
  • 网络Invariant
  1. 改造结果表明,在其它工况不变条件下,塔内CO2转化率提高了2%,每小时可节约中压蒸汽约5吨。

    According to reconstructing results , it was prove that the inversion rate of dioxide has been increased by 2 % and the steam of middle pressure consuming has been decreased 5 ton per hour under other conditions no changing .

  2. 在恒温和氧分压不变条件下,于流动式微型固定床反应器内,对R-32和3861铂锡催化剂进行了焦炭燃烧过程研究,并与Y-9分子筛裂化催化剂的燃烧过程进行了比较。

    The combustion of coke on two Pt-Sn / Al_2O_3 reforming catalysts was investigated at constant temperatures and oxygen partial pressure in a flow fixed bed reactor and compared with that on a zeolite type cracking catalyst .

  3. 储量不变条件下地下水可持续开采策略

    On Strategy of Groundwater Exploitation under the Condition of Constant Aquifer Storage

  4. 更进一步,通过构造对复杂边界和局部大曲率复杂曲面有较强适应性的局部三角形单元及其面积不变条件下的展开算法,对不规则边界曲面、局部陡曲面实现了几何近似展开。

    Furthermore , We realize the approximate developing of undeveloped-irregular boundary surface using a few triangle cells .

  5. 伴随方程的解若同时满足伴随不变条件就可以由之构造出系统的守恒量。

    Conserved quantity of the system can be constructed through the adjoint equations ' solutions which satisfy adjoint invariance condition .

  6. 在地形等因子不变条件下,四个土壤指标的协同作用决定了区域水蚀过程、形态和危害;

    The coordinate effects of four soil indexes strictly determine the regional differences in water erosion process , shapes and harms .

  7. 1985年作者提出了在一个位置&温度曲线上的不变条件下燃料分配要有两个高分配点,实践证明对节能很有效。

    The author pointed out that there must be two high points of fuel distribution on the condition of constant location-temperature curve in1985 .

  8. 再在体积不变条件下用弹性位移场的已知模态和一待定幅值构成弹塑性位移场;

    Under the condition without volume dilatation the field of elasto-plastic displacements is established by using the known elastic modes and an unknown amplitude .

  9. 仿真分析表明,该方法实现了包含足部转动的动态步行,地面环境不变条件下多周期运动起始点满足周期稳定性条件。

    Simulation analysis showed that this approach realized dynamic walking motion including foot rotation and initial points of multi-step walking satisfied periodic stability requirement under identical ground condition .

  10. 近年来高型脚手架的安全成为建筑工地使用的焦点,其中最重要的一个问题就是脚手架的几何不变条件。

    Recent years , the safety of high scaffold has become the focus of construction site , and one of the most important problems is the geometrical stability .

  11. 首次提出了在模板啁啾系数和长度不变条件下制作特定滤波谱形状的大啁啾光纤光栅方法,其前提是通过先行构造设计和制作一个已知特定折射率分布的光纤光栅。

    Through constructing a special refractive index modulation distribution , it is easy to obtain other filtering profiles when the large chirp coefficient and phase mask length are constant .

  12. 在一条法向应力不变条件下的单调剪切应力路径中,剪应力随着剪应变的增加而不断增长并趋向于一稳定值;

    The shear stress would increase and tend to a stable value with the development of shear strain due to a monotonic stress path application under constant normal stress condition ;

  13. 在平均发送功率不变条件下,算法根据子信道的衰落特性,自适应地分配子信道中数据比特,选择不同的信号星座和发送功率,使得系统的功率和频谱效率达到最佳。

    The algorithm distributes the information bits , the signal constellations and transmitting power adaptively to different subchannels according to channel instantaneous attenuations to satisfy average power and BER constraints .

  14. 爱因斯坦的“狭义相对论”不能成立,光速不变条件下的伽利略变换应是“广义伽利略变换”。

    Einstein 's " special relativity " cannot be established , The principles of constant light speed Combined with Galileo transformation , and the resulting should is " generalized Galileo transformation " .

  15. 在环境负荷不变条件下,运用控制方程求得的万元产值用水量无法满足循环经济的需求。

    Under the constant condition of environmental load , water consumption of ten thousand Yuan output value is got from the control equation . It is unable to meet the recycling economy 's demand .

  16. 以最小阻力定律、体积不变条件和秒流量相等条件为内容的经典轧制理论,经试验、演绎形成了较完整的轧制应用技术科学体系,这种体系所反映的是静态规律。

    Classical rolling theory , which is based on the law of the lowest resistance , the condition of constant volume and the condition of equal flow per second , has formed a fairly integrated rolling applied technology science system by means of experiment and deduction .

  17. 在反应器盐温保持不变条件下,苯酐产品收率下降很慢,与同类进口催化剂基本相同,说明BE-239型催化剂的选择性和稳定性与进口催化剂接近,加上价格优势,具备了市场竞争力。

    When keeping salt bath temperature in reactor unchanged , the yield of the product decreased very slowly , which was the same as the imported catalyst . Because of approximate selectivity and stability in addition to advantage in price , BC - 239 has competence in market .

  18. 在单薯重和T/R值不变的条件下,适度提高密度是增加产量的主要途径。

    The main way of increasing yield was to increase plant density properly in the constant condition of single tuber weight and T / R value .

  19. 研究了在曲线形状保持不变的条件下,空间有理三次Bézier曲线权因子改变与曲线参数化的关系。

    This paper discusses the relationship between the variation of weights for rational cubic space B é zier curve and parametrization of curve with the shape unchanged .

  20. 在保持常现潮流网络解算结构不变的条件下实现了系统中不同位置处的多个IPC的稳态处理,为分析IPC在大型电力系统中的稳态作用提供了应用工具;

    Thirdly , this paper realizes the flexible treatment of various IPCs in various locations of power systems without destroying network computation structure of usual power flow algorithm .

  21. KT与NAA浓度不变的条件下,茎段外植体随6-BA的浓度增加,愈化率、保绿率及芽伸长率降低。

    In the same concentration of KT and NAA , the maintaining green rate , the shoot elongation rate and the callus rate were lowered with the increase of 6-BA concentration .

  22. 在其它因素不变的条件下,HFC-23选择性先随膜分离器进气流量的增加而增加,进气流量增加到一定值后,HFC-23的选择性开始随进气流量的增加而减少。

    The selectivity of HFC-23 first increased then decreased with the feed rate to the membrane .

  23. 其主要工作概括如下:(1)在时不变环境条件下OFDM系统的模型的基础上,提出了一种基于叠加导频的时慢变信道估计算法。

    The major works of this paper can be summarized as follows : ( 1 ) On the basis of time-invariant modeling for OFDM , an improved algorithm based on Superimposed Pilot that suit to time-invariant channel estimation has been proposed .

  24. 能够在保持PUE硬度、拉伸强度基本不变的条件下,减少二异氰酸酯的用量,降低成本。

    The introduction of GPOPs in PUE could reduce the amount of isocyanates and the production cost whereas lower the hardness and tensile strength of PUE .

  25. 在加速因子分析方面,本文在加速寿命试验失效机理不变的条件下,对指数、Weibull、对数正态和正态分布分别建立了加速因子的Bayes分析模型。

    To the analysis of accelerated factor , as far as the exponent , weibull , log-normal and normal distribution is concerned , the Bayes analysis models for accelerated factor are built under the condition of const failure mechanism .

  26. 介绍实芯焊丝CO2焊的熔敷效率测试方法,试验结果表明,在回路电感值不变的条件下,焊接电流、电弧电压和气体流量是影响熔敷效率的主要因素。

    This paper introduces the testing method of deposition efficiency of CO_2 welding of bare wire . The results show that the major factors that influence deposition efficiency are welding current , arc voltage and gas flow rate under the conditions of same circuit inductance .

  27. 在时滞有界和采样周期内状态参数阵不变的条件下,通过求解Riccati微分方程得到局部优化控制律。

    With the bounded delay condition and the invariance of parameter matrix in sampling periods , a design approach of a state feedback controller for optimizing the part performance is proposed by solving Riccati differential equation .

  28. 本文从信标节点分布的角度对其进行了改进,在网络拓扑面积,节点通信半径不变的条件下,从信标节点数量和网络节点数量的角度对DV-Hop算法的定位误差进行了分析比较。

    On the constant conditions of the network topology area and node communication radius , analyzes and compares the positioning error of DV-Hop algorithm from beacon nodes quantity and network node number .

  29. 针对一致连续Hopfield网络容易陷入局部最小和不合理解的现象,给出了不一致连续Hopfield网络的能量分析,得到了使网络能量函数上升、下降和不变的条件。

    Considering that consistent continuous Hopfield neural network lead to local minima or illegal results , the energy analysis of inconsistent continuous Hopfield neural network was given and the conditions under which network energy can increase , decrease or maintain were got .

  30. 原理是,在NADPH和GR维持谷胱甘肽总量不变的条件下,GSH和D7NB反应,生成TNB的速率与样品中总谷胱甘肽量呈正比。

    The principle is that the concentration of total glutathione is proportional to TNB-forming rate resulting from the reaction between GSH and DTNB provided that NADPH and GR are used to keep the amount of total glutathione constant .