
zī bǔ pǐn
  • tonic;restorative
  1. 那时候,古柯叶的萃取物与酒混合是一种常见的滋补品,而潘伯顿使用甜酒酿是一种规避当地法律棽售酒精饮料的方法。

    At the time , coca leaf extract mixed with wine was a common tonic , and Pemberton 's sweet brew was a way to get around local laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol .

  2. 这将作为老年人滋补品在市场上销售。

    It will be marketed as a tonic for the elderly .

  3. 海参(Seacucumber)是我国一种传统的海洋滋补品,富含多种生理活性成分,具有较高的食用和药用价值。

    Sea cucumber is a traditional costful tonic sea food in China , which contains multi-kinds of bioactive components .

  4. Logistic回归分析结果表明营养滋补品,成人洗漱护肤品,自觉课业负担沉重与儿童性早熟密切相关(P<0.01)。

    Logistic regression showed that nutritious and moisten products , skin care cosmetic for adult , over burdened homework had statistic significant differences among precocious puberty children ( P < 0.01 ) .

  5. 他是真的对herbalux消化滋补品很感兴趣。

    He was really into the herbalux digestive tonics .

  6. 蜂蜜是一种具有生物活性的天然营养滋补品及甜味剂。

    Honey is a natural sweet additive with nutrition and bioactivity .

  7. 推销员宣称他的滋补品将治愈所有的病。

    The salesman proclaimed that his tonic would cure all diseases .

  8. 任何滋补品都不要过量食用,枸杞也不例外。

    Any supplements don 't overdo , Chinese wolfberry is no exception .

  9. 16.2%生后服过滋补品。

    About 16.2 % babies surveyed took the nourishing complements after birth .

  10. 需不需要服用滋补品,

    When it comes to supplements , should you be taking them ?

  11. 蜂蜜是人们所喜爱的滋补品。

    Honey is a valuable nutrient loved by people .

  12. 促进健康恢复的药物、运动、滋补品。

    Restorative drugs , exercises , tonics .

  13. 蜂蜜是一种营养丰富的天然滋补品。

    Honey is a kind of invigorant which is rich in a lot of nutrition .

  14. 像人参、燕窝之类的中国滋补品对老人最合适。

    Chinese tonics such as ginseng or swallow nest are most suitable gifts for elderly people .

  15. 这种药能使你恢复健康。促进健康恢复的药物、运动、滋补品

    This medicine will help to get you on your feet restorative drugs , exercises , tonics

  16. 促进健康恢复的药物、运动、滋补品回春灵药,有助于恢复男子性功能。

    Restorative drugs , exercises , tonics This miraculous cure can help men resume their sexuality .

  17. 鱼肝油是一种滋补品。

    Codliver oil is a tonic .

  18. 除了直接吃,还可以把它们浸泡在米酒里,当作滋补品来卖。

    As well as being eaten , spiders are marinated in rice wine , which is sold as a healthy tonic .

  19. 还有一些月饼包装甚至会添加更昂贵的附属品,比如燕窝汤和健康滋补品。

    Some of the mooncake boxes even come with expensive add-ons , like bird 's nest drinks and health supplement items 。

  20. 结论营养滋补品,成人洗漱护肤品,自觉课业负担沉重在儿童性早熟发病中起着重要作用。

    Conclusion Nutritious and moisten products , skin care cosmetic for adult , over burdened homework play an important roles in precocious puberty .

  21. 这种食疗食品有滋补营养的效用。这将作为老年人滋补品在市场上销售。

    This sort of dietetic food has the effect of nourishing the human Body . It will be marketed as a tonic for the elderly .

  22. 但在父亲生日,特地从自己的伙食费中省出了五镑澳币,自海外邮寄给父亲,要给父亲买些滋补品吃用。

    But on father 's birthday , he managed to send a gift of5 Australian pounds from Australia for father to buy something he likes to eat .

  23. 海参是一种名贵的海洋滋补品,富含多种生物活性成分,具有较高的营养价值和药用价值。

    Sea cucumber is a valuable tonic sea food , which is rich in a variety of biological active ingredients with high nutritional value and medicinal value .

  24. 与进一步投资中国大豆生产相比,重新专注于更多高附加值产品,同时远离分析师们的关注,可能是更好的“滋补品”。

    Refocusing on more value added products , away from the full glare of analysts , may be a better tonic than further investment in Chinese soya production .

  25. 你还可以试试这些发质滋补品。在你洗完头发后用。它可以保持你头发整洁和轻盈。

    And you can try Vidal Sassoon 's hair tonic . It 's used after you wash your hair . It 'll keep your hair clean-looking and oil-free .

  26. 椰奶是一种营养价值很高的滋补品,海南海口罐头厂首创的“天然椰子汁”就是由椰奶加工而成的。

    The nutritional value of milk is a high tonic , Haikou , Hainan 's first canning factory " natural coconut juice " is formed by the milk processing .

  27. 劳累时,你要善待自己,睡个好觉或者吃点滋补品,对自己的健康和生活关心备至。

    in time of tiredness , do yourself a favor by getting a good sleep or taking some tonic . Show yourself loving concern about your health and daily life .

  28. 自17世纪茶被荷兰的商人引入之后,它就作为一种外来的奢侈品和健康的滋补品开始在英国流行开了。

    Tea has been finding its way to Britain since the17th century when it was introduced , originally by Dutch merchants , as an exotic luxury item and a health tonic .

  29. 先生,我除了觉得古怪的玻璃杯和两杯松子酒和滋补品无法抗拒之外,在工作中和工作以外的行为都是无可指责的。

    Sir , my behaviour both in and out of work has been irreproachable , apart only from the fact that I have found the odd glass or two of gin and tonic irresistible .

  30. 蜂蜜,一类最易同化的碳水化合物,是少见的易吸收,实际的且最有效地滋补品,它能够产生热量,创造或代替能量,并且能够形成一定的组织。

    HONEY , a most assimilable carbohydrate compound , is a singularly acceptable , practical and most effective aliment to generate heat , create and replace energy , and furthermore , to form certain tissues .