
The system communicates with upper subsystem by RS232 interface , collects information of sensor in UAV , and receives control commands from upper subsystem .
By establishing the system model of moving-base alignment velocity match , the factors that influenced the transfer alignment were analyzed , such as lever arm effect , flexible vibrations , etc.
The system is divided into three modules according to different functions , joystick data sampling module , flight control module , servo drive module .
The author of this article has taken part in many projects about field spectra collection and airborne remote sensing , preprocessed a lot of field and image spectra in these years .
Airborne data acquisition system used for the test data acquisition , transmission , processing and storage , is the key equipment in flight test .
It expounds the concrete way of texture acquiring and processing , flight data processing , model building , software programming during realization of Flight Display System and is of great usage .
In this paper , we will introduce the following contents : the components of the aerial robotics ( regular wing ) which can fly independently , the scheme of gathering and transmitting data , the part of flight controller and the scheme of image processing and so on .