
guān jiàn
  • key;crux;linchpin;hinge
关键 [guān jiàn]
  • (1) [hinge]∶本为门闩或关闭门户的横木

  • (2) [key]∶比喻事物最关紧要的部分;对情况起决定作用的因素

  • 而我们现在有一部分同志对于文艺为什么人的问题不能正确解决的关键,正在这里。--《我们的文艺是为什么人的?》

关键[guān jiàn]
  1. CAD/CAPP集成的关键在于信息的集成,即实现CAD、CAPP系统之间信息的共享,CAPP系统可以把CAD系统的输出作为输入。

    The hinge of CAD / CAPP integration is the integration of information which is to realize information share between CAD system .

  2. ATM是面向连接的技术,实现组播通信/广播通信是ATM交换机优越于现有STM交换机的重大体现,也是ATM技术能否在现有网络基础上普遍应用的关键。

    ATM is orient-connect technology , realizing multicast / broadcast is important embodiment that ATM exchange is better than STM exchange , and is also hinge that whether ATM technology can apply at large in base of now networks .

  3. 泄漏究竟是怎么造成的,这一关键问题仍未得到答案。

    The key question of what caused the leak remains unanswered .

  4. 运用新技术是我们策略的关键。

    The use of new technology is core to our strategy .

  5. 今后几个星期是关键。

    The next few weeks are going to be crucial .

  6. 在那次战争中,马耳他的战略意义至为关键。

    Malta was of vital strategic importance during the war .

  7. 警方被指隐瞒关键证据。

    The police were accused of suppressing vital evidence .

  8. 他是这场运动的关键人物。

    He was a key figure in the campaign .

  9. 城内停车场虽少,但都设在关键地方。

    The parking areas in the town are few , but strategically placed .

  10. 最关键的是不要让液体过热。

    It 's vital not to overheat the liquid .

  11. 他们决定在某些关键职位上聘任外来人员。

    They have decided to hire outsiders for some of the key positions .

  12. 这位汽车司机很可能掌握破获这一罪案的关键证据。

    The driver of the car probably holds the key to solving the crime .

  13. 战斗已到了关键时刻。

    The battle had reached a crucial juncture .

  14. 我拿不准到了关键时刻我会干出些什么事来。

    I 'm not sure what I 'll do when the chips are down .

  15. 良好的沟通是我们成功的关键。

    Good communication is key to our success .

  16. 这是公司盛衰的关键时刻。

    It 's make-or-break time for the company .

  17. 她认识所有那些关键人物。

    She knows all the right people .

  18. 成功的关键是准备。

    The key to success is preparation .

  19. 我认为我们还没有触及问题的关键。

    I did not feel that we had got to the heart of the matter .

  20. 关键在于联邦政府对通货膨胀率的控制能维持多久?

    The key is , how long can the federal government control the inflation rate ?

  21. 要想生意兴旺,勤奋工作是关键。

    Hard work is the name of the game if you want to succeed in business .

  22. 刚讲的这一点是关键的。

    This last point is crucial .

  23. 关键是不该等那么长时间才看病。

    The point is you shouldn 't have to wait so long to see a doctor .

  24. 阅读行为中关键在于对语言的理解。

    Language interpretation is the whole point of the act of reading

  25. 他将成为审判的关键证人。

    He is expected to be the key witness at the trial

  26. 列出关键标题并按逻辑顺序排列。

    List the key headings and sort them into a logical order

  27. 关键证据由于一时的疏忽而丢失了。

    Vital evidence had been lost through a moment 's inattention .

  28. 成功的关键在于从一开始就要准备充分。

    The key to success is to be ready from the start

  29. 他在最后的三洞中完成了两个非常关键的击球入洞。

    He sank two crucial putts in the last three holes .

  30. 关键时刻,她总是很坚强。

    When the chips are down , she 's very tough .