
shānɡ biāo fǎ
  • trademark law;merchandise marks act;trade mark regulations
  1. 中华人民共和国商标法

    Trademark Law of the People 's Republic of China

  2. WTO体制下我国《商标法》的修改

    Revision of Trademark Law under WTO

  3. 论我国商标法与TRIPS协议的协调

    On the Harmonization of TRIPS and Trade Mark Law of China

  4. 为顺应加入WTO的需要,我国于2000年和2001年相继完成了对《专利法》和《商标法》的修改。

    Our country had modified the " Patent Law " and the " Trademark Law " from 2000 to 2001 , to conform to the WTO .

  5. 我国《商标法》确立了颜色组合商标法律制度,符合TRIPs协议的要求。

    In line with TRIPs Agreement of WTO , The Chinese Trademark Law establishes the color trademark legal system .

  6. 从与Trips协议相协调角度出发,认为我国现行的《商标法》等法律不能实现对原产地名称的法律保护;

    From the coordination with Trips Agreement , this paper states that the Trademark Law cannot protect appellation of origin .

  7. 21世纪,互联网、后TRIPS及后现代语境对传统国际商标法提出了挑战。

    In the21st century , the contexts of Internet , Post-TRIPS and Postmodern have challenged the traditional international trademark law .

  8. 从保护内容来讲,我国现行《商标法》和《著作权法》都存在着未规范的领域和与TRIPS要求不&致的地方。

    On protecting content , there are some fields not standardized in and < Copyright Law > , and difference from TRIPS .

  9. WTO成员国包括《商标法》在内的知识产权立法应与TRIPS协议的要求相一致。

    The making of intelligent property right law including the Trademark Law of the member of WTO should be in accordance with the request of the TRIPS .

  10. 我国于2001年10月对《商标法》进行了修改,使之基本符合了TRIPS协议的要求,进一步完善了我国的商标法律制度。

    The Chinese Trademark Law has been revised in October 2001 to make it agree to TRIPS improving China 's trademark law system .

  11. 我国商标法规定的地理标志定义与TRIPS协议的规定基本一致。

    The definition of geographical indication given in the Trademark Law of our country is basically consistent with that given in TRIPS Agreement .

  12. 我国新《商标法》适应我国加入WTO的需要,在许多方面进行了完善和发展。

    The new TRADEMARK LAW of our country should be perfected and developed in many respects so that it can orientate the demand of the situation after our country join the WTO .

  13. 通过TRIPS有关规则与我国商标法的对比,有利于促进我国商标法与TRIPS强制性条款的完全吻合,以及对TRIPS选择性条款作出科学、恰当的选择。

    Comparing TRIPS with Chinese trademark law , this paper is designed to achieve goals of coordination between Chinese trademark law and mandatory rules in TRIPS .

  14. 针对我国加入WTO后企业所面临的形势,结合新修订的《商标法》对企业商标管理工作提出一些建议。

    With the situation faced by the Chinese enterprise after China 's entering WTO , the author gives some advices for the management of the trademark of the enterprise according to the new Trademark Law .

  15. 地理标志是TRIPS协议中予以保护的重要知识产权客体,我国新的商标法也首次引进了地理标志的概念,对其进行了初步的保护。

    GLS are the important intellectual property objects that TRIPS protects . New trademark law posed the concept of GLS the first time and did initial protection .

  16. 《著作权法》、《商标法》,以及涵益《TRIPS协定》不同领域的有关实施细则的修改,也将在中国加入时完成。

    The amendments to the Copyright Law and the Trademark Law , as well as relevant implementing rules covering different areas of the TRIPS Agreement , would also be accomplished upon China 's accession .

  17. 为了与TRIPS协定的规定衔接并适应我国经济形势的发展,我国在新商标法中明确了对地理标志的保护。

    The new rules concerning the protection of geographical indications were written in the newest amendment to our Trade Mark Law in order to accord with TRIPS and to adapt to the economic development of China .

  18. 中国商标法采用的“先申请制”帮了他们的忙。欧华律师事务所(DLAPiper)去年在一篇帖子中表示,“不相关的第三方因此可以注册知名品牌模仿品或抄袭品的商标。”

    Aiding them is a first-to-file trademark system that lets " unrelated third parties register trademarks which are copies or imitations of well-known brands , " according to a post last year from law firm DLA Piper .

  19. 略论新《商标法》的得失

    Discuss on the Gains and Loss of the New Trademark Law

  20. 商标法调整域名争议的实证分析

    A Positive Analysis of Disputes Concerning Domain Names in Trademark Law

  21. 我国社会主义新时期的商标法

    Trademark Law in the New Period of China 's Socialist Construction

  22. 列强与1923年中国《商标法》之颁行

    The Powers and the Trademark Law of Republican China of 1923

  23. 我国商标法不承认单一颜色商标。

    The Chinese Trademark Law does not recognize a single color trademark .

  24. 浅议新商标法对驰名商标的保护

    Protection of the New Brand Law in Our Country to Famous Brands

  25. 公众的认知在商标法中扮演着一个重要的角色。

    Public perception plays a significant role in trademark law .

  26. 商标法在先权利保护的理论探讨

    The Theory Discussion on the Prior Right of Trademark Law

  27. 论新商标法的驰名商标保护制度

    On the Protection of Well-known Trademarks of New Trademark Law

  28. 论商标法的目的与利益平衡

    On the Aim of Trademark Law and Balancing of Interests

  29. 浅析商标法对商标权的保护和限制

    Inital Study on Protection and Limit of Trademark Privileges by Trademark Law

  30. 加入新加坡条约对我国商标法修改的影响

    STLT and its Impact on the Amendment of Trademark Law of China