- 名financial panic;monetary crisis

Most notably , when the great Northern Pacific Railway defaulted on debts owed to its investment bank , the bank closed its doors , precipitating the Financial Panic of1873 .
A financial panic ensued after the Lehman collapse , with banks ceasing to lend to one another or to blue-chip companies .
On the Reshuffle of Xiao San Hang in the 1935 Financial Panic
They were essentially the bystanders to a financial panic elsewhere , they insist .
Falls in output during and after the autumn financial panic were bound to overshoot .
In a world characterised by growing financial panic , that has to be good news .
Such concerns are misplaced , tending to confuse a financial panic with a structural economic problem .
Nevertheless , the magnitude of the 1997 panic cannot be explained by the extent of the policy errors .
If financial panics are not new , the Asian crisis came as a complete surprise to virtually all commentators .
What has caused the resurgence in financial panic , in a manner that has apparently left global leaders so scared ?
Policymakers and investors have been obsessed in recent years about the potential for a hedge fund collapse to spread financial panic .
Alarmed by the emerging financial panic and an abrupt collapse in exports , Beijing called a halt to the appreciation last July .
WEEK after Dubai World announced its debt standstill , the financial panic seems to have disappeared as quickly as a desert squall .
Few countries or parts of the world can any longer remain insulated from financial shocks and changes , wherever they may occur .
A year ago , at the height of the financial panic , the world yearned for a profitable and confident financial sector .
As for the US in the Gilded Age , it enjoyed strong growth , fuelled by foreign money and punctuated by financial panics .
Events in Greece could trigger financial fright in Spain , Italy , and across the eurozone , pushing Europe into a danger zone .
During the last quarter of the19th century and the beginning of the20th century the United States economy went through a series of financial panics .
As now , the immediate challenge was to contain financial panic and the deeper challenge was to lay a foundation for renewed and inclusive prosperity .
When the bank can 't perform duty of paying on schedule , it must cause the finance to be panic , Cause the financial crisis .
As for the third-generation models , two main views were developed , namely " moral hazard-driven crisis theory " and " financial panic-driven crisis theory " .
We can find that preventing bank run and the spread of finance panic were the common background for the countries to set up the deposit insurance system .
Just consider the diverse economic backdrops that have caused its price to spike over the years : stagflation , financial panic , speculative mania and currency debasement .
When a bank gets into insolvency crisis , depositors will lose confidence in the whole banking system , and sometimes that will result in the financial panic of the entire society .
It was created in 1913 by the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act , largely as a response to a series of financial panics or bank runs , particularly a severe panic in 1907 .
But the US government does not have limitless resources ; even if it did , the challenge in a serious financial panic is for the government to choose the right place to draw the line .
If those in this house survived the Panic of 1893 or 4 ) the Great Depression , or bathed with cold water and used an outhouse , then surely I know I can weather high gas prices .
But the main reason for action this week was to forestall financial-market panic .
Only if financial markets panicked would interest rates soar enough to cause a serious crash .
Yet that event led to global panic in financial markets that ultimately triggered the Long Term Capital Management implosion and significant financial distress .