
jìng huà
  • purification;purify;purge;clean-up;sanitize;catharsis;defecate
净化 [jìng huà]
  • [purify] 清除不好的或不需要的,使纯净

  • 净化灵魂

  • 净化空气

净化[jìng huà]
  1. 一丸即可净化一升水。

    One tablet will purify a litre of water .

  2. 我每天服用干酵母片以净化血液。

    I take wheat and yeast tablets daily to purify the blood

  3. 水煮沸5分钟便可得到净化。

    Water can be purified by boiling for five minutes .

  4. 沼泽地的水不能饮用,但是可以将它蒸馏净化。

    You can 't actually drink the water from the marshland . But you can distil it

  5. 忏悔净化灵魂。

    Confession cleanses the soul .

  6. 他担心事情传到自己耳朵时,已经是净化过的版本。

    He 's worried that he 's only going to get a sanitized version of what actually happened .

  7. 雨水净化了空气,青草闻起来清新芳香。

    The rain had cleared the air , and the grass smelt fresh and sweet .

  8. 空气净化器对室内甲醛、氨气和tvoc净化效果的实验研究

    Experimental study on the air cleaner 's purification effect for indoor formaldehyde , ammonia and TVOC

  9. 为了他的“无雾霾”项目,他设计了一个特殊的塔,可以净化中国公园的空气。

    For his Smog Free Project , he designed a special tower that cleans air in Chinese parks .

  10. 他净化他的潜意识且只思念上帝。

    He purges his subconscious and meditates only on God .

  11. 这水经过3个步骤的净化。

    The water goes through three stages of purification .

  12. 喝水前,你应使之净化。

    You should purify the water before drinking it .

  13. 他们在许多水质不适合饮用的地方建立了净化系统。

    They set up purifying systems in places where the water was not potable .

  14. 房间的空气得到了净化。

    The air in the room was purified .

  15. 它是融纳米技术、光技术净化、触酶(催化)、药学技术、生物化学为一体的新技术、新方法

    It is combined with nano-technique , light-purge technique , catalyzation , pharmaceutics and biochemistry .

  16. 丹·罗斯加德设计的雾霾净化塔近日在北京著名的798艺术区一处小型草地广场亮相。

    Daan Roosegaarde 's Smog Free Tower opened recently on a small , grassy1 lot in Beijing 's famed 798 arts district .

  17. 她说:“我觉得自己生下来就懂得如何拥抱。拥抱是健康的,能净化心灵而且非常有趣。

    She said : " I think I was born knowing how to snuggle . Snuggling is healthy , spiritual and fun . "

  18. 雾霾净化塔由45块银色金属板组成,外形类似半开的百叶窗,塔内有一个连续低噪音运行的空气净化器。

    Comprised of 45 silver plates resembling partially2 open window blinds , the tower contains an air-purifying machine that runs continuously with a low hum .

  19. 名词来自古英语scitte,意为“净化、腹泻。”只不过是从古英语scitte起源的基本排泄物形式。

    The noun nods to Old English scitte , meaning " purging3 , diarrhea . " And just the basic form of excrement4 stems from Old English scytel .

  20. 国家林草局表示,过去五年,我国新增湿地面积20.26万公顷,湿地保护率达到50%以上,为净化水质、保护生态环境发挥了显著作用。

    Wetlands in China have expanded steadily Administration said . Nearly half of the country 's wetlands are protected by some level of government , said the administration .

  21. 1989年,美国国家航空航天局进行了著名的清洁空气研究,以观察普通室内植物除了吸收二氧化碳和释放氧气之外,是否还能通过排除毒素来净化室内空气。当时的研究证明这种方法起到了作用。

    In 1989 , NASA conducted its famous Clean Air Study to see whether common houseplants might purify indoor air by removing toxins1 in addition to absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen .

  22. Shell煤气化气体净化工艺的选择

    Options for purification process of the feed gas produced by Shell gasifier

  23. 净化:电收尘全改用宽极距C形板,采用高压恒流源送电;

    Purification system : C-shaped plates with wide polar distance and constant current source with high voltage were adopted in electric precipitation .

  24. 净化处理卤水中H2S的两个工艺方向

    The Tow Directions of Technology to Purge H2S in Brine

  25. 导电SiC泡沫陶瓷在净化柴油车尾气中的作用

    The role of SiC foam conductive ceramic for purifying CO and HC of diesel exhaust

  26. 尾气中H2S的净化及应用

    Cleaning and application of hydrogen sulfide in tail gases

  27. K、Na、Ca的碳酸盐细粉对烟幕残留物的自净化效果

    Efficiency of self-purification of carbonates powder with K , Na and Ca on the remain from smoke screen

  28. TiO2基固体超强酸及其在光催化空气净化中的应用

    TiO_2-based Solid Superacid and Its Application for Photocatalytic Air Purification

  29. TIO2在空调环境空气净化中的应用前景

    Prospect of the application of tio_2 to indoor air cleaning

  30. NHD净化技术在CO提纯工艺中的应用

    Application of NHD Purifying Technology in CO Purification Process