
  • 网络Screen ratio;aspect ratio;Screen proportion
  1. 这样就可以使用一个常规屏幕比例的显示器来同时供多位玩家同时游戏了。

    Therefore , one display with conventional screen ratio can be used for playing the games simultaneously for a plurality of players .

  2. 在本届消费电子展上,LG还将展出一款105英寸的曲面超高清电视,分别率5120x2160,屏幕比例21:9,给用户带来超大超宽的屏幕体验。

    On top of the 77-inch OLED TV , LG will also exhibit a 105-inch curved Ultra HD television with a resolution of 5120 x 2160 pixels and feature a 21:9 aspect ratio , giving the insanely large display an extra-wide feel .

  3. 此外有推测称,苹果会抛弃16:9的屏幕比例。

    It is also speculated that Apple could move away from the 16:9 display ratio .

  4. 我评判一款手机最重要的标准是:手机外壳和屏幕的比例。

    One major criteria I use when evaluating phones is the amount of chrome , or frame on a mobile device .

  5. 众多研究表明,人群中晕屏幕者的比例高达50%到80%,具体取决于数码内容的保真度及其呈现方式。

    Various studies indicate it can affect 50 percent to 80 percent of people , depending on the fidelity of the digital content and how it is presented .

  6. 如果屏幕不符合标准比例,则全屏播放视频时,就会产生失真现象。

    It will be distortion , if the screen does not meet the standard ratios in a full-screen play .