
pínɡ mù chǐ cùn
  • screen size
  1. 在开发应用程序并以诸如Android这类移动设备为目标时,一定要考虑屏幕尺寸、形态系数以及分辨率方面的潜在多样性。

    This potential variability in screen size , form factor , and resolution is something to keep in mind as you develop your applications and target mobile devices like Android .

  2. 本文以3D视频显示屏幕尺寸变化对人眼感知到的景深的影响为切入点,研究了3D视频后处理中的若干问题,如视差图的获取和视点合成等。

    In this paper , 3D video post-processing technologies , such as disparity map computation , view synthesis , and so on , are researched based on the discussion about the impact of display screen size changing on objects ' depth perceived by human eyes .

  3. 另一个常见组是display,如清单4所示,提供关于设备屏幕尺寸和分辨率的详细信息。

    Another commonly found group is display , shown in Listing 4 , which provides details about the device 's screen dimensions and resolution .

  4. 苹果当前的iPad屏幕尺寸分别为7.9英寸及9.7英寸两款。

    Apple 's current iPads come with 7.9-inch or 9.7-inch displays .

  5. 目前的iPhone5S的屏幕尺寸为4.9英寸。

    Currently iPhone 5s models have a 4.9-inch screen .

  6. GalaxyNoteII屏幕尺寸更大,为5.5英寸,用户可以使用一种特制的笔在屏幕上进行书写并浏览互联网。

    The Galaxy Note II has a larger 5.5-inch screen and allows users to use a pen to write and browse the Internet .

  7. 名为GalaxyNote的这款手机屏幕尺寸为5.3英寸,一推出便遭致稍显疯狂的批评。

    With a screen measuring 5.3 inches diagonally , the device , the Galaxy Note , was met with instant and slightly unhinged criticism .

  8. Home键被移除将使得这款平板的屏幕尺寸和目前9.7寸的iPadPro相同。

    Removing the home button will make space for a larger screen on the tablet that is likely to be the same size as the current 9.7-inch iPad Pro .

  9. 三星GalaxyTab是此榜单中三个屏幕尺寸为7英寸中的一款,相当于一本平装书籍的大小。

    The Samsung Galaxy Tab is one of three entries on this list with a7-inch screen – about the size of a paperback novel .

  10. 注意:本文假设服务器上运行着RedHatLinux且监视器屏幕尺寸为1024x768。

    Note : This article assumes that the server is running Red Hat Linux and that your monitor 's screen dimensions are1024 x768 .

  11. 苹果公司很可能继续延续去年发布的屏幕尺寸版本:一款4.8英寸,同时发布一版5.5英寸屏幕的iPhone。

    Apple is expected to stick with the same screen sizes introduced last year -- one iPhone with a 4.8-inch screen and a larger edition with a 5.5-inch display .

  12. 如今的平板电脑渐趋小巧,华为这款产品的屏幕尺寸已逼近小型平板电脑,例如谷歌公司(GoogleInc.)出品的七英寸Nexus等。

    As tablet computers get smaller , the Huawei device also is creeping close to the display size of small tablets such as Google Inc. 's 7-inch Nexus .

  13. 精通机海战术的三星凭借着众多款采用塑料外壳的超薄智能手机一飞冲天,这家公司要想发布不同价位、不同屏幕尺寸和硬件配置的FacebookHome手机简直小菜一碟。

    Samsung , which soared on the sheer , plastic backs of many , many different smartphone models , could release multiple Facebook home devices at different price points , with different screen sizes and hardware specifications , no sweat .

  14. 本周二,苹果公司(Apple)推出了iPadAir。这是一款经过全新设计的全尺寸平板,屏幕尺寸为9.7英寸。它的设计灵感来自iPadMini,这一点主要体现在钻石切割的斜边和更窄的竖边框上。

    This Tuesday , Apple ( AAPL ) introduced the iPad Air , a redesigned full-sized tablet with 9.7-inch display that takes design cues from the iPad Mini , including diamond-cut chamfered edges and thinner vertical borders .

  15. 据Digitimes的消息,更大尺寸的iPhone6将采用“台积电(TSMC)生产的20纳米处理器”。此前曾有报道称,新款iPhone的屏幕尺寸将和三星Galaxy4的屏幕一般大小(不到5英寸)。

    Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company ( TSMC ) . " Previous reports have pegged the screen size at just under the 5 inches of Samsung 's Galaxy 4 .

  16. 苹果公司上一次升级屏幕尺寸还是在2014年推出4.7寸的iPhone6和5.5寸的iPhone6Plus时。

    The last time Apple saw a large jump in iPhone sales was when it introduced a big jump in screen sizes with the ( 4.7-inch ) iPhone 6 and the ( 5.5-inch ) iPhone 6 Plus in 2014 .

  17. 由于目前的网络资源是专为PC端的使用而设计,移动终端的屏幕尺寸、分辨率以及应用环境各不相同,如果移动设备直接访问,效果不理想,难以正常显示网页内容。

    Due to the most of Internet resources is used for the PC currently , the effect is not ideal by using mobile terminal directly , it is difficult to display properly Webpage content , affected by the screen size , resolution and application environment .

  18. GalaxyNoteII屏幕尺寸更大,为5.5英寸,用户可以使用一种特制的笔在屏幕上进行书写并浏览互联网。自第一代GalaxyNote上市以来,三星说其销量已经超过1000万部。

    The Galaxy Note II has a larger 5.5-inch screen and allows users to use a pen to write and browse the Internet . Since the launch of the first model , Samsung said it has sold more than 10 million units .

  19. 鲍尔默会扩展iPad产品线,推出多种屏幕尺寸、各种价位的版本,他还将争取让全世界每一个学区将该产品标准化,而且态度将远比现在的苹果要积极。

    Ballmer would expand the iPad range to multiple screen sizes and price points , and would push for every school district in the world to standardize on them , far more aggressively than apple is today .

  20. 除了大屏幕尺寸之外&虽然我们也认为这一点使三星在面对苹果时更具优势,我们认为,S4的许多功能很容易就能复制。

    Aside from the large screen size , which we believe gives Samsung a large advantage over apple , we believe many of the features can easily be replicated .

  21. 行业观察人士已表示,增大目前仅仅4英寸的iPhone屏幕尺寸,有助于苹果夺回被三星电子等对手侵蚀的市场份额。三星等智能机制造商此前已经满足了消费者对于更大屏幕尺寸的需求。

    Industry watchers have said increasing the iPhone 's screen size from 4 inches would help Apple regain market share from competitors such as Samsung Electronics Co Ltd , who they say have responded to consumer desire for more screen size .

  22. 预计苹果将调整手机的外形,略微增加屏幕尺寸,改变手机外壳。新手机将兼容无线网络运营商速度最快的LTE网络,并安装新的手机操作系统iOS6。

    Apple is expected to tweak the smartphone 's shape with a slightly larger screen and a different shell , and it will work with wireless carriers ' fastest LTE networks and run new mobile software .

  23. 如果你坐着在桌前使用iPad的时候更多,并且有机会在桌上找个地方支撑iPad,那么我推荐屏幕尺寸更大的、续航时间更长的,也就是iPadAir。

    If your iPad is going to be used more at a desk , while sitting down , and where you have a chance to rest it somewhere , then I would go for the physically larger screen and longer battery life . Which means the iPad Air .

  24. 针对目前WAP增值业务中图片无法有效适配手机的问题,分析了WAP增值业务中图片处理常用的两种解决方案,提出了根据手机不同屏幕尺寸和支持不同图片格式进行图片处理方案。

    According to the question that picture cannot suit mobile telephone in the WAP value-added service , two solutions of processing picture are analyzed and the solution of adapting to various mobile phone screen sizes and supporting different picture formats is adopted .

  25. 这款触摸屏电脑的最大屏幕尺寸可能为10英寸,将像iPodTouch一样与互联网连接。它可能不具备手机功能,但可以连接互联网以及苹果的软件和娱乐在线商店。

    The touch-sensitive computer will have a screen that may be up to 10 inches diagonally . It will connect to the internet like the iPod Touch probably without phone capability but with access to the web , and to Apple 's online stores for software and entertainment .

  26. Holocube公司并没有透露这类产品何时才能上市,不过他们表示正在开发一种屏幕尺寸为42寸的全息立体显示器。

    A timetable for its release wasn 't given , but Holocube is developing a42-inch non-touch version of its holographic display .

  27. 这款手机的屏幕尺寸达到了5.7英寸(又是超大屏幕),使用的材料是有超高分辨率的有源矩阵发光二极管面板,其他硬件还包括1200万像素的摄像头,3GB的随机存取存储器和高通Snapdragon810处理器。

    Those specs include an excellent ( and extra-large ) 5.7-inch very-high-resolution AMOLED display , a good 12-megapixel camera , 3GB of RAM , and a Qualcomm Snapdragon 810 processor .

  28. 屏幕尺寸有大小,看你要哪一种。

    Screens will vary in size depending upon what one wants .

  29. 我们今天使用的实际移动屏幕尺寸是320x480。

    The de-facto mobile screen size in use today is320x480 .

  30. 这款屏幕尺寸为5.3英寸的机型的最大卖点在于其模块化的手机结构。

    The killer feature for the 5.3-inch phone is modularity .