
  • 网络Purchaser;buyer
  1. 他们也正试图通过提供售后服务来使该汽车采购商成为长期客户。

    They are also attempting to keep the car buyer as a long-term customer by offering after-sales service .

  2. 一种基于实物期权的产能预订模型提供一种Stackelberg博弈机会,供应商决定最优的产能期权价格,而采购商优化产能柔性预订的数量。

    So a real-option-based flexible capacity reservation model provide an opportunity for supplier select optimal capacity option pricing and buyer determine their optimal capacity reservation through Stackelberg game .

  3. 本文介绍的基于WEB技术的销售管理系统采用目前流行的B/S结构,实现了网上采购商与供应商之间的产品交易。

    We design and develop a sale management information system based on Web techniques . This system implements product 's transaction on Web between businessmen .

  4. 马云说:像沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)这样的大型采购商,曾灭掉了许多中小企业采购商。

    Companies like Wal-Mart , these big-size buyers , killed a lot of SME buyers , says Mr Ma .

  5. 6月份,西尔斯还和采购商DorcyInternational达成了DieHard碱性电池和充电电池的销售许可协议。

    In June , Sears reached an agreement with dorcy international to sell diehard-branded alkaline and rechargeable batteries .

  6. 阿里巴巴成立于1999年,最初是因为旗下企业对企业(B2B)网站Alibaba.com出名,该网站将中国的供应商和采购商联系在一起。但此后阿里巴巴的业务继续扩大,推出了数个企业对顾客(B2C)网站。

    Alibaba , founded in 1999 , initially became known for its Alibaba.com business-to-business site connecting Chinese suppliers with buyers , but it has since expanded with websites for consumers .

  7. 本论文以三家采购商组建的采购联盟为例,具体计算了采用改进的Shapley直法得到的合理公平的联盟利益分配额。

    The paper sets up three companies purchasing alliance as an example and calculates the fair and reasonable benefit sharing by using the improved Shapley value method .

  8. 作为B2B在线市场的主流模式,重点分析了以采购商为中心的B2B在线市场,特别是其中的供应链协调,如回购退货协调、远期和现货合同协调问题。

    As the main trend of B2B e market , the buyer centric B2B e markets are analyzed with emphasis , especially the problems of supply chain coordination , including returns contract , forward and spot contract .

  9. YIWUH&G已被越来越多的针织行业企业列入每年必选展会,也成为各设备采购商选购的理想平台。

    YIWU H & G has been a growing number of companies included in the knitting industry will be selected each year show , the device has become an ideal platform for buyers to purchase .

  10. 在线科技产品采购商Gazelle表示,本月初,二手黑莓手机交易量创历史新高,并引用数据称上周交易量增长了80%。

    Gazelle , an online tech product buyer , said the number of BlackBerry trades is up from its record highs earlier this month , citing an80 percent increase last week .

  11. 秋季广交会首日便迎来超过40000名采购商。

    More than 40000 participants were there for Monday 's opening .

  12. 欢迎全球各地采购商加盟,共创美好未来!

    Welcome buyers all over the world to create good future together !

  13. 欢迎各国各地采购商来电洽谈!

    Welcome buyers all over the telephone to talk !

  14. 因此马克·约翰国际贸易公司开始从原来的制造商转为采购商。

    As a result MJ INTERNATIONAL TRADING COMPANY began purchase from original manufacturers .

  15. 每天有2万人次的采购商和生产厂家查询。

    Has20,000 people of purchases business every day and produces the factory inquiry .

  16. 工厂生产运作空间状况是否达到此项目采购商要求?

    Does the operation space of factory meet the requirement of purchasing agents ?

  17. 产品的使用问题将与公共政策的制定者、采购商和国家卫生系统协商而定。

    Use would be agreed with public policy-makers , purchasers and national health systems .

  18. 基于成本-能力-时间-资产专用性的采购商-供应商关系模型

    Model for Buyer-supplier Relationship Based on Cost-Ability-Time-Asset Specificity ; payable for investment securities purchased

  19. 期间,以翻译和谈判代表的身份与不同跨国采购商进行谈判。

    A translation and negotiator with the identity of different transnational buyers to negotiate .

  20. 我们有一位美国采购商的代表。

    We had an American buyer 's rep.

  21. 福友人热忱欢迎海内外批发商、经销商、采购商来涵来电来人洽谈业务,切搓学习。

    Warmly welcome worldwide wholesalers , dealers and purchasers to have business cooperation with us .

  22. 讨论基于提前期压缩的二阶供应链博弈问题,该供应链包括一个供应商和一个采购商。

    A problem of two-stage supply chain game model based on lead-time compression is discussed .

  23. 研究结果有助于采购商与供应商制定相应的采购策略和供应策略。

    The results can help purchaser and supplier determine their respective purchase strategy and supply strategy .

  24. 其他亚洲玩具、服装和家庭日用品的采购商,也传递着同样不祥的信息。

    Other sourcers of Asian toys , clothes and basic household products tell similarly ominous tales .

  25. 采购商提前预约,订货会期间享有优惠价格代订酒店客房服务;

    Purchasers pre-booking , during the Order-placing Meeting period can enjoy preferential price hotel rooms services .

  26. 在高效供应链体系中,融洽的采购商供应商合作关系很大程度上决定着供应链的稳定性和供应链的运作成本。

    The stability and cost of supply chain is depended on the symbiosis between purchaser and supplier .

  27. 热烈欢迎世界各地采购商参加104届广州交易会。

    Warmly Welcome to the buyers home or abroad for their attending at the104th Session Canton Fair .

  28. 请确保我们能尽快获得样品,因为采购商下个星期会拜访我们。

    Please make sure that we get samples made ASAP as buyer will be visiting us next week .

  29. 国外的采购商更加信任像中国制造网这样有着详实产品数据的老牌电子商务平台。

    Foreign buyers more confidence in Chinese-made network such as detailed product data with old electronics business platform .

  30. 供应商的有效管理对采购商的稳定发展是非常重要的。

    The supplier management in an effective way is very important for the stability and development of procurement .