
xínɡ zhènɡ ɡān yù
  • administrative intervention
  1. 行政干预与健康教育对提高肺结核病例发现率的影响

    Effect evaluation of the tuberculosis case detection through administrative intervention and health education

  2. 行政干预对结核病归口管理的影响

    Influence of administrative intervention on tuberculosis convergence case-management

  3. 行政干预对减少医院感染漏报的作用

    The Effect of Administration Intervention on Missing Report of Nosocomial Infection

  4. 行政干预前后抗菌药物临床应用分析

    Antibiotics Clinical Application Before and after Executive Intervention : An Analysis

  5. 政策性担保机构中行政干预过强,效率低下。

    Policy security agencies too much administrative interference and inefficiency .

  6. 从信息不对称理论看高等教育中的行政干预

    Administrative Interference in Higher Education Seen from Information Asymmetry Theory

  7. 行政干预和人为操作取代新闻规律的现象时有发生;

    Administrative interference and manipulation often replace the law of news report ;

  8. 制定优惠政策,减少行政干预;

    Establishing the favorable policies and reducing administrative interference ;

  9. 建议:加强政府行政干预和食品卫生监督管理力度;

    Enhancing government surveillance and management of food hygiene .

  10. 实行合理的行政干预有利于推广目标的实现。

    Proper interferences from local governments were helpful in realization of extension aims .

  11. 转换政府职能,弱化行政干预;

    Transforming government function , weakening government interfere ;

  12. 弱化行政干预,加强监管力度;

    Weaken administrative interferences is to strengthen supervision .

  13. 然而,现行的土地立法和政策对于其流转有较多的限制和行政干预。

    But , the land legislation and policy had many restrictions in the circulation .

  14. 坚持企业自愿与行政干预相结合;

    Combination of voluntary participation and administrative intervene ;

  15. 目的评价行政干预对结核病归口管理的作用及效果。

    Objective To evaluate the effects of administrative intervention on tuberculosis convergence case management .

  16. 欧美高等教育的行政干预模式及其启示

    On models of administrative intervention in higher education in Europe and America and its enlightenment

  17. 有效配置资源,但要注意遵循经济规律,避免不当行政干预;

    To distribute resource effectively economic rules should be emphasized to avoid improper administrative interference .

  18. 行政干预与体育中介市场

    Administration Interference and Sports Agency Market

  19. 国有商业银行还需在促进治理结构改变的基础上来改革银行的经营机制,提高其经营绩效和管理水平,减少政府对国有商业银行的行政干预。

    State-owned commercial banks need to change the operational mechanism and promote performance and management level .

  20. 充分发挥兼职领导作用,加大执法与行政干预的力度;

    The adjunct leadership should be fully utilized to strengthen the law enforcement and administrative intervention .

  21. 我国曾经实行的清算组制度体现了浓厚的行政干预色彩。

    China used to implement the liquidation group system which reflected strong color of administrative intervention .

  22. 包括:1、减少政府对教育的直接行政干预,进一步开放教育市场;

    Including : 1 , reduce the direct intervenient of government , open the education market ;

  23. 苏州工业园区建设项目立项前职业卫生行政干预模式研究

    Study of the Occupational Health Administration Intervention Mode before Construction Project Established in Suzhou Industrial Park

  24. 行政干预还在一些部门导致有害的垄断行为,排除了公正的市场竞争。

    Administrative intervention also results in harmful monopolization in some sectors that eliminates fair market competition .

  25. 在覆盖全民医保的前提下,卫生主管部门对医疗活动的行政干预能力得以增强。

    In the premise of medical insurance coverage the administrative could enhance the capacity to medical activities .

  26. 国家干预可以采用立法干预、行政干预和司法干预等不同形式。

    There are three basic forms for the state intervention , legislative , executive and judicial form .

  27. 行政干预、经费短缺是目前农业推广体制中最突出的问题之一。

    Administrative interfering and shortage of expense is one of the prominent problems in present agricultural extension system .

  28. 烟台市行政干预措施对提高肺结核发现率的效果分析

    Analysis on effect of increasing the detection rate of TB patients by administrative intervenient measures in Yantai City

  29. 而协调分工中的区域矛盾,市场机制是一种基本的协调制度,但在市场缺陷与失灵的情况下,政府的行政干预就必然成为另外一种重要的协调制度。

    But under the condition of market malfunction , the intervention of government administration becomes another important coordinated mechanism .

  30. 方法采取量化的评价标准结合行政干预、技术干预等手段对临床应用抗菌药物的合理应用进行考核。

    Method Use quality appraising standard combine administrative and technical instrumentality to check logical application of antibiotics in clinic .