
shānɡ wù lǚ yóu
  • business tour
  1. 中国大学生旅游以四种方式表现出来:服务于课堂的认知旅游、服务于企业的商务旅游、自主择业旅游和以某个专项学习为目标的修学游。

    Student tour exists in three forms in China : cognizing tour for lesson program , business tour given by enterprises and the job hunting tour .

  2. 当前国外旅行社企业进入我国市场的经营战略的要点是:以商务旅游市场为目标市场;

    There are following strategic points for the foreign travel agencies which have entered the Chinese market : firstly , the business tour is their target market ;

  3. 应用了国际上常用的SWOT分析方法,深入研究了长沙市商务旅游发展现状以及存在的问题。

    With a SWOT analysis , the author points out some development conditions and present problems of the business tourism in Changsha city .

  4. 亚太旅游者协会的战略情报中心主任张科德说,对经济增长预测偏低,商业信心的丧失以及H1N1病毒的传播都对商务旅游和休闲旅游造成了伤害。

    John Koldowski , PATA 's director of strategic intelligence , says lower economic growth forecasts combined with a loss of business confidence and the spreading H1N1 flu virus have hurt both the business and leisure travel markets .

  5. PwC咨询公司的总经理沃伦·马尔(WarrenMarr)说,随着经济衰退的结束,经济开始好转,前往曼哈顿的商务旅游亦出现反弹,新泽西也从中受益。

    New Jersey had benefited as the economy strengthened with the end of the recession and business travel to Manhattan rebounded , said Warren Marr , a managing director of the consulting firm PwC .

  6. 英国旅游局战略传播总监PatriciaYates表示:“英国将继续吸引着来自世界各地的游客。而且,商务旅游的增加也反映了人们不仅把英国作为一个旅游地,也认为英国是个做生意的好地方。”

    Patricia Yates , Director of Strategy and Communications at Visit Britain said : " The UK continues to be a draw to all visitors and the increase in business visits reflects the return to the UK as a place to come and do business . "

  7. 我国商务旅游市场目前是一个新兴市场。

    Chinese business tourism market is a new market , now .

  8. 第三部分主要就我国商务旅游企业存在的一些问题进行了分析;

    The third part analyses the problems of business tourism enterprises ;

  9. 旅行社开拓商务旅游市场初探

    Brief Study on Chinese Travel Agencies Developing CBT Market Jiang Wuqi

  10. 都市商务旅游是上海都市旅游中最富有特色的旅游产品之一。

    Tourism industry in Shanghai is featured by its urban trade travel .

  11. 长沙市商务旅游发展研究

    The Research on Development of Business Tourism in Changsha City

  12. 第二部分对商务旅游的定义、内涵等做出了界定,并介绍了商务旅游的研究现状和研究意义;

    The second part gives a clear concept and connotation of business tourism ;

  13. 商务旅游证是以塑胶制造,大小如一张信用咭。

    The card is plastic and in the size of a credit card .

  14. 商务旅游发展探析

    An Analysis on the Development of the Business Tourism

  15. 商务旅游主要目的地之一。

    Business Tourism is one of the major destinations .

  16. 中国商务旅游市场发展战略思考

    Development strategy thinking on business travel market in China

  17. 论商务旅游市场的特点及营销策略

    On Speciality of Business Travelling Market and Marketing Policy

  18. 中国仅去年一年就有超过2.91千亿美元的商务旅游花销。

    Chinese spent just over $ 291 billion on business travel last year .

  19. 商务旅游需求影响因素分析

    Analysis of the Factors Influencing Business Tourism Demand

  20. 《米其林指南》被视为商务旅游者和观光客的权威声音。

    Michelin guides are seen as an authoritative voice for business travellers and tourists .

  21. 第三章对台州商务旅游客源市场进行了分析。

    Part Three is an analysis of the market for Business Tourists in Taizhou .

  22. 你曾常商务旅游吗?

    You do a lot of business traveling ?

  23. 商务旅游产业组织创新

    The Organizational Innovation in Business Travel Industry

  24. 数据挖掘在电子商务旅游线路推荐系统中的应用研究

    Applying Study of the Data Mining in Recommendation System of the E-Commerce about Tourist Route Planning

  25. 第五章提出了台州商务旅游发展的对策与展望。

    Part Five puts forward the prospect and some countermeasures for better business tourism market in Taizhou .

  26. 第三部分国内外商务旅游发展态势与经验借鉴。

    The third part is the situation and experiences from foreign countries and domestic cities of china .

  27. 亚太经济合作组织商务旅游卡计划

    APEC Business Travel Card Scheme

  28. 康帝国际酒店概况:康帝国际酒店是惠州市首家按白金五星级标准兴建的商务旅游饭店。

    HOTEL OVERVIEW : Kande International Hotel is the first platinum five star standard hotel in Huizhou .

  29. 商务旅游研究述评

    A Review of Business Tourism

  30. 商务旅游客体对商务旅游主体存在着吸引的同时也会带来不确定性。

    Business trip on the main object of the existence of attractive at the same time bring uncertainty .