
  • 网络net debtor country
  1. 因此,尽管是一个净债务国,美国仍能产生巨额收入盈余。

    So , despite being a net debtor , the US generates a big income surplus .

  2. 解决这个问题,首先是要防止一个国家成为净债务国。

    The solution then is to prevent the country from becoming a net debtor in the first place .

  3. 只有美国能够成为一个巨大的净债务国,而不会危及其本国金融体系的健康。

    It alone is able to be a vast net borrower without risking the health of its financial system .

  4. 萨默斯此前已评述过美国的超级大国地位与净债务(外债)国身份之间的矛盾。

    Mr Summers has previously remarked on the tension between superpower status and net foreign indebtedness .