
  1. 值得注意的是,另一个战略投资方据信是通用电气(GeneralElectric)也和黑石签署了一个保密协议,以对戴尔的金融服务业务开展尽职调查。

    Worth noting that another strategic party believed to be General Electric ( GE ) signed a joiner to Blackstone 's non-disclosure agreement , in order to conduct due diligence on DFS .

  2. 并且在此基础上,对XX港X公司物流金融服务业务的各个具体业务模式中存在的风险问题进行了逐项的梳理。

    And on this basis , the XX port X company logistics financial the risks in the various models were summarized .

  3. 值得注意的是,另一个战略投资方——据信是通用电气(GeneralElectric)——也和黑石签署了一个保密协议,以对戴尔的金融服务业务开展尽职调查。

    Worth noting that another strategic party -- believed to be General Electric ( GE ) -- signed a joiner to Blackstone 's non-disclosure agreement , in order to conduct due diligence on DFS .

  4. 根据其最新公布的数据,维珍在VirginMoney品牌下的金融服务业务的收入是1260万英镑,增长了50%。

    And Virgin 's financial services businesses , under Virgin Money , showed earnings of 12.6m , up 50 per cent , according to their last reported accounts .

  5. 去年夏季,淡马锡聘请美国银行(bankofamerica)前任高管、中国建行董事格雷格科尔(gregcurl)执掌其金融服务业务。

    Last summer the company recruited Greg curl , a former Bank of America executive and China Construction Bank Director , to oversee its financial services operations .

  6. 毕博金融服务业务主管史蒂芬金斯利(stephenkingsley)表示,银行有机会去除交易所提供的中间交易服务。

    Stephen Kingsley , head of the financial services practice at BearingPoint , says banks have an opportunity to disintermediate the trading service that exchanges provide .

  7. 相比之下,香港现在的瓶颈是子女上学问题,DHR国际公司(DHRInternational)在香港的金融服务业务部负责人董梅(音)说。DHR总部设在芝加哥,是一家高管猎头公司。

    By contrast , the bottleneck in Hong Kong right now is schooling , said May Tung , the head of the Hong Kong financial services practice of DHR International , a Chicago-based executive recruitment firm .

  8. 海航集团还打算增强其金融服务业务。

    HNA also intends to bulk up in financial services .

  9. 物流金融服务业务在国外开展较早,相关的业务模式和技术比较成熟。

    The practice of logistics financial developed earlier abroad , the relevant models and technologies are relatively mature .

  10. 随着经济的复苏,那些更为传统的金融服务业务比如并购咨询行业将重新焕发活力。

    As the economy recovers more traditional financial services functions , such as mergers and acquisitions advisory will make a comeback .

  11. 笔者相信,随着我国住房反向抵押贷款产品的推出,将会催生一个新的金融服务业务和市场。

    The author believes in , with our country reverse mortgage product debuting , a new finance service business and marketplace will be born in future .

  12. 2008年,北美占其个人金融服务业务全球减损支出总额的78%;2009年的占比为72%。

    In 2008 it accounted for 78 per cent of total global impairment charges in personal financial services ; in 2009 the share was 72 per cent .

  13. 对于物流企业而言,参与物流金融服务业务是增强其市场竞争力的有效手段,所以物流金融服务业务具有广阔的发展空间。

    For logistics companies involved in logistics financial services is an effective means to enhance their market competitiveness , logistics financial business has a broad space for development .

  14. 这家总部位于深圳的香港上市集团市值达到1850亿美元,旗下除了娱乐和网络游戏业务,还有一家银行和其他金融服务业务。

    The Shenzhen-based , Hong Kong-listed group has a market capitalisation of $ 185bn and owns entertainment and online gaming businesses , as well as a bank and other financial services .

  15. 银行业格式合同在现代金融服务业务中具有不可替代的地位,但由于格式合同本身的特点和中国银行业的发展状况造成当前银行业格式合同引起了银行业消费者的强烈不满。

    Bank form contract is indispensable in financial industry , but consumers have lots of complaints about it on account of incompatibility between its traits and defects in development of banking in China .

  16. 抛售谈判:在与银湖展开谈判过程中,戴尔公司接到过一个不明身份的战略投资方的电话,表示有意按照账面价值(35亿-40亿美元)收购戴尔的金融服务业务。

    Strip sale talks : During negotiations with Silver Lake , Dell received a call from an undisclosed strategic party , expressing interest in purchasing Dell Financial Services at book value ( $ 3.5b - $ 4b ) .

  17. 从银行视角出发,找出符合当前小微企业贷款途径的最佳模式,为银行有针对性地开展小微企业金融服务业务提供了理论基础和实例参照。

    From the bank perspective , this paper discovers the best model of loan path suitable for current small micro enterprises . This provides theoretical basis and instance reference for banks to develop loan service for small micro enterprises .

  18. 现金管理是商业银行以现金流动性管理为核心,向企业提供的一系列账户服务、资金结算、融资、理财、投资和风险管理等的综合性金融服务业务。

    The cash management is the Commercial bank take the cash fluidity management as a core , provides a series of account service , the fund to the enterprise to settle accounts , financing , managing finances , the investment and the risk management and so on comprehensive financial service .

  19. 指出在首都金融服务业业务量增长的同时,其内部结构的调整以及与其他产业关联性的增强更为重要。

    It indicates that compared with the business increase in the quantitative growth of Beijing Financial Service industry , its inner structural adjustment and the strengthened relationship with other industries are of more importance .

  20. 本文比较详细介绍了GE集团的金融服务同其他业务内在协同合作。

    This paper introduced the cooperation between GE capital services with other industries .

  21. 专家表示,纽约和伦敦金融服务公司的业务恢复能力已得到改善。

    Experts say financial services companies in New York and London have improved the resilience of their operations .

  22. 从汽车金融服务主体、业务范围、资金渠道、面临的风险等方面出发,分析了我国汽车金融服务体系中存在的问题。

    Discusses the problems in view of the financial service provided and its business scope , funds source and the risks to face .

  23. 这家控股公司&浙江小微金融服务集团的业务已经扩展至理财产品、小型企业借贷,并成为了中国最大的货币市场基金。

    The holding company , now known as the Zhejiang Small and Micro Financial Services Company , has expanded to include wealth management products , small-business lending and China 's biggest money market fund .

  24. “总有一些事情,不管是金融服务还是银行业务,我并不想让我的朋友知道,对吧?”

    " There are certain things , whether it ʼ s financial services , or banking where I don ʼ t necessarily want my friends to know exactly what I ʼ m doing , right ? "

  25. 一位接近李泽楷的顾问表示,李泽楷的商业兴趣主要有三块,那就是电信、房地产和金融服务ing上述保险业务属于这个范围。

    Richard Li has three main business interests telecoms , property and financial services according to one close adviser , so the ing insurance arm would fit with that .

  26. 产业资金量大、国内银行跨区域金融服务、提供货币业务和进行直接融资4个方面展现了上海与长三角地区其他城市之间的金融互动情况。

    The status of this interaction was discussed in four aspects : industrial capital , regional financial service of national bank , money market and direct financing .

  27. 商业银行是以营利为目的的金融服务企业,其业务范围以吸收存款和发放贷款为主,还包括信托、租赁、保管、汇兑、咨询、代客理财等多项业务。

    Commercial banks are profit-seeking financial services companies , whose scope of business is to absorb deposits and loans based , including trust , leasing , storage , exchange , consulting , financial management and many other services valet also .

  28. 为赊销和承兑交单而设计的一种综合性的金融服务&国际保理业务在国际结算融资舞台上扮演着越来越重要的角色,而传统的国际贸易结算手段信用证等有退出历史舞台的趋势。

    International factoring , which is designed for O / A and D / A is playing increasingly more and more important role in the world and the conventional international payment is on the trend to disappeared in the world .

  29. 银行是经营特殊商品&货币和货币资金的特殊企业,它所从事的是金融资产、金融负债和金融服务业务。

    Banks are special enterprises which run special goods-money and capital . Banks undertake financial assets , financial liabilities and financial services .

  30. 本文通过比较分析国内外个人金融业务品种、服务现状、发展个人金融业务的现实背景和重要意义,指出目前我国商业银行开展个人金融服务时主要受业务品种的广度、深度和规模层次方面制约。

    Through analyzing the types , current condition , realistic background and its great importance of both foreign and domestic personal banking business , this paper intends to point out that the development of personal banking business is restricted by business products in extent , depth and size levels .