
jìng lì
  • net profit
净利 [jìng lì]
  • [net profit] 企业毛利中除去税款、利息及一切杂项费用等所剩的利润

净利[jìng lì]
  1. 我们必须要明白经由谈判所获得每一份钱,都是净利。

    We need to understand that through negotiations to obtain the money each , all net profit .

  2. 但到头来,我认为他们能得到5%的净利,所以说并不是很多。

    But at the end of that , I think they made a five percent net profit , so not enormous .

  3. 他们已赚得2000英镑的净利。

    They had made a clear profit of £ 2 000 .

  4. 去年,它的净利猛跌了73%。

    Its net profits plunged 73 % last year .

  5. 不过,一定程度上由于大型首次公开发行(ipo)前资金需求庞大,银行间利率一直不断攀升,从而挤压了小银行的净利差空间。

    Yet interbank rates have been spiking up , in part due to massive demand ahead of big initial public offerings , squeezing net interest margins at smaller banks .

  6. 来自联邦存款保险公司(fdic)的长期行业数据显示,上一次美国大银行的净利差降至眼下的低水平发生在50多年前。

    Longer-term industry data from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation shows the current low level was last reached more than 50 years ago .

  7. 评估并比较Webvan配送中心和那些相同数量的传统超商的营运净利。

    Evaluate and compare the net operating margin of a Webvan Distribution Center against that of an equivalent number of traditional supermarkets .

  8. 这笔买卖我们净利6000美元。

    We make $ 6000 clear profit on the deal .

  9. 净利或净收益分配表立即参与分享利益的

    Statement of allocation of net profits or net income

  10. 派息率是指公司净利分派给股东的比率。

    The payout ratio refers to the proportion of profit paid to shareholders .

  11. 净利或净收益分配表减除利息和税款前收益

    Statement of allocation of net profits or net income earnings before interest and tax

  12. 营业净利对销售净额比率

    Ratio of net operating profits to net sales

  13. 净利或净收益分配表应收票据上的延期利息收入

    Statement of allocation of net profits or net income deferred payment of interests on notes

  14. 我才不管你的营业额有多少,把你的净利告诉我。

    I don 't care what your sales revenue is , show me your bottom line .

  15. 你的净利是多少?

    What is your net profit ?

  16. 巴里克黄金第二季度净利下滑35%,至7.5亿美元。

    Barrick ' s net earnings fell 35 per cent in the second quarter to $ 750m .

  17. 他必洁净利未人,他们就凭公义献供物给耶和华。

    And he shall purify the sons of levy , that they may offer unto the LORD an offering of righteousness .

  18. 破产,在这情况,方法现金的弄干流程,或流程净利,或被除数。

    Bankruptcy , in this case , means drying up of cash flow , or flow of net profits , or dividend .

  19. 中国允许合资企业在付清税款后将所得的净利汇往国外。

    Joint venture is allowed to remit their net profit , if any , after having paid taxes , to foreign countries .

  20. 真是一团乱麻,詹姆想,希望自己能干净利落地一剑砍断这些乱七八糟的玩意儿。

    Knots and tangles , Jaime thought , wishing he could cut through all of it with one swift stroke of his sword .

  21. 当前,美国采取湿地整体零损失政策,实现长期湿地净利的长远目标。

    There is currently an overall no-net loss policy and a longer term goal of achieving a net gain of the nation 's wetlands .

  22. 一间公司若要派发高股息,它必须有充足的净利以及有足够的意愿去做。

    For a company to pay good dividends , it must have sufficient profit to be able to pay and it must be willing to pay .

  23. 净利理论的基本观点:公司增加负债,提高财务杠杆,可增加公司的总价值。

    The fundamental view of net profit theory is that as the company increased debt , increased financial leverage can increase the total value of the company .

  24. 他们说,每公斤野菰可以卖到24至40美元,每公斤树莓卖给餐馆,可以有16美元的净利。

    They said wild mushrooms can fetch $ 24 to $ 40 per kilo . A kilo of huckleberries can net $ 16 in the restaurant trade .

  25. 作者认为,立足所有者或企业,并以货币资本保全为基点,企业的收益是包括持产收益的税后净利。

    The author holds that business earnings , taking protective measures for money capital as a basic point , should include holding income and net profit after tax .

  26. 因此,当所有人都努力提供最低廉的价格,从汽车到相机、再到家居用品,所有商品的毛利和净利都受到了无情的挤压。

    Hence gross and net margins have been relentlessly squeezed across everything from cars to cameras to home furnishings , as everyone tries to match the cheapest vendor .

  27. 根据监管部门的规定,商业银行的存款利率要比贷款利率低很多,这让它们获得了相当可观的净利差,掌控了一种有保障的利润来源。

    China caps the deposit rates that banks can offer well below lending rates , giving them a handsome net interest margin as a guaranteed source of profit .

  28. 2007年,麦凯布以8.65亿英镑的价格将思嘉伯集团部分资产出售给了澳大利亚的Valad地产集团,获得了大约1.5亿英镑的净利。

    Mr McCabe had sold some of Scarborough 's assets to Valad Property Group of Australia for £ 865m in 2007 , picking up about £ 150m net profit .

  29. 分析师对上述四大行的净利差平均估值为2.8%,低于10年前约4%的水平。

    The average of analysts ' estimates for the four biggest banks ' net interest margin is 2.8 per cent , down from about 4 per cent 10 years ago .

  30. 本文旨在分析影响中国商业银行净利差的影响因素,提出进一步提高净利差的方法,帮助中国商业银行获取更多的净利差,保证商业银行健康、持续、稳步地发展。

    This paper aims to explore the factors impact the net interest margin ( NIM ) to improve it further , which is helpful for commercial banks ' healthy , sustainable and stable development .