
  • 网络actors;Actant
  1. 成本规避是指行为体对成本更为敏感。

    " Cost-elusion " means that the actors are more sensitive to cost .

  2. 世界能源问题中的非国家行为体研究

    Study on Non-state Actors in International Energy Resource Issue

  3. 传统的国家安全观主要关注的是主权国家行为体。

    Sovereign state actor is the object of study in traditional national security .

  4. 促成了当代国际关系行为体的多元化;给国家间关系带来新的课题;

    Bring about the multiplicity of the contemporary subjects of international relation behavior ;

  5. 治理是各行为体对共同利益问题进行管理的过程。

    Governance is a process that all actors manage the issues of common interests .

  6. 非主权国家行为体在环境外交中的参与度和重要性越来越不可忽视,同时也不能报以过高的期望。

    The participation degree and importance of non-state actors becomes more and more unneglectable .

  7. 纤维复合材料的弹粘塑性行为体分比与应变率的影响

    Elasto-Viscoplastic Behavior of Fiber Composite : Effect Of the Volume Fraction and Strain Rate

  8. 规范是行为体和结构互动互构过程中的媒介和关键要素。

    Norms are the medium and key element in the agent-structure interaction and mutual construction .

  9. 经济制裁是国际行为体之间一种常见的冲突行为。

    Economic sanctions are a type of conflict behavior among actors on the international stage .

  10. 另一方面,它还面临着来自非国家行为体和社会层次的反击。

    Also for another , it faces the counterattack from non-state actors and social levels .

  11. 结构和行为体的关系是国际关系理论的重要问题。

    The relation between structure and agent is crucial in the study of International Relationship Theory .

  12. 近年来,非国家行为体在文明融合中的作用日渐扩大。

    Non-state actors ' role has been expanded in the integration of civilizations in recent years .

  13. 随着跨国交往和相互依赖的加深,非国家行为体的作用日益突出。

    With the development of transnational communications and inter-dependence , non-nation participants play an increasingly important role .

  14. 一方面,它会受到来自国家行为体和地区国际体系层次的制衡。

    For one thing , it faces the challenges from some countries and the regional international system .

  15. 从理论上看,集体谈判应具备三个基本的条件:一是谈判的行为体是理性的;

    Collective bargaining theory can have three aspects : firstly , actors of collective bargaining are rational ;

  16. 中国的崛起对国际社会其他行为体有何影响?

    What influence does the emergence of China have to the body of other behaviors of international community ?

  17. 道德惩罚作为一种非强制性的制裁手段对于规约和范导道德行为体的行为有着重要的作用。

    Moral punishment as an unenforceable sanction plays an important role to code and guide behaviors of moral subject .

  18. 这就决定了解决气候变化问题需要国际社会众多行为体的参与。

    All these decide the solution of climatic change question needs numerous actors ' participation of the international society .

  19. 国家是国际行为体的重要组成部分,主导者国际政治体系的结构和进程。

    The international community is an important part of international political system , and leaded the structure and processes .

  20. 集体认同的形成为区域合作中各行为体深入合作奠定了坚实的基础。

    The formation of collective identity for the regional cooperation of various actors in-depth cooperation has laid a solid foundation .

  21. 过程是行为体之间的有意识互动,结构本质是互动中形成的一种规范。

    Process is a conscious interaction between actors , while structure is a kind of norm formed in the interaction .

  22. 八国集团作为一个论坛而存在,有着区别于其他国际行为体的显著特征,并保持着对许多国际组织的有力影响。

    As a forum , G8 has marked characteristics over other international actors and maintains influence on many international organizations .

  23. 廓清这一概念的理论意义在于它能为我们认识国际政治行为体提供一个新的认知范式。

    The clarified concept of Track-Two Diplomacy is significant in providing us a new paradigm of the international political actor .

  24. 国际关系是跨越国界的人类关系的总和,是行为体之间进行有意识互动的结果。

    International relations which are the congregation of human relations across borders result from the conscious interaction between human beings .

  25. 如今,核武器扩散至非国家行为体的威胁,不亚于在国家之间扩散的威胁。

    Proliferation to non-state actors is now as much of a threat as the spread of nuclear weapons among states .

  26. 身份的建构依赖于行为体所处的国际合作文化,并可以为其他行为体所认知。

    The construction of the identity depends on the international co-operation culture , and can be cognized by other actors .

  27. 这种治理的理念假定非国家行为体可以在国家的基础上渐次成为治理的重心。

    This idea of governance presumes that non-state actor can become the focus of the governance through influencing national policy-making .

  28. 当前,各个国家行为体以克服危机,恢复经济为优先战略。

    At time being , the nations take the overcoming the crisis and restoring the economy as their priority strategies .

  29. 而冷战后出现的一些弱势非国家行为体,逐渐成为这一极端行为的主要实施者。

    Some political non-state actors , appearing in the post-Cold War , become the main perpetrators of the extreme behaviors .

  30. 关注到这一过程及其行为体是十分重要的,因为通过其努力它们适应了国家的利益。

    It is essential to look at this process and the actors within which have accommodated state interests in their deliberations .