
  • 网络Ham and cheese sandwich;croques-monsieurs
  1. 前一天晚上她会把第二天的午餐包好,午餐通常是一瓶水,一份火腿奶酪三明治,外加一份喜欢的零食,比如Scooby-Doo水果点心。

    The night before , she packs her lunch & usually a bottle of water , a ham-and-cheese sandwich , and a treat like Scooby-Doo fruit snacks .

  2. 那这基本上是火腿奶酪三明治,只不过用通心粉替代了面包。

    This is basically ham and cheese sandwich with macaroni instead of bread .

  3. 自助食堂提供火腿和奶酪三明治。

    The cafeteria is serving ham and cheese sandwiches .

  4. 我点了一份夹着厚实火腿及奶酪的单片三明治以及一大盘沙拉。

    I order a big fat open sandwich with ham and cheese and masses of salad .