
  • 网络KANSAI ELECTRIC POWER;Kansai Electric Power Co;KEPCO
  1. 上周四,经济产业大臣枝野幸男(yukioedano)要求地方电力企业关西电力(kansaielectricpower)为可能的轮流断电做好准备。

    On Thursday , Yukio Edano , industry minister , told local utility Kansai Electric Power to plan for possible rolling blackouts .

  2. 周二发布的裁决涉及的发电站为关西电力公司(KansaiElectricPowerCo.)所有。该公司的服务范围是日本西部的一个带状区域,包括大都市大阪。

    The Kansai Electric Power Co. , which owns the plant at the heart of the ruling issued Tuesday , serves a swath of western Japan that includes the metropolis of Osaka .

  3. 关西电力(kepco)是日本西部地区(包括福井在内)大部分核设施的运营商,目前该公司在大饭核电站开展的压力测试已获得国家监管部门的部分认可。

    Kansai Electric Power ( KEPCO ) , operator of most of the atomic facilities in western Japan , including Fukui , has won a partial endorsement from regulators in Tokyo of its stress tests at OI .

  4. 日本关西电力公司的高级配电自动化系统

    An Advanced Distribution Automation System in Japan 's Kansai Electric Power Co

  5. 这水坝上世纪由关西电力公司为应付关西一带大量的用电量所建地。

    Built in the1950s by Kansai Electric Company to cope with the increasing need for the post-war western part of Japan .

  6. 关西电力公司称将上诉,但专家表示,该公司的计划可能会被推迟数月乃至数年。

    While Kansai Electric said it would appeal , experts said its plans could be delayed by months or even years .

  7. 关西电力公司在配电系统引入IT技术的思路对我国供电部门很有借鉴意义。

    Kansai EP ? methodologies and experiences of the introduction of IT into the ADAS canbe a good reference for constructions of ADASs with IT in China .

  8. 两年多前新规引入后,关西电力公司本想让福井的反应堆成为全国首批恢复运行的反应堆。

    Kansai Electric had intended the reactors in Fukui to be among the first in the country to be returned to service after the introduction of the new rules more than two years ago .