
  • 网络pingnan county
  1. 2001~2004年屏南县部分1~2岁儿童乙型肝炎疫苗接种情况分析

    Analysis on Hepatitis B Vaccination of Children in Pingnan County from 2001 to 2004

  2. 屏南县发展高山反季节蔬菜业的条件及对策

    Conditions and Countermeasures for developing inverted season vegetable industry at upland in Pingnan County Fujian Province

  3. 梅花地村地处闽东山区屏南、古田两县交界处,特殊的山地地形,使这里的人们至今保持着传统的手工稻作生产方式和古朴的中秋习俗。

    The especial hilly terrain makes people here hold traditional handiwork in their rice planting and of primitive simplicity mid-autumn habitude as well .