
jìng sǔn yì
  • net profit or loss;net income and loss
  1. 并采用直接法、净损益调节法和销售百分比法等方法进行财务预测。

    Applying the direct way , the regulation way of the net profit and loss and the sales percentage to make the financial forecast .

  2. 通过结账,各收入和费用账户的余额都变成零,以便计量下一个会计期间的净损益。

    Closing sets the balances of the revenue and expense accounts back to zero in order to measure the net income of the next period .

  3. 将收入与当期取得的收入进行配比,就是将当期收入减去当期费用以计算出当期净损益。

    The allotment was made on Sunday . To match expenses against the revenues means to subtract the expenses from the revenues in order to compute net income or net loss .