
  • 网络chemotrophs
  1. 谢菲尔德大学(universityofsheffield)营养生物化学教授希拉里j鲍尔斯(hilaryjpowers)大体上认为,好的膳食应有丰富的水果和蔬菜,高纤维,低脂肪。

    Professor Hilary J powers , Professor of nutritional biochemistry at the University of Sheffield , believes in general that a good diet is one rich in fruit and vegetables , high in fibre and low in fat .

  2. 营养生物发酵剂在乳品中的应用

    Applications of probiotic cultures to fermented milk Dairy chemistry

  3. 食品发挥非营养生物功能的胃肠黏膜信号通路

    Signal Pathways of Non-nutritional Functional Food in Gastro-intestinal Tract

  4. 【目的】从鸡胚内提取具有神经营养生物活性的组分。

    [ Objective ] To extract neurotrophic active substance from chicken embryo and study their bioactivity .

  5. 缺陷营养生物除需要主要碳源外,还需要一种或几种有机养料。

    An auxotroph requires , in addition to the principal carbon source , one or more organic nutrients .

  6. 他的营养生物地球化学病因学说,被国内外科学界所接受;

    Nutrition biogeochemistry theory , which is posed by Professor Yu , is accepted by in and out the science circles .

  7. 为此,他专门请假,自学了营养学与营养生物化学,并最终列出了人类生存所需的营养清单。

    He took a break from work and taught himself about nutrition and nutritional biochemistry . Eventually , Rhinehart came up with a list of nutrients required for survival .

  8. 海岸带营养盐生物地球化学研究评述

    A Review of Nutrient Biogeochemistry Research of the Coastal Zone

  9. 长江口及邻近海域高营养层次生物群落功能群及其变化

    Functional groups of high trophic level communities in adjacent waters of Changjiang estuary

  10. 贵州典型森林植被群落营养元素生物循环空间信息模型构建

    A forest nutrient cycling spatial model and its application

  11. 长江口营养元素生物地球化学研究

    Biogeochemical studies on nutrient elements in the Changjiang Estuary

  12. 应用雾化营养液生物反应器繁殖脱毒马铃薯的研究

    Propagation of Virus-free Potato Using a Nutrient Mist Bioreactor

  13. 这些数据可能表明,一种新的混合方法可以提高营养的生物可利用性。

    These data may indicate that a novel blending method can enhance nutrient bioaccessiblity .

  14. 对厌氧生物处理系统进行微量金属营养元素生物有效度的检定是非常必要的;

    It is necessary to determine the bioavailability of trace metals in the system .

  15. 黄海生态系统高营养层次生物群落功能群及其主要种类

    Functional groups of communities and their major species at high trophic level in the Yellow Sea ecosystem

  16. 在铜胁迫下,非抗性种群齿果酸模的地上部分营养器官生物量、生殖器官生物量和收获指数均下降。

    The aerial vegetative biomass , reproductive biomass and harvest index of non-tolerant plant were all decreased by Cu treatment .

  17. 鳀鱼的环境因素在三角单元上计算,环境包括物理因子和低营养级生物。

    Environment factors for anchovy are calculated in triangular cells . Environment includes physical factors and low trophic level organisms .

  18. 天然的牛初乳含有丰富的营养及生物活性成分,有很强的营养保健功能。

    There are lots of nutrition and bioactive substances in crude bovine colostrum , which have vigorous effects on nutritional and healthy functions .

  19. 不同栽杉代数29年生杉木林净生产力及营养元素生物循环的研究

    Studies on the stand net productivity and biological cycle of nutrient elements in the 29 year old plantations of Chinese fir on different rotations

  20. 随着开发利用海洋资源热潮的兴起,海洋藻类因其富含营养和生物活性成分而引起了人们极大的研究兴趣。

    As the exploration and application of ocean resources rise up , the algae with rich nutrition and biological activity has aroused people interests .

  21. 本文从养分吸收、归还和累积等方面综述了森林生态系统营养元素生物循环的某些研究成果;

    Research results on the biological cycling of the nutrient elements in forest ecosystems were summarized , in which uptaking , returning and accumulating of nutrient elements were included .

  22. 营养与生物多样性有着多层面的联系:具有食品生产功能(一项生态系统服务)的生态系统;生态系统物种以及物种基因多样性。

    Nutrition and biodiversity are linked at many levels : the ecosystem , with food production as an ecosystem service ; the species in the ecosystem and the genetic diversity within species .

  23. 分析结果表明,4种云南松花粉精粉具有速溶性好、营养及生物活性物质集中的特点,其主要营养及生物活性物质含量数倍于破壁松花粉。

    Four sorts of refined pollen all showed the characteristics of fast dissolving , centralized nutritive active substance , the contents of the main nutritive active substance were several times of that of coat broken pollen .

  24. 柑橘是世界上最重要的果树之一,柑橘果实含有丰富的营养和生物活性物质,具有重要的营养、医药和保健价值。

    Citrus , which is one of the most important fruit tree in the world , contains a plenty of nutrients and bioactive compounds , has a high value of nutrition , pharmaceutical and health protecting function .

  25. 介绍酸雨引起水体酸化和水体的缓冲能力,阐述不同营养级水生生物和所处不同发育阶段对低pH的敏感性差异。

    The sensitivity differences to low pH among some aquatic organisms and different developmental stages are summarized .

  26. 与土壤有效态相比,矿质营养元素的生物富集系数非常高,特别是N元素,在根、枝、果实或茶叶中都得到非常高的富集。

    Compared with the soil effective component , the life-form enrichment modulus of the mineral nutritive elements is very high , especially N which is rich in the root , branch , fruit and tea .

  27. 河流、湖泊等市政供水水源,因富营养化,生物暴发,而采用低压膜(NF,MF和UF)的水处理技术。

    And water pretreatment applying low-pressure membrane technologies ( NF , MF , and UF ) for municipal water supply at Michigan Lake in America and Oise River in France , where the water resource were polluted by biology breakout caused by overfull nutrition .

  28. 几种铁营养资源的生物利用率评价

    Evaluation of the bioavailability of five nutritional resources of iron in rats

  29. 生态营养理论及生物技术在畜牧业环境污染控制中的应用

    Application of Principle of Eco-nutrition and Bio-technology on Controlling Livestock Production Pollution

  30. 富营养化水体生物净化效应的研究进展

    Advances in research of biological purification of eutrophic water body