
xiàn jià
  • current price;present price;ruling price
现价[xiàn jià]
  1. 社会劳动生产率按现价增加值计算。

    Labor productivity is calculated by added value at current price .

  2. 请寄给我你公司可以提供的办公室设备的完整信息和现价。

    Please send me complete descriptive information and current price of the office equipment and supplies available from your company .

  3. 不要紧。makesure:确定currentrate:现价,现行汇率什么事?只是要确认他按现行价,美元满地都是。喂?我在想你说的话,就那么做吧。

    Just make sure he gets it at the current rate The dollar 's been all over the place - Lily : Hello , I was thinking about what you said .

  4. 而13寸最低配MacbookAir上周一刚刚降价100美元,现价1099美元(约合人民币6792元)。

    The base 13-inch MacBook Air , whose price was cut $ 100 just Monday , costs $ 1099 .

  5. 然而,对于中国经济在长达30多年的繁荣期来说,以国际标准计价来看,中国个人消费仍仅占8%的GDP(以美元现价计算);

    Its economy , however , for all its three-decades-long boom , still only accounts for8 % of global GDP in current dollars ;

  6. 本月,亚马逊将Kindle阅读器的价格降低了60美元,现价不到300美元。

    This month , Amazon lowered the price of its Kindle reader by sixty dollars to just under three hundred dollars .

  7. 相关监管文件显示,除了保尔森持有的31亿美元黄金交易所交易基金(ETF)股票以外,他旗下对冲基金去年底还持有起码9家金矿企业的股票,按现价计算价值近11亿美元。

    In addition to Mr Paulson 's $ 3.1bn holding of shares in a gold exchange traded fund , at the end of last year Mr Paulson 's hedge funds controlled shares in at least nine gold miners worth almost $ 1.1bn at current prices , according to regulatory filings .

  8. 请您告诉我人民币的现价好吗?

    Will you please tell me the current rate for rmb ?

  9. 办公室现价为每平方英尺10英镑。

    The going rate for office is 10 per square feet .

  10. 分地区产品销售率(按现价计算)

    Ratio of Sales by Region ( at current price )

  11. 对于现价订单,被执行是可以保证的;

    With a market order , an execution is guaranteed ;

  12. 帽子大减价,原价10美元,现价5美元。

    This ten-dollar hat is now on sale for five .

  13. 我们按现价或市场价支付打字员。

    We pay the go rate or the market rate for typist .

  14. 这些股票现价太贵。

    The share is too expensive at their present price .

  15. 外汇请告诉我人民币的现价。

    Tell me the current rate for RMB , please .

  16. 即成交价格低于现价的那部分股票。

    Clinch a deal namely the price that share share under present price .

  17. 现价订单是指按照当前的市场价格立即执行的订单。

    A market order is an order for immediate execution at current market prices .

  18. 请通知我方你处这种商品的现价。

    Please advise us of the prevailing price at your end for this product .

  19. 在赛浦路斯的三星级饭店住两周的现价是多少?

    What is the go price for two week in a three-star hotel in cyprus ?

  20. 价格是另外列开的。我们将按现价开具发票。

    We will invoice at ruling price .

  21. 黄金的现价[市价]现金代价,现金作价

    The going price for gold cash consideration

  22. 此外,现在还有复杂的网上工具,用于估算任何表款的现价。

    There are also sophisticated web-based tools for assessing the current value of any given watch .

  23. 正确理解现价订单和限价订单的区别能帮助您应付快速市场。

    Understanding the difference between a market order and a limit order could help during a fast market .

  24. 注:本表工业总产值指数为现价工业总产值指数。

    Note : Index of Industrial Output Value in this table is acculated according to the current price .

  25. 你可以通过购买进期权这么做,其中,期权的转换价等于股票的现价。

    This is possible if you buy a call with the exercise price equal to the current share price .

  26. 现价建立在与特定的期货合约的基差基础上的远期合同。

    A forward contract in which the cash price is based on the basis relating to a specified futures contract .

  27. 注:地区生产总值绝对值按现价计算,发展速度按可比价格计算。

    Note : Figures in value terms on GDP are at current prices , whereas growth rates are at comparable prices .

  28. 结果与结论:我国医药产业的必要资本量为现价1亿元人民币。

    RESULTS & CONCLUSION : The level of the capital requirements of the pharmaceutical industry in China is100million RMB of current value .

  29. 注:本表数据绝对值按现价计算,指数按可比价计算。

    Note : The absolute figures in this table are calculated at current prices whereas the indices are calculated at constant prices .

  30. 《福布斯》杂志编辑根据他位于大西洋城的房产现价、以及所有权占比对其财富进行了评估。

    The editors based his worth on the current value of Atlantic City real estate and a presumed percentage of property ownership .