
yínɡ yè é
  • turnover;business;trade;business volume;billing
  1. 那家公司营业额为380万英镑。

    The company had a turnover of £ 3.8 million .

  2. 承办酒席现在可能占酒吧营业额的近1/4。

    Catering may now account for close on a quarter of pub turnover .

  3. 这家商店上星期的营业额为10万元。

    The store took $ 100 000 last week .

  4. 她的工作是提高营业额。

    Her job was to drum up business .

  5. 这家酒馆说,它一周的营业额在1.5万到2万英镑之间。

    The pub said that their takings were fifteen to twenty thousand pounds a week .

  6. 我相信,那些广告在报上刊登出来后,他们的营业额已经翻番。

    I believe they 've doubled their turnover since those advertisements appeared in the press .

  7. 她的年营业额大约是4.5万英镑。

    Her annual turnover is around £ 45,000

  8. 他们成为自己所在领域中首家营业额超过20亿英镑的公司。

    They became the first company in their field to pass the £ 2 billion turn-over mark .

  9. 7家公司的总营业额为520万英镑。

    The seven companies have an aggregate turnover of £ 5.2 million .

  10. 去年我们的营业额竟然增加了。

    Our turnover actually increased last year .

  11. 诸如汉堡王等许多企业的营业额就有所下滑。

    Many , such as Burger King , have seen sales fall .

  12. 在美国同行业的营业额中,世界上最大的快餐企业麦当劳在没有下滑的情况下度过了经济衰退期。

    Same-store sales in America at McDonald 's , the world 's largest fast-food company , did not decline throughout the downturn .

  13. 在2009年美国提供全方位服务的餐馆的营业额与以前同期相比有超过6%的降幅,但是快餐连锁企业的营业额却依然保持不变。

    In 2009 sales at full-service restaurants in America fell by more than 6 % , but total sales remained about the same at fast-food chains .

  14. 已完成的营业额还不足以使我方目前委托你方独家代理

    The volume of business does not warrant entrusting you with exclusive agency at present .

  15. 他的公司BlackCircles有22名雇员,年营业额超过1000万英镑。

    His company , Black Circles , employs 22 people and has more than 10m in turnover a year .

  16. 欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)的反垄断调查需花费数年时间,而最终的罚金可能会占到营业额的10%。

    European Commission cartel investigations take years to complete but can result in fines of up to 10 per cent of turnover .

  17. 中国移动(ChinaMobile)是世界上最大的运营商,拥有4.8亿用户(比美国和日本的人口之和还要多)。自2001年以来,它的营业额和每股盈利已增加了3倍。

    China Mobile , the world 's biggest operator , with 480m subscribers ( that is more people than the US and Japan , combined ), has quadrupled turnover and earnings per share since 2001 .

  18. 自从2005年收购ibm的pc业务后,面向大公司的高端电脑是联想的主要营业额来源。

    After acquiring the PC arm of IBM in 2005 , high-end computers sold to large enterprises have made up the bulk of its revenues .

  19. 尽管如此,我们还是有理由去怀疑Facebook的营业额及其利润的增长空间。

    Nonetheless , there are reasons to be sceptical about the speed at which Facebook 's revenues and profits can grow .

  20. 主要榜单“全球500强排行榜”(global500)显示各公司在2008年和2009年的排名、国家、市值、行业、营业额、净收入、总资产和雇员数目。

    The main global 500 table shows for each company : the rank in 2008 and 2009 , the country , market capitalisation , sector , turnover , net income , total assets and employees .

  21. 的确,Zynga占到Facebook营业额的10%,其亏损新闻对Facebook是一种打击。

    Granted , the news from Zynga , which alone provides 10 % of Facebook 's revenues , was a shock .

  22. 到那时,整个行业的营业额将占全国GDP的十分之一,产值将超过来自1千万菲律宾海外工作者的汇款。

    At that point , the industry would make up nearly a tenth of GDP and be bigger in value than the remittances from the 10m Filipinos working overseas .

  23. 百胜将问题归咎于消费者支出疲软,但星巴克(starbucks)等其他企业在中国的营业额仍在继续增长。

    Yum has blamed weakened consumer spending , but other groups , such as Starbucks , have continued to see growing sales in China .

  24. 二公子罗密欧曾为时尚大牌巴宝莉(Burberry)拍摄圣诞节广告片,使该品牌营业额增长了15%。

    Younger brother Romeo meanwhile has fronted a Burberry Christmas campaign and was credited with driving a 15 % sales boost .

  25. 海尔集团已超过惠而浦(Whirlpool),成为全球最大家电制造商。该集团去年全球营业额超300亿美元。

    With more than $ 30bn of revenues , it has ousted Whirlpool to become the biggest global producer of home appliances .

  26. 摩根大通公司(JPMorgan)的分析师马克•莫斯科维兹前不久表示,他预计,惠普的营业额和收入增长会继续落后于竞争对手。

    Mark Moskowitz , an analyst at JPMorgan ( JPM ) said last week he expects HP to continue to underperform its peers in revenue and earnings growth .

  27. 热巧克力店营业额激增。RogerBoyes在英国泰晤士报中写道。

    Hot chocolate outlets are booming , wrote Roger Boyes in the UK Times last Thursday .

  28. MySpace的公司法人背负着实现季度营业目标的压力,这无疑窒息了网站的创新能力。尽管如此,他们也从未想过像Facebook那样从外部品牌寻找营业额的增长点。

    MySpace 's corporate owners were forced to hit quarterly revenue targets , which stifled innovation , but they never thought to seek revenue through outside brands as Facebook has .

  29. 印度移动通信市场已经成为中国企业的一个重要收入来源。在全球领先电信设备制造商之一&深圳华为技术有限公司(HuaweiTechnologies),印度市场占据了2008年营业额的约11%。

    India 's mobile market has become an important source of revenue for Chinese companies , accounting for about 11 per cent of 2008 turnover at Shenzhen-based Huawei Technologies , one of the world 's leading telecoms equipment makers .

  30. 自从推出以来,Slack的营业额平均每星期增长7%&这基本上是很多大公司希望达到的年化增长速度。每周它都会新增好几千名付费用户。

    Slack has grown as much as 7 % each week since it launched a pace large companies aspire to hit each year adding thousands of new users who pay for the service .