
xiàn jīn zhī chū
  • cash disbursements;cash payment;out-of-pocket expenses
  1. 资产负债表要素包括资产、负债和净资产;运营表要素包括收入和费用;现金流量表要素包括现金收入、现金支出和现金余额。

    The balance sheet elements include assets , liabilities and net worth , with operating table elements including revenues and expenses . The cash flow statement elements include the cash receipts , cash disbursements , and cash balances .

  2. 公司签发给G公司的用于支付其应付账款的支票8#计5美元在现金支出日记账中记为5美元。

    Check No. 8 for $ 5 to G company on account was recorded in cash payment journal as $ 5 .

  3. 信贷紧缩使百仕通遭遇了沉重打击,由于与其首次公开发行(IPO)相关的非现金支出,该公司(当季)出现了1.13亿美元的净亏损。

    Blackstone was hit hard by the credit squeeze , posting a net loss of $ 113m due to a non-cash charge related to its initial public offering .

  4. 表示现金支出,所以它是负数。

    Represents cash paid out , it is a negative number .

  5. 敬请奉告该货以现金支出的最低价值。

    Kindly favour us with the lowest cash price for the goods .

  6. 这对50亿美元的现金支出来说是一个相当不错的投资回报率。

    Not a bad ROI for a $ 5 billion cash outlay .

  7. 这两笔消费都不是一般意义上的现金支出。

    Neither is a cash outlay in the usual sense .

  8. 有现金支出限额的分目生产者支出目的分类

    Cash-limited subhead Classification of Outlays of Producers by Purpose

  9. 销货成本换算为现金支出额

    Conversion of cost of sale to cash disbursement

  10. 收购是一种管理层以现金支出取代向股东分红的方式。

    Acquisitions are one way managers spend cash instead of paying it out to shareholders .

  11. 政府在医疗方面的支出比重大大减少,而个人的现金支出增加了。

    The share of government spending on health decreased substantially and " out-of-pocket " spending increased .

  12. 对此项业务,在3月1日,要在现金支出日记账中作分录如下。

    The journal entry to record this transaction in the cash disbursement journal on March 1 would be .

  13. 这个指标指的是在产生新的用户采购成本和某些非现金支出之前的总部门运营利润。

    This metric is our consolidated segment operating income before our new subscriber acquisition costs and certain non-cash charges ;

  14. 若将放弃的工资税和可退税收抵免的现金支出包括在内,这一数字将攀升至1.3兆美元。

    The figure climbs to $ 1.3 trillion when forgone payroll taxes and the cash outlays for refundable credits are included .

  15. 如果你有机会拖延任何大笔的现金支出,就去拖延吧,事后你会为这个决定庆幸的。

    If you can hold off any big outlays of cash , do so , for you will be glad you did .

  16. 在现金支出方面,折价所代表的“额外成本”直到债券到期时才需支付。

    In terms of cash outlays , the " extra cost " represented by the discount is not paid until the bonds mature .

  17. 5.:不使接近如果你有机会拖延任何大笔的现金支出,就去拖延吧,事后你会为这个决定庆幸的。

    eg. If you can hold off any big outlays of cash , do so , for you will be glad you did .

  18. 第三,也是最大的问题是养老金支出,不仅增加了当前的现金支出,也人为地低估了当前州级政府的应支出水平。

    The third and biggest problem , pension costs , both increases current cash expenses and artificially understates what the States should be spending today .

  19. 用所节省的资金进行投资,企业可以得到更多节能设备,供其在无需现金支出的情况下在今后数年内使用。

    With the investments paid from the savings , the host enterprises receive more efficient equipment to use for years to come with no cash outlay .

  20. 财务会计把公司日常的收入、支出记录下来,包括:销售和采购、工资、零星现金支出。

    Financial accounting is about recording the day-to-day income and expenditure of the company : sales and purchase , wages and salaries , petty cash and expenses .

  21. 农户是中国农业信贷需求的主体,农户经营规模、农户收入和财产状况、农户生产投资规模以及教育、医疗等大额现金支出是影响农户借贷需求的主要因素;

    The operating scale , the income and property , the product investment , the cash expenditure of education and medical treatment are the main factors that affect the credit demand of households in rural China ;

  22. 本文认为,股票期权是指在公司治理中对经营者进行长期激励的一种薪酬制度,其价值在于降低代理成本、吸引优秀人才、减少企业现金支出和克服企业人员的短期行为。

    As a long-term stimulating salary system to enterprise proprietors , the merits of ESO are that it can help corporations to lower agency cost , attract the talent , reduce cash expenditure and eliminate short-term behavior of employees .

  23. 估算成本,理论成本,应计成本:一般用来指任何时候都不涉及实际现金支出,因此也不显示在会计记录上,但与要做的决策有关的成本。

    Imputed costs : generally used to mean costs that do not involve at any time actual cash outlay and which do not , therefore , appear in the accounting records but are relevant to the decision at hand .

  24. 这一趋势以伦敦为首,仅在过去三个月里,投入伦敦房地产的现金支出就达90亿英镑,其中有很大一部分来自国外买家,包括新加坡、中国内地和香港。

    The trend is being driven by London , where £ 9bn of cash has been spent on property in the past three months alone , much of it by foreign buyers from Singapore , China and Hong Kong .

  25. 这些例子的共同点当然是,它们都代表着生活水平的提高;现金支出也许因此快速增加,但按照国际标准,这不算通胀,安德森表示。

    What these examples have in common , of course , is that they all represent increases in the standard of living ; cash outlays may be rising rapidly as a result , but according to international standards , this is not inflation , Anderson says .

  26. 税收的强制性、无偿性特点客观上决定了纳税是企业的一项刚性现金支出,税收成为影响企业财务管理决策的一个重要因素,减轻税负是理性经济人的内在需求。

    The compulsory and free characteristics of tax objectively decide that tax payment is a rigid cash expenditure of enterprises , and tax becomes an important factor that influences enterprise financial management decision-making . Then it is an inherent demand of rational economic man to reduce tax burden .

  27. Z省居民个人现金卫生支出的致贫影响研究

    Studying the poverty impact of out-of-pocket health payments in Z province

  28. 通过对Z省居民个人现金卫生支出致贫影响进行定量测量与分析,发现这种影响在城乡之间、不同经济水平人群之间存在差异,且随着经济发展并没有得到改善。

    Analyzing the poverty impact of out-of-pocket health payments ( OOP ) in Z province , the paper found that there was significant difference between the urban and the rural and among the population in different economic levels , and that economy development could not decrease the gap .

  29. 不确定性因素对我国农村居民现金消费支出的影响分析

    Uncertain Factors ' Affection on Cash Consumption of Rural Households

  30. 随着这些银行通过首次公开上市积聚现金,支出的诱惑将越来越大。

    As the banks amass cash from IPOs there is a growing temptation to spend .