
  • 网络modern sociology;modern sociological theory;Contemporary Sociology
  1. 辛普森的那些被大肆称赞的发现在现代社会学中实际上都不足为奇。

    Simpson 's much vaunted discoveries are in fact commonplace in modern sociology .

  2. 现代社会学理论承诺与理论原则的矛盾

    The Contradiction between the Theoretical Promises and Principle of Modern Sociology

  3. 市民社会:现代社会学的逻辑起点

    Civil Society : the Logic Starting Point of Modern Sociology

  4. 道德社会化是现代社会学中的一个重要范畴。

    Moral socialization is an important category in modern sociology .

  5. 在现代社会学与后现代社会理论之间米尔斯的《社会学的想像力》再解读

    Between Modern Sociology and Postmodern Theory & Rereading Mills ' The Sociological Imagination

  6. 现代社会学思想是以古典(社会学)的唯意志论模式的崩溃为起点的。

    Modern sociological thought begins with the breakdown of the classical , voluntarist model .

  7. 荀子思想在许多方面都与现代社会学有契合之处,可称为儒家社会学。

    So the thought of Xunzi could be called " Confucian sociology " to some extent .

  8. 在现代社会学中,对家庭问题有两种流行的观点:进化论的探讨和修正论的探讨。

    In current sociology , two broad perspectives on family problems can be distinguished : the evolutionary and the revisionist .

  9. 戈夫曼与舒茨的社会情景中个人及个人行动理论分析&现代社会学思想流派中的主观主义倾向

    Goffman and Schutz 's individual and individual 's action theory in Social Situation & the subjectivism tendency in modern sociology idea

  10. 马克思、迪尔凯姆和韦伯作为社会学理论的三巨匠,对现代社会学及其他社会科学的发展作出了巨大的贡献。

    The " canonical trio ", Marx , Durkheim and Weber did tremendous contributions to the development of sociological theory of modern sociology and other social sciences .

  11. 最早提出这一理论的是现代社会学的创建者之一,马克思.韦伯,他得出结论,认为新教的伦理观和资本主义精神之间有所联系。

    The best-known was devised by Max Weber , a father of modern sociology , who drew a connection between the Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism .

  12. 本文运用现代社会学理论,从社会结构、社会流动、社会变迁三个方面分析讨论了技术传播的社会学机制。

    Applying the theory of modern sociology , the paper has discussed the sociological mechanism of the technology communication from the aspects of social structure , social mobility and social change .

  13. 依据现代社会学调查方法编写了问卷,内容涉及调查对象参加健身路径活动的行为、动机、对健身路径的使用情况满意度等几个方面。

    On the basis of modern sociological research method prepared questionnaire , content involves the investigation object to participate in fitness path activity behavior , motivation , fitness path usage satisfaction etc. .

  14. 然而他对现代社会学的批判是立足于古典社会学传统之上的,并没有完全放弃现代性,这使他的思想有别于纯粹的后现代主义,处于现代社会学与后现代社会理论之间。

    However , his criticisms of modern sociology are based on classic sociological theories without completely abandoning modernism , which separates his thought from pure postmodernism and thus posits his in between modernism and postmodernism .

  15. 为了达此目的,本文所采用的仍然是前辈学者所惯用的借鉴和运用现代社会学理论来对中国古代历史进行重新解读和理解的基本方法。

    For the sake of its aim , this paper select a traditional basic method which is used by many scholars who handled the theroy of modern sociology to unscramble and comprehend the ancient Chinese history .

  16. 德国社会学家齐美尔是最被忽略的现代社会学的奠基者,也是最富争议的著名学者之一,其充满智慧的思想遗产亟待深入挖掘。

    German sociologist Simmel is the most ignored founder of modern sociology and he is also one of the most controversial scholars . It is urgently necessary to make an intensive research on his theoretical heritage which is full of wisdom and insight .

  17. 但是,现代社会学不够重视社会生活的感性基础,忽视社会理性化和制度化的感性前提与根据,以致关于建构和谐社会的一些方案流于逻辑形式。

    But in fact , the modern sociology pays not enough attention to the perceptual existence of social actions , and neglects the perceptual restriction of social actions rationalization and social institutionalization . So the project of constructing harmonious society has become the logic form .

  18. 组织与社会的联结是现代组织社会学领域一个重要的理论主题,但是在组织社会学理论领域尚未得到应有的讨论。

    The coupling between organizations and a society is an important theoretic topic in the field of organizational sociology , which has not been discussed adequately .

  19. 现代社会符号学认为除语言之外,任何可以表意的手段都是意义的符号资源,包括图像、声音、手势、面部表情等。

    Modern social semiotics believes that all social semiotics besides language are meaning resources , including image , voice , gesture , facial expression and so on .

  20. 现代社会私学再度复兴可以使国家在教育上实行少投入经费,而多出人才,繁荣教育促进社会发展。

    The revival of modern private school can reduce the investment on education by the state , train more talents , boom education and promote the development of society .

  21. 本文借用现代社会保障学的理论,试图从贫弱群体的层面上对两汉政府的政策和措施加以剖析,来展示其独特的统治作用。

    The thesis borrows the theory studying modern social insurance and discusses the policies and measures of the government of the " Two Han Dynasties " from the layer of the needy group to show the special effects of ruling .

  22. 现代性是社会学研究的核心问题。

    Modernity is the core issue of the sociology study .

  23. 现代的比较社会学,正是在社会学与人类学的互动下而得以发展起来的;

    Modern comparative sociology has just achieved progress in the interactions between sociology and anthropology ;

  24. 尤其是现代哲学、社会学、法学领域对其从不同的角度入手,挖掘其深层关怀。

    Especially the modern philosophy , sociology , law field for its from a different Angle , mining the deep concern .

  25. 只有在否定中你才能体会到“后现代”教育社会学关注人类生存意义的深刻含义。

    Only with this denial could one understand the deep meaning the post-modem sociology of educations concern for the significance of human existence .

  26. 重视数学思想方法的教与学是现代社会对中小学教育,对人才培养的重要要求。

    Emphasis on teaching and learning of mathematical thinking on primary and secondary education in modern society , the importance of personnel training requirements .

  27. 现代性是社会学的中心主题,是贯穿古典社会学、现代社会学和后现代社会学的一根主线。

    Modernity is a core theme of sociology , and one principle thread of permeating through classical sociology , modern sociology and post-modern sociology .

  28. 现代社会,中小学德育倍受关注,研究国外德育状况、借鉴有益经验为我所用已成为时代和社会发展的要求。

    In modern society , it is very necessary to study and research the actuality of foreign moral education and use for reference to improve ours , which is the request of epoch and society .

  29. 符号互动论、常人方法学、后现代理论等社会学流派都从生活的不同角度重构了行动论,为生活理论走入社会学奠定了基础。其次,深入分析生活方式研究对社会学的建构功能。

    Symbolic interactionism , Ethnomethodology and Post-modernist re-construct theories in all have a different idea in their own angle , which establishes an excellent base for life theory entering Sociology . Secondly , have a deep research down to the constructible function of life theory .

  30. 所以,从现代社会公共管理学发展现状来看,社会管理主体与网络虚拟社会的联动已经成为一种趋势,网络虚拟社会已经成为社会公共管理的第二客体。

    Therefore , form the development of current situation on Modern public management , social management of the main with the network of " virtual community " has become a trend , the network of " virtual community " has become the second object of public administration .