
  • 网络critical component;key part;key component
  1. 逻辑控制器DLC是系统的关键部件,必须保证可靠工作。

    DLC is the most critical component in the system .

  2. 以水平定向钻机的关键部件大梁为对象,通过Pro/E建立其三维实体模型,在此基础上建立了相应的有限元模型,运用ANSYS有限元软件对大梁进行了模态分析。

    It builds the model of the main beam in the critical component of horizontal directional driller by PRO / E software . With the help of ANSYS , it analyzes the modal of this main beam .

  3. 液体分布器是降膜式蒸发器的关键部件。

    Liquid distributor is the key part of falling-film evaporator .

  4. 运用ANSYS软件,对机构关键部件进行了强度校核。

    The strength of key components is checked by using ANSYS .

  5. 本文综述了HAT循环的关键部件饱和器的研究概况,指出了目前饱和器研究的一些成果和今后研究的重点。

    This thesis summarizes the findings on saturator and research emphasis in the future .

  6. 宽带I/Q正交解调器是高分辨率SAR系统的关键部件之一。

    The wideband I / Q demodulator is one of the key devices for high-resolution SAR system .

  7. 天线是WLAN系统的关键部件。

    Antenna is an important part of WLAN system .

  8. 利用Web技术,设计并实现了基于Web的作业处理系统,本文阐述了该系统的主要功能及关键部件的设计方法。

    A paper-handle system based on Web has been developed by ASP techniques . The main function and design method of key components are also explained in this paper .

  9. 工业以太网技术的发展需要有性能稳定、技术成熟的工业级嵌入式以太网络接口来支持,它是嵌入式系统和Internet相连的关键部件。

    The development of Industry Ethernet Network needs a stable capability and sophisticated technique industrial embedded Ethernet interface which is key part of the embedded system connecting to Internet .

  10. 饱各器是HAT循环中的关键部件,对其性能的认识关系到整个系统的性能分析。

    Saturator is the key component in HAT cycle and its performance strongly influence on the whole HAT system performance .

  11. 给出了CCD组件的热响应性能、组件中关键部件的稳态温度分布云图以及随时间变化的瞬态温度曲线。

    Based on the given temperature boundary condition , the thermal analysis of CCD component on steady and transient states was carried out .

  12. 接着对单目视觉测量系统实现的关键部件(例如镜头、CCD、图像采集卡等)的选用原则进行分析。

    The key part of the measurement such as lens , CCD vidicon and image gathering module card is dissertated in this thesis .

  13. HAT循环是极具发展前途的先进热力循环,其中的增湿饱和器是系统的关键部件。

    The HAT cycle is a promising advanced power generation system and the humidifier in the system is a key component .

  14. 由于FPGA可以现场可编程,可以实现专用集成电路,能满足片上系统设计(SOC)的要求,使其日益成为系统的关键部件。

    FPGA is a programmable ASIC hardware adopted recently , and can realize special integrate circuit and has become the key parts .

  15. 压控振荡器(VCO)是电子设备中的关键部件。

    Voltage controlled oscillator ( VCO ) is a key component of modern electronic equipments .

  16. 这使得作为RFID系统关键部件的天线设计和研究变得非常重要和迫切。

    As a vital and integral part of the system , RFID antennas have attracted much attention , and the design is very urgent and significant .

  17. 相变材料(PCM)容器是空间太阳能动力装置吸热&储热器的关键部件。

    Container of Phase Change Material ( PCM ) is a key part of heat receiver in space solar dynamic power system .

  18. 并初步显现出其可靠,精确的优越性,因此本文针对地锚的关键部件锚爪借助ANSYSLS/DYNA进行了仿真分析和研究。

    And the preliminary show its reliable , accurate superiority , so this paper key components of the anchor claw uplift with ANSYS LS / DYNA simulation analysis and research .

  19. 时间-数字变换器(TDC)则是实现高分辨率时间间隔测量的关键部件。

    The Time-to-Digital Converter is the central component which can make a time interval measurement with high-resolution .

  20. 4L空气压缩机无油润滑关键部件改造设计

    Improvement of Key Parts of 4L Air Compressor Without Oil Lubrication

  21. EAST真空室作为超高真空压力容器是EAST超导托卡马克核聚变实验装置的关键部件之一,是等离子体放电的直接场所,其获得的真空度质量直接影响装置运行时等离子体的各项基本物理参数。

    The vacuum vessel as an ultrahigh vacuum pressure vessel is one of the important components of the EAST device , providing high quality vacuum conditions for the plasma discharge , which will affect greatly all kinds of plasma parameter .

  22. 本文介绍下一代数字波束形成(DBF)雷达的关键部件&DBF接收机组件。

    DBF receiver module , the key component of future digital beamforming ( DBF ) radar , is introduced in this paper .

  23. 对影响装配质量的关键部件车门的加上质量进行了详细的统计分析,分析了安装密封条前后车门外板在X向和Y向的变形情况。

    Detail statistical analyses of manufacturing quality of doors have been done , which has crucial effect on as-sembling quality . Deformations in X and Y direction of outer panels of doors after sealing strips fitted are analyzed .

  24. 介绍了300km/h万向轴式高速动车转向架研究中的关键部件&三爪球销式万向轴的结构设计及强度分析。

    This paper introduces the structure and strength analysis of the cardan shaft with triple shafts , which is an important part of the high speed bogie .

  25. 近年来广泛应用的RFID技术及其关键部件&射频天线,由于RFID卡尺寸的限制,RFID射频天线的小型化势在必行。

    The RFID technology that are applied widely and its key part-RF antenna , because of small size of an RF antenna , it is of great importance to restrict the size of RF tag .

  26. 给出了IPSpoof判定方法、检测系统的关键部件Monitor的设计,并给出了数据采集模块的实现。

    The determination method of IP spoof and the design of the monitor , which is a key component of the system , are presented . The implementation of data capture model is also presented .

  27. 锁相环(PLL)频率合成器是无线收发器中的关键部件之一,作为本地振荡器,用来实现变频和信道选择。

    The phase-locked loop ( PLL ) frequency synthesizer , one of the key blocks of wireless transceivers , is used as a local oscillator for frequency translation and channel selection .

  28. 最后研究了多连接服务平台关键部件VoIP网关和IVR平台的设计与实现。

    And then the system structure of multi-connection service center platform is put forward . At last , How to realize VoIP gateway and IVR platform is described .

  29. 双极板是质子交换膜燃料电池(PEMFC)的关键部件之一,其制作成本和性能直接影响着PEMFC的商业化和性能。

    Bipolar plate is one of the critical components of proton exchange membrane fuel cell ( PEMFC ), which influences not only the performance but also the cost of the stack .

  30. 对弧焊机器人的故障树进行Monte-Carlo仿真研究,求解顶事件发生概率,与关键部件的概率重要度和结构重要度。

    Next , the researcher carries out the Monte-Carlo simulation of fault tree of arc welding robot , probability of occurrence of top event , and probability importance and structural importance of key component .