
  • 网络contemporary international relation
  1. 大约一年前,北京中国现代国际关系研究院(cicir)对美国实力的各种构成进行了一项细致的评估。

    A year or so ago , the Beijing-based Chinese Institute for contemporary international relations made a detailed assessment of the various components of us power .

  2. 张学刚是中国现代国际关系研究院的东南亚事务专家。

    Zhang Xuegang is an expert on Southeast Asian affairs at the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations .

  3. 中国现代国际关系研究院(chinainstituteofcontemporaryinternationalrelations)学者翟指出,大型国企“如今代表经济利益的考量”。

    Zhai Kun , of the China Institute of contemporary international relations in Beijing , said that large state companies " now stand for economic considerations " .

  4. 现代国际关系中,民族国家占据主体地位。

    In modern international relations , nation-state holds a principal status .

  5. 大国博弈&试析近现代国际关系发展的趋势

    The Game Between Powers & Trend analysis of the development of modern international relations

  6. 电子战中国际法律问题的出现和存续是现代国际关系中不可避免的。

    The appearance and existed of international legal issue in electronic warfare is inevitable .

  7. 在现代国际关系史上,印度与以色列的关系可谓是荜路槛褛,一波三折。

    The diplomatic relation between India and Israel is not smooth in modern international relation history .

  8. 冷战国际史的研究应该与现代国际关系理论的探索相链接。

    There should be a methodological connection between Cold War international history and international relations theories .

  9. 试论专项安全合作组织(机构)对现代国际关系的影响

    Primary Demonstration on The Influence of Special Security Cooperation Organizations ( Institutions ) to Modern International Relations

  10. 联合国的建立是现代国际关系史上划时代的伟大创造。

    The establishment of the United Nations is a great creation in the contemporary history of international relations .

  11. 主权是国家的根本属性,国家主权原则在现代国际关系中起着举足轻重的作用。

    As the basic attribute for a nation , national sovereignty plays a critical role in modern international relations .

  12. 欧洲是资本主义文明的摇篮,民族国家和现代国际关系体系的发源地。

    Europe was the cradle of the Capital civilization , the original region of modern Nation-State and modern international relations system .

  13. 在现代国际关系中,文化外交发挥着政治、经济和军事等对外交往手段难以达到的作用。

    In modern international relations , cultural diplomacy plays a part unattainable by political , economic , military and other foreign means .

  14. 其次,从理论和实践两方面指出了国际法在协调现代国际关系中的必要性。

    Secondly , the paper points out the necessity of international law that harmonizes international relations from the theories and the practices .

  15. 作为最具影响力的传媒,电影、电视与互联网在现代国际关系中履行着重要的外交职能。

    As the most influential media , cinema , television and internet are playing an important role in the modern international relations .

  16. 本文认为,欧盟国家主权让渡是国家垄断资本主义发展的一种新形式,体现了现代国际关系的新特点。

    This paper points out that the transfer of sovereignty of the EU countries is a new type of development of national monopoly capitalism .

  17. 就像塞缪尔.亨廷顿教授所指出的那样,文化和文明在现代国际关系领域中扮演着至关重要的角色。

    As Professor Huntington P. Samuel says culture and civilization play a key role in contemporary international relations and deeply affect the relations between countries .

  18. 作为一种国际社会现象,跨界民族问题对现代国际关系产生了重要而深远的影响。

    The problems of the transnational ethnic groups , as a sort of phenomenon in the world arena , have significantly influenced on the modem international relations .

  19. 然而,由于石油因素在国际关系中的作用日益凸现,甚至成了现代国际关系的异化工具,各个国家民族利益和国家利益的不同,导致国际关系充满了不确定性。

    However , because the role of oil factor gradually becomes more important in the international relations , even becomes an alienating tool of modern international relations .

  20. 军控外交在现代国际关系中扮演着重要的角色,但是,军控外交和任何事物一样,都有它的原始形式。

    Arms control diplomacy play the important part in the contemporary international relations , it has its primary form pattern as well as anything all over the world .

  21. 外蒙古的独立是现代国际关系史上的一件大事,也是二十世纪中国对外关系史上的一件大事。

    The independence of Outer Mongolia was not only a vital incident in the modern history of international relations , but also an important event of Sino-foreign relations in the 20th century .

  22. 更进一步,就可以进行社会契约,个人与国家之间的契约,国家与国家之间的契约,近代新的社会契约与现代国际关系就是以此为理论基础的。

    Moreover , they can covenant with each other , person with person or state with state , this is the foundation the theory of the neoteric Social Contract and the Modern International relationship .

  23. 然而,中国现代国际关系研究院的冯仲平表示,他认为中国政府很有可能平衡欧盟与英国之间的关系。

    However , Feng Zhongping with the China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations , says he believes it is possible for the Chinese government to balance its relationship between both the EU and Britain .

  24. 东亚封贡体系便是东亚世界内一种迥异于现代国际关系体系的国际关系,中国因其雄厚超群的实力成为这一体系当之无愧的中心。

    East Asia tributary system is a kind of international relations but different from modern international relations in " East Asia ", because of China has strong strength , so it becomes the center in the system .

  25. “软权力”正成为现代国际关系中的聚焦点,为应对复杂的安全战略环境,维护国家利益,我国国际传播必须做出正确的战略选择。

    Soft power gives prominence to modern international relationship recently . Our country 's international communication must make right strategic choice to meet with the complex challenge of security environment and safeguard our country 's national interests .

  26. 试论经贸关系对现代国际关系结构的影响&以俄美欧关系为例我国与美国、俄罗斯、欧盟、日本的关系得到发展和改善。

    Impact of Economic and Trade Relations on Contemporary International Relation Structure : An Example of America-Russian-EU Relations ; Development and improvement have been achieved in China 's relations with the United States , Russia , the European Union and Japan .

  27. 各种形式的国际贸易政策合作是现代国际经济关系的普遍现象。

    Various kind of trade policy cooperation can be frequently seen in current international economic relations .

  28. 本文之所以用这对概念从主体史角度开始考察国际关系,目的是为了与现代性国际关系、后现代性国际关系区别开来。

    The reason for setting up the concepts from the angle of subjectivity history is to differentiate them from modernity and post-modernity International Relationship .

  29. 正是由于各国建立了日趋完善的预测体制,现代国际政治关系才得以形成并稳定下来。

    Just because countries set up the perfect prediction system day by day , the modern international political relation have been formed and settled down .

  30. 因此,主权是近代的产物,主权原则是近现代以来国际关系的基础和欧洲国家体系的支柱之一。

    In conclusion , sovereignty was a product of modern time and the sovereignty principle was and still is the foundation of international relations since then .