
  1. 鸡蛋价格在过去两个月内不断急剧上升。

    The price for eggs has spiraled up in the last two months .

  2. 辽宁鸡蛋价格最低。

    Egg price in Liaoning is the lowest .

  3. 近来鸡蛋价格稍有下跌。股票价格下午猛跌。

    Eggs have cheapened a bit lately . Stock prices took a tumble in the afternoon .

  4. 您是对的,但是您必须认识到,鸡蛋价格在春天通常是下跌的。

    You are right , but you have got to realize that egg price usually goes down in the spring .

  5. 其中,湖北蛋产品的显示性比较优势最大、蛋鸡生产成本最低,但缺乏鸡蛋价格优势;

    Among them , Hubei Province has the highest revealed comparative advantage and its production cost is the lowest regardless of its low price advantage .

  6. 在过去的一年,鸡蛋价格上涨了接近44%,鲜奶上涨21%,禽类和牛肉价格上涨了6%。

    Over the past year , egg prices have risen almost 44 percent , fresh milk 21 percent , and poultry and beef more than 6 percent .

  7. 与中国成百上千万消费者一样,周本琪(音译)不得不改变自己的购买习惯,以应对中国家庭主要食品猪肉和鸡蛋价格的大幅上涨。

    Like tens of millions of shoppers across China , Zhou Benqi has had to change her buying habits to cope with sharply rising prices of pork and eggs , staple foods for any Chinese family .

  8. 在大宗商品市场上,期价可能要经过好几个月时间才会传导到现实世界,而且如果大宗商品价格飙升热潮消退,当地市场的鸡蛋价格也许不会出现变化。

    Jumps in the futures prices on commodities markets can take months to trickle down to the real world , and if the commodities surge subsides , then the price of eggs in local markets may not budge .

  9. 一打鸡蛋的价格翻了不止一倍。

    The price of a dozen eggs has more than doubled .

  10. 鸡蛋现在价格很高。

    Eggs are selling at a high price .

  11. 上周,鸡蛋的价格下降了百分之十二点五。

    Last week , the price of eggs was reduced by twelve point five percent .

  12. 有机鸡蛋的价格比标准工业条件下生产的鸡蛋贵10美分。

    Organically produced eggs cost some 10 cents more than those produced under standard industrial conditions .

  13. 同时,鸡蛋的价格也在持续下降,食用油价格降幅也在不断加大。

    In the meantime , prices of egg and edible oil also dropped a lot in Oct.

  14. 湖北神丹利用期货市场来对冲鸡蛋现货价格波动带来的风险。

    Hubei Shendan uses the futures market to hedge its bets against swings in actual egg prices .

  15. 也许很难忘却最近几个月的所有烦恼,甚至鸡蛋的价格都上涨了。

    It may be hard to keep all the troubles of recent months at bay as even the price of eggs has gone up .

  16. 玉米价格创下历史记录,玉米是动物饲料的重要部分,所以肉类、奶制品和鸡蛋的价格也会攀升。

    The price of maize , which Americans call corn , has hit record levels . Corn is a major part of animal feed , so the price of meat , milk and eggs is also expected to climb .

  17. 目前,HamptonCreek的鸡蛋替代品价格约为每磅39美分,约为一磅去壳蛋价格的一半。

    At the moment , Hampton Creek 's egg replacement costs about 39 cents a pound , about half the price of a pound of liquid eggs .

  18. HamptonCreek总计已经筹资600万美元,蒂特里克相信其最终能凭借这笔资金在各方面淘汰鸡蛋,包括价格。

    Altogether , Hampton Creek has raised $ 6 million , with which Mr. Tetrick believes it can eventually render eggs ' obsolete ' across every dimension , including price .

  19. 各省鸡蛋自身需求价格弹性值皆为正值,而鸡蛋需求支出弹性为正值,且数值不大。

    Provinces egg price elasticity of demand values are positive , the egg demand expenditure elasticity is positive , and the value is not . 3 .

  20. 记者星期二从周谷堆市场了解到,上周,随着天气转暖,蔬菜、鸡蛋等农副产品价格持续回落。

    As our reporter learned from Zhougudui Agricultural Product Wholesale Market , prices of agricultural and sideline products such as vegetables and eggs lowered continually since it warmed up last week .

  21. 摘要本文以在北京市海淀区进行的消费者访谈和问卷调查,分析了消费者收入,消费者对产品的信任程度、消费者个体特征、无公害鸡蛋和普通鸡蛋的价格差等对消费者鸡蛋购买行为的影响。

    Based on the consumer interviews and questionnaires conducted in the Haidian District of beijing , the article analyses several elements that have influenced consumers'egg-buying behaviour , which include consumers'income , their confidence in products , their individualistic characteristics and the price difference of ordinary eggs , etc.

  22. 在华沙的哈拉米罗夫斯卡市场,杰克•贝克西基的鸡蛋生意很冷清,因为顾客们抱怨鸡蛋价格太高。

    At Warsaw 's Hala Mirowska market , the egg sales of Jacek Bechcicki are down as he faces customers grumbling about high prices .