
  • 网络Tuna sandwich;tuna fish sandwich
  1. 这是您的金枪鱼三明治,芥末酱,调味蕃茄酱和您的咖啡。

    Here are your tuna sandwiches , your mustard , ketchup and your coffee .

  2. 小女生:我喜欢金枪鱼三明治。

    Girl : I like tuna sandwiches .

  3. 给我你们这里最棒的金枪鱼三明治。

    Bring me the dirtiest , greasiest tuna melt you got .

  4. 我来一份金枪鱼三明治和一碗蔬菜汤。

    I 'll have a tuna fish sandwich and a bowl of vegetable soup .

  5. 如果你在桌上放了一个吃了一半的金枪鱼三明治,那你可就不走运了。

    If you leave a half-eaten tuna sandwich on your desk , you 're out of luck .

  6. 在附近一家餐馆里,我点了金枪鱼三明治,然后告诉他我担心自己没有故事。

    At a nearby restaurant , I ordered a tuna melt and shared my fear that I did not have a story .

  7. 保证每天都有足够的硒摄入量,可以吃巴西坚果,金枪鱼三明治,葵花籽,全麦谷物或者剑鱼。

    Be sure to get your daily dose by eating a Brazil nut , or tuna sandwich , sunflower seeds , whole grain cereals , or swordfish .

  8. 其次,站在冷藏食品柜前,我会拿起一条布里干酪法棍面包,放回去,接着拿起一块金枪鱼三明治,绝望地走出店门&我根本不喜欢金枪鱼。

    Then , I stand at the chilled-food cabinet and find myself picking up a brie baguette , putting that back down and in despair heading out of the shop with a tuna melt , when I don 't even like tuna .

  9. 所以我能在吃金枪鱼三明治时吃面包,但是我不应该从包装中去拿一片面包吃(我经常那么做)或者在餐馆面包篮中取面包。

    So I can have bread as part of a tuna sandwich , but I shouldn 't just take a slice of bread out of the package and eat it ( which I do often ) or eat bread from a restaurant bread basket .

  10. 我说要一个金枪鱼沙拉三明治。

    I said I wanted a tuna salad sandwich .

  11. 要是能吃到金枪鱼鸡肉沙拉三明治我也会心满意足的。

    I 'd even settle for a tuna or chicken salad sandwich .

  12. 以是没有面包的金枪鱼沙拉比起金枪鱼三明治是个更好的选择。

    So a tuna salad without the bread is a better choice than a tuna sandwich .