
jìng jìn kǒu
  • net import
净进口[jìng jìn kǒu]
  1. 净进口量为635.42万吨,同比增长0.2%;

    Net import 6.3542 million tons , a 0.2 % increase ;

  2. 2002年我国石油净进口净进口率接近30%。

    In 2002 the petroleum net import rate near to 30 % .

  3. 加拿大现在是一个药物净进口大国。

    Canada is now a substantial net importer of medicines .

  4. 美国能源情报署(USEnergyInformationAdministration)发布的初步数据显示,去年12月,美国石油净进口量跌至每天598万桶,是1992年2月以来的最低水平。

    US net oil imports dropped to 5.98m barrels a day in December , the lowest since February 1992 , according to provisional figures from the US Energy Information Administration .

  5. LPG、燃料油、高品质航空煤油仍需进口,但净进口量有可能下降。

    LPG , fuel oil and jet diesel of high quality standards will still have to be imported , but net imports will likely decrease .

  6. 甚至是金砖国家(Brics)集团也均分成了净进口国(中国和印度)和净出口国(巴西和俄罗斯)。

    Even the Brics group is divided equally between net importers ( China and India ) and net exporters ( Brazil and Russia ) .

  7. CRU预计,中国的铝净进口量在2015年前依然不高,将低于20万吨。

    CRU predicts that net imports will remain small , below 200,000 tonnes , until 2015 .

  8. 它将造成该ETF在美国国内(净进口国)买入铜,打乱市场供应。

    This would cause the ETF to buy copper within the U.S. – a net importer – disrupting the flow of supply .

  9. 美国的页岩繁荣正在重塑能源市场,使美国把最大石油净进口国的宝座让给中国,并给石油输出国组织(Opec,中文简称欧佩克)成员国带来压力。

    The shale boom is reshaping energy markets , pushing the US behind China as the largest net oil importer and putting pressure on members of Opec .

  10. 2012年花旗集团(Citigroup)的一份报告称,如果沙特的石油消费量按照目前的速度继续增长,到2030年该国可能成为一个石油净进口国。

    A 2012 Citigroup report said that if Saudi oil consumption continued to grow at current rates , the kingdom could be a net oil importer by 2030 .

  11. 这种结构性转变可能削弱亚洲和中东炼油企业的回报,包括沙特阿美公司(SaudiAramco),此前这些炼油商进行了多年的扩张,以满足中国作为燃油净进口国的需求。

    The structural shift could dent returns for Asian and Middle Eastern refiners , including Saudi Aramco , after years of expansion to meet China 's needs as a net fuel importer .

  12. GFMS表示,去年中国金饰需求和黄金投资需求分别下滑了1%和2%,而印度黄金净进口减少了约三分之一。

    Chinese jewellery and investment demand were down 1 and 2 per cent respectively last year , while Indian net imports fell by about a third , GFMS said .

  13. 同时,埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)等美国超级石油巨头以及Phillips66等炼油企业还在出口创纪录数量的成品油,以满足拉丁美洲与非洲对汽油、柴油和煤油的需求,进一步降低美国的石油净进口量。

    In addition , US super-majors and refiners such as ExxonMobil and Phillips 66 are exporting record quantities of oil products to meet soaring demand for gasoline , diesel and kerosene in Latin America and Africa , lowering the countrys net oil imports .

  14. 日本商社丸红(Marubeni)以逾50亿美元,押注于未来几年中国将成为玉米净进口国,且这一过程将改变全球农产品市场格局。

    Marubeni , the Japanese trading house , has bet more than $ 5bn that China will become a net importer of corn for years to come , in the process reshaping the global market for agricultural commodities markets .

  15. 受到密切关注的澳大利亚农业和资源经济局(Abare)本周预计,中国今年的电煤净进口量将达到9800万吨,仍低于日本,但高于迄今一直是第二大进口国的韩国。

    The closely watched Australia Bureau of Agriculture and Resource Economics this week put China 's net thermal coal imports this year at 98m tonnes , still below Japan , but above South Korea , until now the second-largest importer .

  16. 我们已经变成了一个净进口国,丧失了在国际上的竞争力。

    We have become a net importer , and lost international competitiveness .

  17. 1996年,中国成为大豆净进口国。

    China became a net importer of soybean in 1996 .

  18. 我国20世纪90年代成为石油净进口国。

    China has become a pure oil - importing country since 1990s .

  19. 全年的石油净进口总量将达到1.55亿吨左右。

    The annual net oil import will stay at 155 million tons .

  20. 大多数发展中国家是净进口国,而也有一些是净出口国。

    Most developing countries are net importers , but some are net exporters .

  21. 最容易受到伤害的国家是那些低收入的食品净进口国。

    Those countries that are most vulnerable are the low-income net food importers .

  22. 中国在2004年成为粮食净进口国。

    China became a net food importer in 2004 .

  23. 印度预计将变成一个日均净进口石油约700万桶的国家。

    and India to being a net importer of about 7m b / d.

  24. 石油进口量和净进口量下降;

    Reduction in oil import and net import ;

  25. 第16条最不发达国家和粮食净进口发展中国家

    Article 16 Least-Developed and Net Food-Importing Developing Countries

  26. 粮食净进口量逐年增长,国内粮食价格也在上涨。

    Food imports is increasing year by year , and food prices are rising .

  27. 原油净进口国的定价权探析

    The Exploration and Analysis on Pricing Right of Net Import Country for Crude Oil

  28. 中国自1993年成为石油净进口国以来,进口依存度持续提高。

    The degree of dependence on the foreign oil has been increased greatly since 1993 .

  29. 这种超量,对于农产品净进口的经济,可能会顺利地被国内市场所吸收,增强了国内的自给能力,减少了进口;

    This part can be absorbed by the market at home successfully for import-only economy .

  30. 我国是一个粮食净进口国家,对国际市场的依存度有上升趋势,调控中存在逆向调节和反应过度现象;

    China is a net grain import country and dependence to world market become stronger .