
  1. 黄金市场发展与金融工具创新

    Development of Gold Market and Innovation of Financial Instruments

  2. 4金融工具创新中的投资机遇;

    Investment chances in the innovation of financial tools ;

  3. 金融工具创新在高校融资中的运用

    Application of innovative financial instruments to university 's financing

  4. 衍生金融工具创新财务风险监管框架研究

    Study on the Regulatory Framework of Financial Risk of Derivative Financial Instrument Innovation

  5. 金融工具创新是农信社生存之道

    Financial Instrument Innovation Is Crux of RCC Development

  6. 论金融工具创新对税收的冲击

    Impact of Innovation of Financial Tools on Revenue

  7. 随着金融工具创新的迅速发展,对金融资产转移的终止确认将变得更为复杂。

    The author proposes that terminal confirmation will be more complicated with the rapid development of financial Instruments .

  8. 衍生金融工具创新的同时,其风险监管也应同步发展,只有这样,才能避免风险积聚造成系统性金融危机。

    Synchronization development of financial derivatives innovation and regulation is the only way to avoid accumulated systemic risk .

  9. 因此,在金融工具创新的形势下,必须对有关的会计理论及原则进行改进。

    Therefore , under the situation of innovating the derivative financial instrument , the relevant accounting theories and principles must be improved .

  10. 只有针对房地产金融工具创新和组织创新的问题根源,并实施相应的监管制度创新,才能提高金融监管的有效性和控制金融风险。

    Only in view of real estate financial tool innovation and organizational innovation inherent problem , and implement the corresponding supervision institutional innovation .

  11. 从金融工具创新与法律规制的关系来讲,每一次创新都是对现有法律制度的规避甚至是挑战。

    From the view point of the relation between financial innovations and laws , every innovation means a challenge or evasion of the existing law .

  12. 随着全球经济一体化,金融工具创新和技术进步,全球金融市场在近50年来有了快速的成长。

    In the past 50 years , the global financial market has been growing fast with the global economy , financial instruments , innovation and technological progress .

  13. 然后,在分析评价养老保险基金的投资运营情况的基础上,论文探索了金融工具创新在养老保险基金保值增值中的一些应用。

    After the evaluation on the investment and operation conditions , the paper explored some application of financial instrument innovation on how to keep the value and increment of pension fund .

  14. 我国证券市场重新引进权证产品,是一项成功的金融工具创新,它很好的解决了股权分置改革中的支付对价问题。

    China securities market to introduce authority card products , is a successful financial tool innovation , it is very good solve equity to pay the price in the reform of the problem .

  15. 进而运用基于中小企业融资的金融工具创新原理,结合我国融资性金融工具开发的现实环境,综合运用金融工程的剥离技术和嫁接技术,设计一系列符合我国国情的融资性金融工具。

    Then use the innovative principle of financial instrument based on financing of small and medium-sized enterprises , the paper design a series of financing financial instruments using stripping technology and grafting technology of financial project synthetically according our country financing realistic environment that financial instrument develop .

  16. 金融衍生工具创新风险及其防范

    The Innovation Risks of Financial Derivative Means and Its Countermeasures

  17. 衍生金融工具的创新和发展是现代市场经济发展的必然产物。

    It is an inevitable outcome for modern marketing economy development that the derivative financial instruments have developed and innovated rapidly .

  18. 现在,金融工具的创新集中于为客户的功能服务和私人消费的信贷。

    At present the innovation of financial tools is mainly focused on the functional services for clients and credits for private consumption .

  19. 金融工具的创新是金融机构应对市场竞争的直接反应,表明了市场力量的扩大。

    The innovation of tools was a direct response from financial institutions to market competition and showed the enhancement of market binding power .

  20. 国债作为一种特殊商品,其交易方式由现货交易发展到期货交易,是市场经济发展和金融工具不断创新的历史必然。

    It is of historical necessity of market economy development and financial tool innovation for the national debt futures transaction develop from spot to futures .

  21. 社保基金进入货币市场可以增加货币市场的资金供给,活跃货币市场的交易,推动金融工具的创新。

    It can raise money supply in the money market and promote the innovation of the financial tools while social security funds invest in money market .

  22. 同时,金融工具的创新是防范房地产开发贷款风险的根本途径,本文对房地产开发贷款的证券化进行了初步探讨。

    Meanwhile the creation of the financing tools is the fundamental route to protect from the risks in the credit of the development of real estate .

  23. 改善企业现金流方面应该注意金融工具的创新与运用以及公司股利政策的合理性。

    We should pay attention to the innovation and application of the financial instruments and make sure the company dividend policy is reasonable to improve corporate cash flow .

  24. 实际上,对冲基金这个神秘的幽灵不过是世界经济一体化和衍生金融工具不断创新的产物。

    In fact , hedge fund , this secret " ghost ", is just a product of the unification of world economy and the constant innovation derivation financial instrument .

  25. 虚拟经济随着货币资本化、资本证券化以及金融工具的创新化而日益发展壮大。但虚拟经济不能脱离实体经济孤立地存在,它必须建立在实体经济的基础之上。

    Virtual economy are growing steadily with money-capital , capital-stock and the innovation of financial means , but it must be based on real economy , or it cannot exist .

  26. 随着资本市场不断深入、金融工具日益创新,以历史成本、实现原则和稳健性原则为确认基础的传统收益信息,逐渐暴露出种种局限。

    With the deepening of capital market and creativity of financial instruments , the traditional income based on historical cost 、 realization principle and conservatism principle gradually is exposed its limitations .

  27. 投资银行是资本市场的中介机构,是中长期资本运营的枢纽,投资银行的发展有力地促进了金融工具的创新。

    Investment bank is considered as the intermediary for the capital market and the hub of the medium-and-long-term working capital . The development of the investment bank effectively promotes the innovation of the financial instruments .

  28. 金融工具的创新和经济的快速发展为银行业提供了更广阔的发展空间,多样化的监管方式也必将朝着激励相容的方向不断前进。

    The rapid development of innovative financial instruments for the banking industry and the economy to provide a broader space for development , diversification in the direction of regulation will also continue to advance incentive compatibility .

  29. 随着国际经济一体化不断深入、信息技术广泛应用和金融工具不断创新,会计作为国际通用的商业语言,面临着新形势带来的挑战。

    With the continuous international economy integration , the widespread application of information technology and the innovation of financial instruments , accounting as an international common language of business is facing the challenges that the new situation brings .

  30. 这要求我国在颁布统一的《金融衍生工具创新和交易法》的前提下,加快针对具体的金融衍生工具的立法,例如颁布《期权交易管理条例》等。

    This requires that China promulgates a unified " financial derivatives innovation and Exchange Law " and then speed up the legislation for specific financial derivatives , such as the enactment of " the options trading ordinance " .