
jī ròu juǎn
  • Chicken Rolls
  1. 放入鸡肉卷,炸至四面金黄。

    Fry the chicken roll until all sides turn golden .

  2. 这有个鸡肉卷,她朋友说道。

    Heres a chicken wrap , her pal said .

  3. 拉里,请尝尝我们的汉撒鸡肉卷。

    Please , larry , try our chicken dhansak .

  4. 鸡肉卷和烤鳎鱼鱼片又是那么绵软可口。

    The chicken roulade and roasted fillet of sole were dull to this tongue ;

  5. 是否像我一样依然相信世上有开出鸡肉卷的花?

    Do you still believe there is a kind of flower blossoming out chicken roll in the world like I do ?

  6. 同样,我知道每天中午饭时间我都会饿,所以周日时我会多烤五个鸡胸出来,做成鸡肉卷或三明治给工作日准备着。

    So on Sundays I 'll grill up five extra chicken breasts and make a chicken wrap or sandwich for every day of the week .

  7. 绿辣椒酱墨西哥鸡肉卷配搭一瓶浓稠的由西红柿和青椒制成的“拌馅酱”,先把它与切碎的鸡肉搅拌在一起,再把鸡肉卷进玉米粉圆饼。

    The Verde Chicken Enchilada version has one bottle of creamy ranchero ' filling sauce ' to mix with shredded chicken before wrapping it in tortillas .

  8. 当孩子们在享受睡衣晚会的时候,他给自己做了最爱吃的一顿饭——培根鸡肉卷、奶油蘑菇烤四季豆和蒜香吐司——还开了一瓶灰比诺葡萄酒。

    While the kids were at a slumber party , he cooked himself his favorite meal -- bacon-wrapped chicken , green-bean casserole and garlic toast -- and opened a bottle of Pinot Grigio .

  9. “我喜欢吃汉堡还有墨西哥鸡肉卷,你要是把这个当成怀孕,那就是你的问题了。”她说,“我还是很爱喝酒,所以时机还未到。”

    " I like In-N-Out Burger and Taco Bell and if you want to make that pregnant that 's your problem ," she said ," I still love drinking alcohol so not yet . "

  10. 有一次在一家墨西哥餐厅和其他三对夫妇就餐时,考尔普先生声称自己将永远不会吃墨西哥鸡肉卷(他邻座的一个人已经点了这道菜),接着他就开始大谈特谈转基因食品。

    At a Mexican restaurant with three other couples Mr. Colp announced that he would never eat chicken tacos ( the dish the person next to him had ordered ) , and then launched into a sermon about genetically modified food .