
jīn rónɡ kǒnɡ huānɡ
  • financial panic;monetary crisis
  1. 而最为显著的是,北太平洋铁路(NorthernPacificRailway)因拖欠投资银行的债务而导致银行破产,引发了1873年的金融恐慌(FinancialPanic)。

    Most notably , when the great Northern Pacific Railway defaulted on debts owed to its investment bank , the bank closed its doors , precipitating the Financial Panic of1873 .

  2. 雷曼兄弟(lehman)破产引起了金融恐慌,银行停止了彼此放贷,也不再向蓝筹股公司放贷。

    A financial panic ensued after the Lehman collapse , with banks ceasing to lend to one another or to blue-chip companies .

  3. 论1935年金融恐慌中的小三行改组

    On the Reshuffle of Xiao San Hang in the 1935 Financial Panic

  4. 它们坚称,就本质而言,自己只是其他地方发生的金融恐慌的旁观者。

    They were essentially the bystanders to a financial panic elsewhere , they insist .

  5. 去年秋天金融恐慌期间发生的产出下滑,其幅度势必过大。

    Falls in output during and after the autumn financial panic were bound to overshoot .

  6. 在一个以金融恐慌不断加剧为特点的世界里,这肯定算是好消息。

    In a world characterised by growing financial panic , that has to be good news .

  7. 此类担忧是错误的,它往往会混淆金融恐慌与结构性经济问题。

    Such concerns are misplaced , tending to confuse a financial panic with a structural economic problem .

  8. 然而一九九七年亚洲金融恐慌的严重性却无法用这些政策性错误的程度来加以解释。

    Nevertheless , the magnitude of the 1997 panic cannot be explained by the extent of the policy errors .

  9. 如果说金融恐慌并不新奇的话,这场亚洲金融危机却大大出乎所有专家学者的意外。

    If financial panics are not new , the Asian crisis came as a complete surprise to virtually all commentators .

  10. 是什么造成了金融恐慌重现,导致全球领导人如此慌张?

    What has caused the resurgence in financial panic , in a manner that has apparently left global leaders so scared ?

  11. 近年来,对冲基金崩盘将导致金融恐慌的可能性一直困扰着决策者和投资者。

    Policymakers and investors have been obsessed in recent years about the potential for a hedge fund collapse to spread financial panic .

  12. 去年7月,北京被当时正在显现的金融恐慌和出口骤降所惊动,叫停了人民币升值。

    Alarmed by the emerging financial panic and an abrupt collapse in exports , Beijing called a halt to the appreciation last July .

  13. 在迪拜世界集团宣布暂停还贷一周之后,所引起的金融恐慌似乎以迅雷不及掩耳之势消失了。

    WEEK after Dubai World announced its debt standstill , the financial panic seems to have disappeared as quickly as a desert squall .

  14. 世界上几乎没有哪个国家或哪些地区能够免于金融恐慌和变故,而不论其发生在哪里。

    Few countries or parts of the world can any longer remain insulated from financial shocks and changes , wherever they may occur .

  15. 一年前金融恐慌最严重的时候,全球渴望金融业盈利并恢复信心。

    A year ago , at the height of the financial panic , the world yearned for a profitable and confident financial sector .

  16. 再说说美国的镀金时代:美国当时享有强劲的增长,外国资金起到助推作用,这一增长也曾被多次金融恐慌打断。

    As for the US in the Gilded Age , it enjoyed strong growth , fuelled by foreign money and punctuated by financial panics .

  17. 希腊局势可能在西班牙、意大利乃至整个欧元区引发金融恐慌,将欧洲推入危险境地。

    Events in Greece could trigger financial fright in Spain , Italy , and across the eurozone , pushing Europe into a danger zone .

  18. 在最后一个季度的19世纪和20世纪初美国经济经历了一系列的金融恐慌。

    During the last quarter of the19th century and the beginning of the20th century the United States economy went through a series of financial panics .

  19. 与现在一样,当时摆在眼前的挑战是遏制金融恐慌,更深层次的挑战则是为重新实现全面繁荣奠定基础。

    As now , the immediate challenge was to contain financial panic and the deeper challenge was to lay a foundation for renewed and inclusive prosperity .

  20. 当银行不能履行按期支付义务的时候,必然造成金融恐慌,导致金融危机。

    When the bank can 't perform duty of paying on schedule , it must cause the finance to be panic , Cause the financial crisis .

  21. 亚洲危机后的第三代模型将研究视角转向微观层面,形成了道德风险模型和金融恐慌模型。

    As for the third-generation models , two main views were developed , namely " moral hazard-driven crisis theory " and " financial panic-driven crisis theory " .

  22. 可以看出,防止银行挤兑和金融恐慌的蔓延成为世界各国建立存款保险制度的共同背景。

    We can find that preventing bank run and the spread of finance panic were the common background for the countries to set up the deposit insurance system .

  23. 只须想想多年来导致金价飙升的种种经济背景:滞涨、金融恐慌、疯狂投机,以及货币贬值。

    Just consider the diverse economic backdrops that have caused its price to spike over the years : stagflation , financial panic , speculative mania and currency debasement .

  24. 当某一家银行发生破产危机时,储户将对整个银行体系丧失信心,甚至造成全社会性的金融恐慌心理。

    When a bank gets into insolvency crisis , depositors will lose confidence in the whole banking system , and sometimes that will result in the financial panic of the entire society .

  25. 该系统于1913年根据美国的联邦储备法案而建立,主要用于应对一系列的金融恐慌和银行挤兑,特别是在1907年发生的严重的金融恐慌。

    It was created in 1913 by the enactment of the Federal Reserve Act , largely as a response to a series of financial panics or bank runs , particularly a severe panic in 1907 .

  26. 但美国政府并不拥有无止境的资源;即便它有,政府在一场严重金融恐慌中的挑战,也是选择正确之处划清底线。

    But the US government does not have limitless resources ; even if it did , the challenge in a serious financial panic is for the government to choose the right place to draw the line .

  27. 如果在这间屋子里住过的人能够挺过1893年的金融恐慌或是经济大萧条,能够忍受冷水浴、户外厕所,那么我也肯定能够应付攀升的汽油价格。

    If those in this house survived the Panic of 1893 or 4 ) the Great Depression , or bathed with cold water and used an outhouse , then surely I know I can weather high gas prices .

  28. 而本周之所以这么做的主要原因是防止金融市场恐慌。

    But the main reason for action this week was to forestall financial-market panic .

  29. 只有金融市场恐慌引起的利率高升才会强到要引起一系列问题。

    Only if financial markets panicked would interest rates soar enough to cause a serious crash .

  30. 然而,这个事件引发了全球金融市场的恐慌,并最终导致美国长期资本管理公司(Long-TermCapitalManagement)破产,造成严重的金融灾难。

    Yet that event led to global panic in financial markets that ultimately triggered the Long Term Capital Management implosion and significant financial distress .