
jīn rónɡ zī běn zhǔ yì
  • financial capitalism
  1. 特纳曾就职于麦肯锡(McKinsey)这家管理咨询机构一直是股东价值、自由市场竞争和金融资本主义等信条的倡导者。

    Turner previously worked at McKinsey , the management consultancy which has been an evangelist for the creed of shareholder value , free-market competition and financial capitalism .

  2. 又过了整整50年后,金融资本主义才全面恢复元气。

    It was another 50 years before financial capitalism fully returned .

  3. 但是,这并不意味着金融资本主义死了。

    But that does not mean financial capitalism is dead .

  4. 这既是当代金融资本主义的优点,也是其缺点。

    That is both the advantage and the drawback of contemporary financial capitalism .

  5. 这个论坛难道未曾大声推介现已丧失名誉的金融资本主义?

    Was the forum not a loud voice for the financial capitalism that is now discredited ?

  6. 因此,很难证明那种认为不公正仅仅是与金融资本主义相关的指责是正当的。

    Thus , the charge that there are injustices associated only with financial capitalism is hard to justify .

  7. 再次,对金融资本主义阶段资本主义矛盾和危机的理解也不同。

    Thirdly , they have different comprehensions of contradiction and crisis of capitalism during the stage of financial capitalism .

  8. 它们都位于金融资本主义历史悠久的英语国家,这并非偶然。

    It is no accident that these are located in English-speaking countries with a long history of financial capitalism .

  9. 金融资本主义的全球化既体现在参与者身上,也体现在所持有的资产性质方面。

    The globalisation of financial capitalism is seen in the players as well as in the nature of the holdings .

  10. 后冷战时代金融资本主义的胜利已成为泡影,但没有人确切地知道未来将会如何。

    The Post-Cold War triumph of Finance capitalism has been shattered , but no one quite knows what will follow it .

  11. 萨科奇在这一点上是明确的,即便他没有说清楚需要哪些法规来遏制金融资本主义的过分行为。

    Mr Sarkozy was clear on this , even if he was vague on the regulations needed to contain its excesses .

  12. 过去20年中,由于其它经济模式纷纷失败,舆论开始接受了这种金融资本主义模式。

    As alternative economic models collapsed over the past two decades , public opinion came to accept this model of financial capitalism .

  13. 而“现实主义”则意味着毕业后,直接进入残酷的金融资本主义世界去寻求成功。

    " Realism ," on the other hand , meant going almost straight , right after graduation , into the stone-hearted world of finance capitalism for success .

  14. 正如本书题目中所展现的,明斯基的任务就是要通过为现代金融资本主义经济制定政策来纠正存在的缺陷。

    As implied by the title of his book , Minsky 's mission was to rectify that lacuna by developing policy for the modern , financial , capitalist economy .

  15. 首先,最为重要的是,目前信贷市场上,英国式以交易为导向的金融资本主义的可信度正遭受严重打击。

    First and most important , what is happening in credit markets today is a huge blow to the credibility of the Anglo-Saxon model of transactions - orientated financial capitalism .

  16. 一般来说,美国的企业制度经历了企业家资本主义、金融资本主义以及经理资本主义三个发展阶段。

    In general , the business enterprise system of the United States has experienced three developments steps , the entrepreneur capitalism , the financial capital capitalism , and the manager 's capitalism .

  17. 那些极度复杂的产品似乎一度定义了新金融资本主义,它们将会被恰当定位:既是创新天才的工具,但同时也是行骗的工具。

    The fiendishly complex products that seemed for a time to define a new financial capitalism will be seen for what they properly are : instruments of deception as much as of innovative genius .

  18. 因此,那些喜欢并且希望实行全球金融资本主义的人应向我们其他人做出解释:如何建立这种新的全球监管秩序来应对全球金融?

    So those who like and want to live global financial capitalism owe the rest of us an explanation : how exactly will this new global regulatory order be created to take care of global finance ?

  19. 过去几十年,美国多数决策者和银行人士都以为,美国国内市场是全球最大、最精深的市场,并试图将他们的金融资本主义模式推行到全球其它国家。

    In previous decades , most US policymakers and bankers assumed their domestic markets were the largest and most sophisticated in the world , and sought to export their model of financial capitalism to other parts of the globe .

  20. 事实是,识别这个新的全球金融资本主义已经创造的风险非常容易(而且马丁已把它们全都列出来了),但确定其带来的好处却非常难。

    The fact is that it is pretty easy to identify all the risks that this new global financial capitalism has created ( and Martin lists them all ) , and quite difficult to identify the benefits it has generated .

  21. 除了“我们是受苦的99%”这一典型的口号,他们打出的标语包含很多原因,但是其中很多都和低估风险,道德败坏等这些不管是真实存在的还是想象出来的金融资本主义的缺点无关。

    Aside from the hallmark " We are the 99 % , " the placards on display cover a huge range of causes , many of which have nothing to do with the underpricing of risk , moral hazard and other faults , real or imagined , of financial capitalism .

  22. 从发展趋势看,资本主义在经历了自由竞争资本主义阶段到私人垄断资本主义以及由其转化而来的国家垄断资本主义阶段以后,进而向金融垄断资本主义阶段演进。

    Contemporary capitalism is developing towards financial monopolistic capitalism after going through free competitive capitalism , private monopolistic capitalism and state monopoly one .

  23. 金融危机与资本主义和社会主义前途及命运

    Financial Crisis and the Destiny of Capitalism and Socialism

  24. 马克思认为金融资本只是资本主义的一个特殊阶段,而希法亭认为金融资本是资本主义的最高阶段。

    Marx regards financial capital as a special process of capitalism while Hilferding thinks it is the highest stage .

  25. 并在此基础上进行了深层次分析,做出了国际金融危机是资本主义经济危机在新的国际条件下的表现的论断。

    Then the author makes judgment that international finance crisis is the expression of capitalist economy crisis in the new international condition .

  26. 因此他得出金融资本是资本主义发展的最高阶段。

    Therefore , he comes to the conclusion that financial capital is the highest stage in the process of the development of capitalism .

  27. 因此,以马克思主义经济学的基本理论逻辑来看,现代金融危机与资本主义的古典危机都是生产过剩危机。

    Therefore , from the view of Marxist economics , classical crisis and modern financial crisis are the same in essence that both are overproduction .

  28. 相关实践已经证明,金融已由资本主义竞争时代的交易中介转化为现代市场经济中,由对发展的牵头、控制和影响作用表现的社会主导力量。

    The practice has been proved that , finance has already changed its intermediary role in the capitalist competition era into the lead strength of modern market economy .

  29. 因此,他认为金融资本只是资本主义的一个特殊阶段,实体经济或者说产业资本才是推动资本积累的根本所在。

    Consequently , he thinks that financial capital is just a special stage in the whole process of the development of capitalism , the real economy , namely , the industrial capital is the fundamental factor , which promotes the accumulation of capital .

  30. 金融寡头是垄断资本主义的真正统治者。

    The financial oligarchy is the real ruler of capitalist monopolies .