肤癌的风险低23%。

    In a clinical trial , people who took two pills a day of nicotinamide , a form of vitamin B3 available as a nutritional supplement , had a 23 percent lower risk of developing non-melanoma skin cancer than those who took placebo pills .

  8. 谷氨酰胺、肌酸粉和乳清蛋白粉及FDP活力糖作为营养补充剂,从赛前两月到赛后两周的连续应用,有助于系统改善赛艇运动员的免疫功能,提高训练质量和比赛成绩。

    Glutamine , creatine powder and whey protein powder and sugar FDP vitality as a nutritional supplement , from before to after two weeks , two months of continuous application of Rowers help system to improve the immune function , improve training quality and competition results .

  9. 新营养补充剂的抗抑郁效应及其应用进展

    The progress on antidepressant effects of new nutritional supplement and its applications

  10. 居民营养补充剂相关知识、态度、行为现状

    Status of Resident 's Knowledge , Attitude and Practice on Nutrient Supplements

  11. 另一种最近被研究的营养补充剂是一种被称为小球藻的绿藻。

    Another nutritional supplement recently studied is a green alga known as chlorella .

  12. 南京市部分居民营养补充剂知识、态度、行为现况调查

    Survey on knowledge , attitude , and practice of dietary supplements among residents in Nanjing City

  13. 并介绍了富铬酵母的生理功能以及富铬酵母作为营养补充剂在多方面的应用。

    The physiological functions of chromium and application of chromiun yeast as nutritional supplement were introduced .

  14. 碧萝芷?是一种经过深入研究的天然营养补充剂,并且通过了广泛的安全测试。

    Pycnogenol ? Is one of the best-researched food supplements and it has passed extensive safety tests .

  15. 营养补充剂含有叶酸,对怀孕的妇女也是有帮助的。

    Dietary supplements that contain folic acid can also be helpful to a women who is pregnant .

  16. 术前口服增强免疫的营养补充剂可纠正进行择期结肠直肠癌手术患者的Th1/Th2失衡

    Preoperative oral immune-enhancing nutritional supplementation corrects Th1 / Th2 imbalance in patients undergoing elective surgery for colorectal cancer

  17. 但是摄入镁营养补充剂是否有相同的结果这仍有待观察。

    They said it remains to be seen if taking magnesium dietary supplements would produce the same result .

  18. 研究了以蛋白质粉、低聚糖、维生素等营养补充剂为主要原料的食物棒的制作方法。

    The article studied on processing technology of food bar using whey protein powder and nutrition enhancers as material .

  19. 儿童型营养补充剂对学龄儿童智力和骨密度影响的分析

    The primary analysis of the influence of child-type nutrition complement to intelligence and bone density of the school-age children

  20. 直采商品包括西班牙橄榄油到美国维他命营养补充剂。

    The site offers a range of foreign-branded products from Spanish olive oil to U.S. - made vitamin supplements .

  21. 这篇文章为你提供一些在怀孕期间有关营养补充剂使用的必备的信息。

    Through this article you will be provided with some essential information about the use of dietary supplements during pregnancy .

  22. 目的:分析我国成年居民使用营养补充剂的现状,为有针对性地制定干预策略和相关政策提供基础资料。

    Objective : To describe the use of dietary supplements of adults in China , for developing intervention strategies and policies .

  23. 与此理解,许多妇女往往从使用营养补充剂中获益,铁也包括在其配方中。

    With this understood , many women oftentimes can benefit by using dietary supplements that do include iron in their formulations .

  24. 碧萝芷?是一种天然营养补充剂的商标名称,这种天然营养补充剂从法国沿海松树树皮中提取。

    Pycnogenol ? is the brand name for a premium herbal supplement extracted from the bark of the French maritime pine tree .

  25. 你必须记住,当您正在怀孕,并考虑到营养补充剂,这些营养补充剂会影响你和你的未出生的孩子。

    You do need to remember that when you are pregnant and considering dietary supplements , those dietary supplements will effect you and your unborn child .

  26. 有机亚麻籽油广泛应用于食用,营养补充剂,食品添加剂,化妆品及医药中间体等。

    XinQiDian offers organic flaxseed oil for high quality edible oil , nutritional supplements , natural cosmetics , pharmaceutical Intermediates , food addictive and health-care food .

  27. 有这方面的信息,当你怀孕时,有关使用营养补充剂,您将能够做出更好的决策。

    With this information , you will be able to make better decisions pertaining to the use of dietary supplements when and while you are pregnant .

  28. 目前不饱和脂肪酸产品已经广泛应用于医药、营养补充剂、保健食品等多个领域。

    Up to date , some of the polyunsaturated fatty acids derived products have been applied to the aspect of medicine , supplementary and health-care food .

  29. 如果你正怀孕,你可能会有兴趣去学习更多有关营养补充剂的知识,可能会对您怀孕的过程有益的。

    If you are pregnant , you may be interested in learning more about dietary supplements that might be beneficial to you during the course of your pregnancy .

  30. 当谈到营养补充剂,就是可以帮助一些正在怀孕的人。营养补充剂,包括有益的和恰当的铁。

    When it comes to dietary supplements that can be helpful to a per5son who is pregnant , dietary supplements that include iron can be useful and appropriate .