
  • 网络turkey sandwich;Turkey Sub
  1. 她点了份火鸡三明治,以此来避开这个重要问题。

    She avoided the issue by ordering a turkey sandwich

  2. 这是一种很棒的火鸡三明治的烹饪法。

    Here 's a recipe for a great turkey sandwich .

  3. midnight:午夜sandwich:三明治但是如果这意味着我们大家有更多火鸡三明治作夜宵,何乐而不为呢没错,明白了,Dan?kitchen:厨房positive:积极的;

    Rufus : But if it means more midnight turkey , sandwiches for all of us , then so be it . Yeah , see , Dan ? -

  4. 我给咱俩做了点午餐嗯火鸡三明治

    I made us some lunches . Um , turkey sandwiches .

  5. 伙计,这些差不多能作十份火鸡三明治。

    Dude , there 's like ten Turkey things in there .

  6. 为自己制作一个火鸡三明治,即使不是感恩节。

    Make yourself a turkey sandwich , even if it 's not Thanksgiving .

  7. 他制作了火鸡三明治。

    He made a turkey sandwich for lunch .

  8. 吃过由火鸡三明治、烤面饼、酒浸果酱布丁和圣诞蛋糕组成的茶点,

    After a meal of turkey sandwiches , crumpets , trifle , and Christmas cake ,

  9. 又请大家吃火鸡三明治。

    And gave everybody a turkey sandwich .

  10. 这是火鸡三明治的烹饪法。

    Here is a great turkey sandwich .

  11. 我是吃了火鸡三明治,刚得到我的喉咙里的一根食物。

    I was eating a turkey sandwich and the food just got stuck in my throat .

  12. 我总是一成不变地吃火鸡三明治当午餐。

    I am stuck in a rut - I always eat a turkey sandwich for lunch !

  13. 火鸡三明治,好主意,也帮我买一个吧,谢谢。

    Turkey club , excellent choice ! You mind picking one up for me ? Thanks .

  14. 我喜欢吃火鸡三明治。

    Turkey sandwiches are my favorite .

  15. 3.制作火鸡三明治

    Step 3 Make a turkey sandwich

  16. 但是如果这意味着我们大家有更多火鸡三明治作夜宵何乐而不为呢

    But if it means more midnight turkey sandwiches for all of us , then so be it .

  17. 我饿极了。这里什么都没剩下。我真希望我带上了一个大火鸡三明治,里面夹着芥末、蛋黄酱、生菜、西红柿和干酪。

    I wish I had packed a huge turkey sandwich on a roll with mustard and mayonnaise and lettuce and tomato and cheese .

  18. 麦当劳的顾客在汽车穿梭餐厅是不愿意和你摆龙门阵的,他们也不愿意为火鸡三明治多等2分钟。

    McDonald 's customers at the drive-through don 't want to be chatted with , and they don 't want to wait two minutes for a turkey sandwich .

  19. 另外,走向绝对有它的错误:对于一件事,它几乎是不可能的&甚至一个冷火鸡三明治也可能含有糖。

    Besides , going cold turkey has its drawbacks : for one thing , it 's nearly impossible – even a cold turkey sandwich is likely to contain sugar .

  20. 这部大热的喜剧中的感恩节系列像剩余的火鸡三明治那样给人以安慰,现在也如最初播出时一样有趣。

    The Thanksgiving episodes of the hit comedy are as comforting as a leftover turkey sandwich , and just as funny now as they were when they originally aired .

  21. 罗斯:是啊,是这样,我,我妹妹做了些特别好吃的火鸡三明治,她的秘诀就是,在中间多放了一块浸过肉汁的面包,我叫它“多汁神器”。

    Ross : Yeah . You see my-my sister makes these amazing turkey sandwiches . Her secret is , she puts a , an extra slice of gravy soaked bread in the middle ; I call it the Moist Maker . 2 Anyway ④ ,

  22. 顾客说火鸡总会三明治要去边

    The customer asked for crust off of a turkey club .

  23. 我点了份加了全套配料的火鸡胸肉三明治。

    I ordered a turkey breast sandwich with the works .

  24. 我要杯茶和一个火鸡培根三明治

    I 'll have tea and a turkey club .

  25. 在餐馆里,我先点了不加蛋黄酱及腊肉的火鸡总会三明治。

    At one restaurant , I found a turkey club sandwich , which I ordered without mayonnaise or bacon .

  26. 总会三明治(三片面包夹有两层肉、生菜、蕃茄等的三明治)在餐馆里,我先点了不加蛋黄酱及腊肉的火鸡总会三明治。

    Club sandwich ;( esp US ) sandwich consisting of three slices of bread or toast and two layers of meat , lettuce , tomato , etc At one restaurant , I found a turkey club sandwich , which I ordered without mayonnaise or bacon .