
  • 网络Jodo Shinshu
  1. 净土宗成立于6世纪时的中国和高丽(朝鲜),12世纪时的日本,至今仍有大量信徒,特别是日本的净土真宗。

    Established in the6th century in China and Korea and in the12th century in Japan , the Pure Land sects still have many followers , especially in Japan 's Jodo Shinshu ( True Pure Land sect ) .

  2. 从唐代以来,以云鸾、道绰、善导所创立的净土法门体系传到日本后,日本高僧法然和亲鸾,先后以三位大师著作为依据,立教开宗,建立了日本佛教净土宗和净土真宗。

    Since the Tang Dynasty , the doctrine of the Sukhavati Sect originated by Tanluan , Daochuo and Shandao has been passed on to Japan , where Japanese eminent monks like Horan and Qinluan founded the Sukhavati Sect in Japan on the basis of the Buddhist works by the above-mentioned three Chinese masters .