
  • 网络aesthetics
  1. 但中国马克思主义关学注重美学的科学性,而忽略它的意识形态性;

    Chinese Marxist aesthetics attaches much importance to the scientific nature of aesthetics , but it ignores its ideological character .

  2. 亚里士多德的“卡塔西斯”论是西方文艺理论和西方关学的标点性内容,影响到西方戏剧乃至其他文体。

    Affecting the western drama and other styles , Aristotle 's Katharsis theory is a remarkable content of western literary theory and western aesthetics .

  3. 李柏是明清之际关学的领军人物之一,他和李颙、李因笃并称关中三李。

    Li Bai , Li Yong and Li Yindu called Guanzhong 3 Li .

  4. 本章重点论述关学与关中书院的关系以及关中书院中重要的教育家。

    This chapter focuses on relevant learning and relations and the representative educators .

  5. 张载关学包含着丰富的生态哲学思想。

    Zhang Zai 's school of Guanzhong contains a rich doctrine of ecological philosophy .

  6. 作为重要地域文化的关学在交流互动过程中,影响了一大批士人,推动了关学与其他地区的学术交流与发展。

    Impelled the academics of Guanzhong area and other local academic exchanges and the development .

  7. 本文就摄影与意境、意境的构成因素,意境的关学特征,以及摄影意境的创造等问题进行了探讨。

    It made an inquiry into the constitution , aesthetics characteristic and creation of photograph artistic conception .

  8. 肯定美学并非一个新的关学分支或研究趋向,而是一种欣赏态度。

    Positive aesthetics is not a new branch of aesthetics , but a mode of appreciation of nature .

  9. 关学于明代进入变异和中兴阶段,呈现出多元化特色。

    Guanzhong Li study entered the phase of variation and revival and presented the pluralistic characteristic in Song Dynasty .

  10. 摘要中西美学观的主要差异是中国美学讲究“含蓄”,而西方关学崇尚“外显”。

    The main discrepancy between Chinese and Western aesthetics refers to " implicitness " in Chinese aesthetics and " explicitness " in western aesthetics .

  11. 包装设计文化的民族性主要表现在包装设计关学结构的观念层面上,它反映了整个民族的心理共性。

    Packaging design cultural identity is mainly manifested in the structure of the packaging design aesthetic concept level , it reflects the whole nation psychological commonalities .

  12. 关学与洛学是理学创立时期的两大重要学派,但是它们之间的关系却一直是理学研究中的薄弱环节。

    Guan School and Luo School are two major Schools in Neo-Confucianism found period . But the relationship between them is the weak link in the Neo-Confucianism study .

  13. 对叙述者主体的模糊化和空缺处理正是与环境达成沟通与认同,使得人类主体隐匿于自然之后,并进而创造一种独特的关学力量。

    Blurring the narrator is an effort to communicate and identify with the environment , making the human body hidden behind the nature , therefore creating a unique aesthetic power .

  14. 高师关学课不应仅仅是一门以传授书本知识和课堂讲授为主的理论课,还应是一门能够承载多种文化、实现个人知识能力整合的综合性课程。

    The aesthetic lesson in normal university is not only just the classroom-based theory lesson , but also is able to integrate a variety of culture , personal knowledge and ability .

  15. 张载关学与韩国南冥学研究的新进展&关学·南冥学与东亚文明国际学术研讨会综述

    The Latest Progress in Studies on Theory of ZHANG Zai and NAN Min & A Summary of the International Academic Seminar of Guan Xue , Nan Min Xue and East Asia Civilization

  16. 多元化的后现代戏剧格局增添了理解的难度,但后现代戏剧仍具有自身的一些基本的关学特征:追求空间化,轻文字语言、重舞台语汇等。

    The pluralized postmodern culture has gestated various forms of postmodern drama which has gradually formed its basic aesthetical features such as the pursuit of space , attaching greater importance to stage vocabulary than verbal language .

  17. 文章探讨后现代关学对一元论审美真理理论的质疑及其差异性审美真理立场,并对此进行理论反思。

    This paper discusses postmodern aesthetics ' query to the theory of monistic aesthetic truth , the position of differential aesthetic truth of postmodern aesthetics , and then makes theoretical reflections on the position of differential aesthetic truth .

  18. 本文运用了校园规划设计、城市空间设计、环境与行为心理学、景观学、生态学、关学等理论,对校园景观进行了深入的分析,提出营造校园特色景观的原则和方法。

    This article exerts campus program design 、 urban space design 、 environment and behavior psychology 、 landscape gardening 、 ecology and aesthetics to deeply and thoroughly analyses the campus landscape , and comes up with the principles and methods as to constructing unique campus landscape .

  19. 但由于关学史上的很多文献资料未被四库全书收录,所以文献的保存、传播和整理相对滞后。同时一些有价值有特色的学者更是被研究者忽视和遗忘。

    But , the documents and materials included in the " Si Ku Quan Shu " are limited , so the work of document preservation , propagation and processing is relatively backward . At the same time , some valuable scholars are neglected by the researchers .

  20. 家兔急性尿路感染模型的建立及三叶木通、关木通药效学比较研究

    Establishment of Acute Urinary Tract Infection Model in Rabbit and Comparison Study on Pharmacodynamics of Akebiae Trifoliate and Aristolochia Manshuriensis

  21. 主动学习者既关起门来学又敞开门来学。他们通过社交活动来学习。

    Active learners do their learning both behind a closed door and with their door widely open & they also learn through social activities .