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Guān yǔ
  • Guan Yu;general allied to Liu Bei, deified as God of War
关羽 [guān yǔ]
  • [Guan Yu] (?-219) 三国蜀汉大将。字云长。河东解县(今山西运城县解州镇)人。东汉末从刘备起兵,并与刘备及张飞在桃园结义。刘备为曹操所败,他被俘后,虽颇受操厚待,并封为汉寿亭侯,然仍归返刘备。214 年(献宗建安十九年)镇守荆州。219 年(献宗建安二十四年)围攻曹操部将曹仁于樊城。又大破于禁所率七军。以后荆州空虚,被孙权袭取荆州,他兵败被俘遇害。其忠、义操行被封建统治者所渲染,并加以神化,尊之为关公、关帝。今华北不少地区广大农村中都建有关帝庙,俗称关老爷庙

  1. 关羽不但拒绝,还侮辱了孙权。

    Guan Yu not only refused but also insulted sun quan .

  2. 关羽:我喜欢这把青龙偃月刀。

    Guan yu : I prefer this green dragon crescent moon blade .

  3. 交谈中得知,此人名关羽。

    They learned that the man was named Guan yu .

  4. 因为它是武圣人关羽的陵墓。

    Because it is the graveyard of general Guan yu .

  5. 关羽决心攻下樊城,不肯退。

    Determined to take over Fancheng City , Guan refused to retreat .

  6. 有人向关羽报告,吴国有船队过。

    Guan Yu was informed that a fleet was coming from wu .

  7. 刘备和关羽都说:“真是太好了”。

    " A great idea !" agreed Liu Bei and Guan yu .

  8. 于是,孙权处死了关羽父子。

    So Sun Quan had Guan Yu and his son put to death .

  9. 关羽笑着说:“不用捆。”

    Guan laughingly said ," That 's necessary . "

  10. 关羽一怒之下,把虎员外杀了,逃亡他乡。

    Deeply enraged , Guan Yu killed the despot and fled the town .

  11. 镜像关系:魏延与关羽

    The Mirror-image Relation between Wei Yan and Guan Yu

  12. 关羽为何要发动襄樊战役?

    Why did Guan Yu launch the Xiangfan campaign ?

  13. 他很敬佩关羽,听说关羽受伤,特地赶来为他治伤。

    Hua Tuo admired Guan Yu and had come especially to treat him .

  14. 在场的人吓得用手捂着眼。再看关羽,一边喝酒,一边下棋。

    Everyone present covered his eyes while Guan continued drinking and playing chess .

  15. 神灵的纪念与丰碑&碑记楹联中的关羽形象小说歌颂了主人公对旧社会的反抗精神。

    The novel praises the rebel spirit of the hero against the old society .

  16. 关羽、庞德大战百余回合,不分胜负。

    Guan and Pang fought over one hundred rounds with neither gaining an advantage .

  17. 关羽、张飞无话,冷笑着走了。

    Guan and Zhang had nothing more to say , But they walked away sneeringly .

  18. 原来这个人就是关羽。

    The man was named Guan Yu .

  19. 南北融合与关羽形象的演变

    The Merge of Northern and Southern Cultures and the Development of the Image of Guan Yu

  20. 元明民间叙事文本中关羽的另类形象

    An Idiosyncratic Image of Guan Yu in the Folklore of the Yuan and the Ming Dynasty

  21. 但是关羽始终以义气为重,对刘备忠贞不渝。

    But Guan Yu remained unmoved , putting his loyalty to Liu Bei before all else .

  22. 《关帝历代显圣志传》中的关羽形象与叙事策略

    The Image of Guan Yu and the Narrative Tactics in Biography of Emperor Kuan in Successive Dynasties

  23. 关羽派手下回蜀国求助,但是好几次都没有冲出去。

    Guan Yu sent soldiers to Shu to ask for help , but they failed to arrive .

  24. 刘备就让关羽和张飞守在门口,自己站在床边等他醒来。

    Liu let Guan and Zhang stand at the door , and he stood by the bed .

  25. 宋元文学艺术与关羽信仰的形成

    On the Literature and Art of the Song & Yuan Dynasties and the Formation of Belief in Guan Yu

  26. 关林庙是关羽的三个纪念庙宇之一。

    The " Forest of Guan Yu " is one of the three major memorial temples of Lord Guan .

  27. 当关羽提华雄人头进帐时,那杯酒还微微烫手。

    When Guan Yu returned with Hua Xiong 's head , the wine in the cup was still warm .

  28. 关羽给刘备使眼色,刘备会意,起身告辞。

    Lord Guan eyed Liu Bei , who sensed his brother 's intent and rose to bid Zhou Yu farewell .

  29. 将士们见关羽箭伤逐渐加重,便派人四处打听名医。

    Seeing Guan 's wound getting worse day by day , they sent out scouts to look for famous doctors .

  30. 又过了几天,关羽不顾手下的劝阻,决定带兵冲出去。

    Many days later , Guan Yu decided to make a break for it , despite his counselor 's advice .