
  • 网络tuna;Canned Tuna;Tuna Can
  1. 英国国家医疗服务体系(NHS)就金枪鱼罐头提出了建议,但没有对寿司提出建议。

    Britain 's NHS has advice about canned tuna but not about sushi .

  2. 金枪鱼罐头系列产品工艺研究

    Study on Procession of Serial Canned Tuna Products

  3. 去年秋天的时候,《消费者报告》(ConsumerReports)发表了关于鱼类和汞暴露的长篇文章,并对广受欢迎的金枪鱼罐头表示了特别关注。

    This fall Consumer Reports issued a lengthy paper on fish and mercury exposure , noting the special concerns about canned tuna due to its popularity .

  4. 在那之前,他们仅靠少量金枪鱼罐头和水活了下来。

    They had survived on morsels of tinned tuna and water .

  5. 就是打开一个金枪鱼罐头,是吧?

    Just pop open a can of tuna , right ?

  6. 采购:水果罐头,蔬菜罐头,金枪鱼罐头。

    Buy : Canned fruit , Canned vegetable , Canned tuna fish .

  7. 在他们桌上放一只开了封的金枪鱼罐头

    Leave an open can of tuna in their desk

  8. 金枪鱼罐头涨价了啊

    Price of tuna 's gone up .

  9. 采购:水果罐头,金枪鱼罐头,玉米罐头,牛肉,羊肉。

    Buy : Canned fruit , Canned tuna , Canned corn , Beef , Lamb .

  10. 采购:奶粉,番茄,长型大米,金枪鱼罐头,苏打果汁。

    Buy : Milk powder , Tomato , Long rice , Canned tuna , Soda juice .

  11. 噢是的非常之夜准备和一只猫分享金枪鱼罐头

    Oh , yeah . Big night tonight . Gonna share a can of tuna with the cat .

  12. 问题的关键是,你应该食用包括金枪鱼罐头在内的多种的海产品,而不是局限于某一特定种类。

    The point is that you should have a variety of types of seafood and not limit yourself to one type , and variety includes canned tuna .

  13. 《消费者报告》称,6盎司金枪鱼罐头中含有60微克的汞,相比之下,一份6盎司的鲑鱼中汞含量只有4微克。

    Six ounces of canned tuna contains 60 micrograms of mercury compared to just 4 micrograms of mercury in a six-ounce serving of salmon , according to Consumer Reports .

  14. 贴士:可以用莳萝和柠檬来配烤鱼,选择水包装的金枪鱼(罐头),而不是油包装的。

    Tip : Grill tuna steak with dill and lemon ; choose tuna packed in water , not oil .

  15. 他已经有几个月没有理发和刮脸了,身边散落着从教堂配餐室拿来的金枪鱼的空罐头盒和汤。

    Paul 'S Episcopal Church in suburban Lancaster , next to empty cans of tuna and soup from the church pantry .