
  • 网络marketing costs;marketing expense
  1. 本论文的主要工作包括:1.对企业内部的营销费用数据处理进行可行性分析。

    To conduct a feasibility analysis of data processing in the internal marketing expenses .

  2. 然而,到了成熟期,竞争就会介人,而营销费用就要增加。

    In the maturity stage , however , competition enters and the marketing expenses increase .

  3. 休伯蒂表示,中国运营商正削减市场营销费用和手机补贴,等待政府发放4G牌照。

    Huberty says the Chinese carriers are spending less on marketing and subsidies as they wait for the government to issue 4G licenses .

  4. 或者想想苹果和谷歌从各自的应用商店里获取的应用内付费,以及谷歌和Facebook从很多希望用户下载自己的内容的初创公司那里收取的营销费用。

    Or consider all the in-app payments that Apple and Google get from their app stores , and all the marketing dollars that Google and Facebook reap from start-ups looking to get you to download their stuff .

  5. 只要投资者相信SaaS公司总有一天会盈利,他们就会甘愿看到,销售与营销费用吞噬掉这些公司营收的一半或一半以上。

    Investors are quite happy to see sales and marketing costs eat up half or more of revenues as long as they believe that , one day , profits will flow .

  6. 研究咨询公司RadioFreeMobile的创始人理查德?温莎(RichardWindsor)推测,由于降价和营销费用增加的缘故,为集团贡献约三分之一营收的华为手机业务去年很可能亏损了。

    The handset division , contributing roughly a quarter of revenues , probably lost money last year , on the back of slashed prices and ramped-up marketing spend , reckons Richard Windsor , founder of research consultancy Radio Free Mobile .

  7. 团购网站Groupon于上周五提交了一份经过再次修订的S-1文件,其中承诺在未来减少客户购买开支(即营销费用),引人注目。

    Groupon filed yet another amended S-1 on Friday , which mostly got attention for a promise to decrease customer acquisition expenses ( i.e. , marketing ) going forward .

  8. 10月6日,三星宣布了三年以来最低的第三季度营业利润,其高端Galaxy系列手机的销量疲软、为了应对销量下降而花费的沉重营销费用和降价成本、零部件订单的下降都是导致利润降低的原因。

    Samsung announced its lowest third-quarter operating profit in three years on Oct. 6 , citing flagging sales of its top-end Galaxy phones , heavy marketing and price-cutting to fight the drop , and decreased component orders all around .

  9. 本田的美国车厂近日告知其经销商,如果不停止向诸如TrueCar等比价网站提供“低票价”,车厂将削减其营销费用,每车大约几百美元。

    Honda 's American arm recently told dealers it would cut off their marketing allowances - which can be worth hundreds of dollars for each car sold - if they did not stop offering sub-invoice prices on TrueCar and other sites .

  10. 在市场竞争机制约束下,美国共同基金的整体费率水平下降,免费基金大量崛起,其中传统的前端费用逐渐被后端费用替代,12b-1服务营销费用比重上升。

    We conclude that , under the market competition force , the general fees level of American mutual fund is on the decline with no-load funds becoming popular , and front-end load is gradually replaced by back-end load while the proportion of 12b-1 fees is rising .

  11. 目前蒙牛存在着营销费用增速持续高于销售额增速的风险。

    There is a risk that marketing costs will keep rising faster than sales .

  12. 房地产营销费用优化探讨政府支出与均衡实际汇率

    Government Expenditure and Real Equilibrium Exchange Rate

  13. 自1996年以来,该公司用于英国的营销费用总共才10万英镑多一点。

    It has spent just over 1 00000 on marketing in the UK since 1996 .

  14. 这一盈利增长略微低于中银国际的预期,这主要是由于营销费用的增加。

    The earnings came in a little lower than our forecast due to higher marketing expenses .

  15. 在刚过去的9个月里,该公司的销售与营销费用与其总营收相当。

    Its sales and marketing costs were equal to its total revenues in the latest nine-month period .

  16. 本文假设市场营销费用和产品的销售价格会影响产品的最终市场需求。

    We assume the unit marketing expenditure and unit price by the buyer influence the final product market demand .

  17. 这可以解释为,顾客满意可能产生了免费的口碑广告效应,并节省了随后的营销费用。

    This finding can be explained by the possibility that customer satisfaction generates free word-of-mouth advertising and saves subsequent marketing costs .

  18. 第二节主要集中论述了两者在目标、营销费用、销售信用以及市场机会认识上的矛盾与分歧。

    Section two summarizes the contradiction and divergence . Mainly on the goal , expense , sales credit and market opportunity .

  19. 沙里夫表示,如果不是由风投基金给HireArt提供了240万美元的资助,公司也无法承担预支的营销费用。

    Sharef notes HireArt couldn 't afford such an up-front marketing expense if it weren 't backed by $ 2.4 million in venture funding .

  20. 而居间的高盛获得可观手续费,估计赚得1500万-2000万美元的设计和营销费用。

    In the middle , Goldman made a decent fee , earning an expected $ 15 - $ 20m for its structuring and marketing work .

  21. 在因特网上找寻潜在客户能大幅度削减营销费用。

    To find the potential customers on Internet will help to cut down the expenditure of marketing by a great part , which otherwise might be impossible .

  22. 网站目标:小型食品制造业通常无力支付营销费用和开设配送服务,而与此同时在美国每5个孩子就有1个面临饥饿问题。

    Why It 's Working : Smaller food producers often have trouble affording marketing and distribution services , and one in every five American children are going hungry .

  23. 在媒体信息纷杂的时代,如何找到最有价值的目标客户,精确投放营销费用,提高营销的投资回报率,成为企业发展的重要课题。

    It 's important to the development of the enterprises to find out the most valuable objective client , invest the marketing accurately , and enhance the ROI .

  24. 有效的营销费用控制的关键在于方法的选择,而方法选择的前提是对营销费用特性的准确把握。

    Proper measure system constructing should be the key to effective marketing expenditure controlling , property analyzing accurately to marketing expenditure should be the premise of measure ' constructing .

  25. 但在供给方面,基金管理公司全能化倾向严重,营销费用居高难下,企业一直在高成本区运行。

    On the supply side , the fund managers tend to play a full-functioning role , at the cost of high marketing expenditure , and run in high-cost area .

  26. 同时通过对信息的分析、挖掘,进行更准确的客户定位,减少销售、营销费用,降低企业成本。

    At the same time through analysis and excavation of information , corporation can orient the more accurate customer , reduce sale and marketing expenses , reduce the corporation ` s cost .

  27. 对各个模块进行详细的代码设计,并对系统进行测试,实现预期中的系统功能,更好地为企业的营销费用管理服务。

    Make the detailed design of each module and the code design , test the system to achieve the desired functionality , and make better services for the marketing costs of the enterprise .

  28. 这一策略是廉价而有效的,酷派公司的沙尔玛说,“我们并不需要花费数千万美元的营销费用或构建分销网络。”

    The tactic is cheap and effective , said Mr. Sharma of Coolpad : " We don 't need to spend tens of millions of dollars on marketing or building distribution networks . "

  29. 兰斯菲尔德表示,许多公司认为免费在线战略是合理的,他们认为,其成本将由网下业务弥补,或者作为培养忠诚度的营销费用被冲销掉。

    Many companies justified their free online strategies with the thinking that the cost would be subsidised by the offline business , or could be written off as a loyalty-building marketing expense , Mr Lancefield says .

  30. 据悉,该电影预算为2亿美元,营销费用更是多达几百万美元。此前,迪士尼公司斥资40亿美元从鲁卡斯电影购入《星战》版权,新片对迪士尼公司来说是一个大赌注。

    The film , with a $ 200m budget and millions more spent on marketing , represented a big gamble for the Walt Disney Company , which had already plunked down $ 4b for rights to the Skywalker clan .