
cháo xiāng
  • Nest box;hive
巢箱[cháo xiāng]
  1. 至少一种猛禽&红隼(Falcotinnunculus)可在人造巢箱中繁殖;

    At least one bird of prey-Kestrel ( Falco tinnunculus ) was found laying eggs in artificial nest box ;

  2. 红隼繁殖期没有明显的筑巢行为,进入繁殖期较早的亲鸟大多数是利用前一年红隼利用过的旧人工巢箱繁殖,亲鸟对巢箱内的残留物不进行清理。

    There is no obvious nest-building behavior in the breeding period .

  3. 人工巢箱对繁殖鸟类群落结构的影响。

    The influence of artificial nest boxes on breeding bird community structure .

  4. 人工巢箱条件下大山雀的窝卵数与繁殖成功的关系(卵圆窝缘)维厄桑氏环

    Relationship between Clutch Size and Reproductive Success of Great Tit Breeding inside Artificial Nest-box

  5. 选定样地96公顷,设置人工巢箱115个,大山雀成功利用77个巢箱,利用率为66.96%。

    Great tit made triumphantly use of 77 nests , using rate was 66.96 % .

  6. 确定喂食器、巢箱、以及其他为野鸟而设之人造物是安全的。

    Ensure that feeders , nest structures , and other artificial bird environments are safe .

  7. 人工巢箱作用下天然次生林繁殖鸟类的群落结构初步研究小鸟离开其巢去觅食。

    A Preliminary Study on the Structure of Breeding Birds Community under the Influence of Artificial Nest Boxes in the Secondary Forest ;

  8. 特别是同一巢箱,被红隼4年、7年利用,其繁殖成功率分别高达100%和85.71%。

    Especially the same nest box occupied four and seven years by kestrels , its success reproductive proportion is as much as 100 % and 85.71 % respectively .

  9. 红隼利用有同种繁殖后的巢箱、其他物种动物繁殖后的巢箱、无任何繁殖记录的巢箱繁殖,巢次分别是:47、12、39。

    So the kestrels use same reproductive nest boxes , other species of animal breeding nest boxes , without any breeding record nest box , nest used times is respectively 47 , 12 , 39 .

  10. 对于不同类型巢箱在不同类型样地、不同面积样地、不同悬挂方式和密度以及后续影响等方面尚需深入研究。

    The various artificial nest boxes still need in-depth study in these sides : in different types of sample plots , in different area of sample plots , being hung in different ways and density , subsequent influences , and so on .